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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Nothing better than the ends of a good loaf of French or Italian bread.
  2. Does his fame come from his family?
  3. Well, I had the wrong guy in mind, which is even funnier. I got the clue but in reality didn't pay attention to "the doctor." After you said who it was it occurred to me, damn pay attention. I thought it was Boris Karloff.
  4. I never thought of him as English. I thought of him as Not American. Maybe the parts he played made me think he was not English. BTW, you give great clues, I really like them. I had to go back to see if you were the one giving clues for "Girl, dead" about 10 pages back. When I asked if she was American you answered North American. I racked my brain for a half hour thinking Canadian or Mexican. I did Canadian first and couldn't come up with a single thought. Thought about Mexican for 10 seconds and figured I know no one. So I started thinking North American could mean before America, and that lead to only two possibilities. I didn't feel like giving clues so I asked "Native American" to make sure I had it correct. The subtlety of "North American" was just so good. Same with this person but maybe a little less subtle.
  5. I believe I know who it is. Your clues have been sneakily good. So I will ask, I think most don't think of him as an English actor?
  6. Did this guy play a German Nazi in one or more movies?
  7. I see a face but can't recall his name. It may not be him. Taking a break to let the sub-conscience work on it. The game is better with more players.
  8. I have no idea of that honor. The first guy I thought of may be in the running yet but I really only think of him has being the primary character in a long running movie series. So since you started this thread, I have been running a line from a Kinks song through my head. I am a big Kinks fan. So if it is not this guy, I think it is someone like him. Here is the line. "If you covered him with garbageGeorge Sanders would still have style"
  9. I had someone in mind but the 3 characters has thrown me off. Was he knighted?
  10. Was he in a series of movies with the same character?
  11. I like long shots, so I will go with James Mason.
  12. When you go to the foul line, what is that called? Sometimes clues are tough. I couldn't say Buffalo related because he was at Niagara. Courier defined the time. Calvin is the man. Better yet, I can go to bed. Your up.
  13. I think the answer better than the one I gave is he is related to WNY.
  14. Yes A good look at the clues would reveal there are not many that meet the criteria.
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