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Posts posted by loyal2dagame

  1. Why would you ask a stupid question like that? This isn't a hypothetical situation. It has specific context.


    They were right in the hospital parking lot. Maybe the officer could have escorted Moat, and his family, into the hospital and checked on the situation, himself. Protect and Serve!


    And, the very fact that the cops ass is sitting on administrative leave, and his superiors say they are "embarrassed" by his behavior, suggests you are the one out of touch, in this instance.



    i think you are misunderstanding my initial post. my comments were directed not at the incident directly, but at the article written by florio being out of touch with reality.

  2. Florio over at PFT has a good take on this:


    Report: Powell Drew Gun On Moats’ Wife

    Posted by Mike Florio on March 26, 2009, 5:36 p.m.

    Lost in the brouhaha that has erupted regarding the shameful (in our opinion) incident that unfolded between Dallas police officer Robert Powell and Texans running back Ryan Moats is a report that Powell drew his gun on Moats’ wife.


    Apparently, the weapon was pulled at the outset of the confrontation, when Moats’ wife tried to rush inside the nearby hospital.


    “Get in there,” Powell said. “Let me see your hands. Get in there. Put your hands on the car.”


    It should have been obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense that a car with its hazard lights flashing that ran a red light and stopped in the parking lot of a hospital contains people who for whatever reason need to get inside said hospital.


    This isn’t about Powell’s subsequent perception, right or wrong, that Moats had a bad attitude. From the moment Powell got out of the car, he was wired for a confrontation. Otherwise, he would have let Moats’ wife head to the hospital without incident.


    The fact that Powell opted not to shoot her when she decided to ignore him proves that Powell knew what was happening. And yet he still opted to act like a royal ass.


    We realize some are concerned that criticism of police officers might undermine their ability to perform their jobs effectively. We prefer to believe that criticism of those in authority is appropriate, when deserved. Otherwise, Powell and people like him will continue to make the darkest moments of people’s lives unnecessarily darker.



    Mike Florio is way off on this and the bold part of the quote. he must not have family or close friends that are police officers.

    "The fact that Powell opted not to shoot her when she decided to ignore him proves that Powell knew what was happening"


    how ignorant of a statement is that. you cant shoot someone for only disobeying a command. are you friggin kidding me? there are rules to these things.


    i'm sorry this situtation happened, but was the mother in the hospital long? why wasnt her daughter there with her?

    there was no impending danger to anyone in the vehicle causing them to run red lights and speed. no one in the vehicle was injured and being rushed to the hospital. moats broke the law and the police officer is taking a beating for doing his job.


    anyone who says anything else is crazy.


    so next time my cousin or brother-in-law pull a car over for speeding and blowing redlights in the middle of the night, they should just let the person go without question if they have a valid excuse?


    it doesnt always work like that. white,black,red or tan, nfl player or not.


    the fact that the officer did not pursue moats wife when she ran away says more than anything.

  3. jason peters...


    the guy that should have been nothing, but got hyped into something.


    jason peters...


    the guy that caught losman's first nfl td.


    jason peters...


    the guy thats under contract, but decides to hold out after 1 decent year.


    jason peters...


    the guy who will eventually get us a 1st rd pick.


    jason peters...


    the guy who will leave buffalo and came back to earth.


    jason peters...... undrafted free agent.


    this message is brought to you by loyal2dagame whom may be drunk typing after the st patrick's day parade..............


    st patrick was polish!!!

  4. Clayton mentioned they were interested in Jason Peters if the contract doesn't work out. He didn't say the Bills were interested or anything like that. That's kind of crazy.



    isnt that tampering if our player is under contract and a team calls him out by name saying they want him?

  5. well, i never thought it to be true, but now i can see it. espn and most other media outlets hate the bills. it's not that they hate the wny area, or the people, but hate what the bills stand for in pro sports being a "small market" team. for the most part, since the TO signing was announced, most major media outlets i have looked at or listened to have dogged the bills. "TO will implode the locker room", "the bills are reaching to sell tickets", "why would TO go small market", ect, ect, ect, negative statements.


    now the talking heads will have to give the bills air time. oh what will they do without being able to talk 24-7 about the cowboys , pats*, jets and giants.


    damn it, there goes the ratings.....



    first, for all the heads that are spewing the crap about the locker room, if they actually did their jobs and reported on SPORTS instead of 3 to 6 TEAMS, they would all know that the bills have no locker room presence right now. not a player, not the coach, not the owner. so how will TO effect something that is non existent?


    second, about reaching to sell tickets, such short memories these douche bags have.

    not so long ago the sports media's beloved patriots were almost no more, with game attendance that rivaled the florida marlins and tampa bay DEVIL rays(not including playoffs :thumbsup:). oh yeah, new england is a big market team. during that same time the bills small market has managed to sell out almost every game in a stadium that holds more than 95% of other nfl stadiums.


    third, why would TO go small market--- 2 reasons.

    1.MONEY being the most important reason. (no need to explain)

    2.redemption. TO was imho teetering on being blackballed out of the league for things he may or may not have done in the past. the fact that bills players are more accessible to fans than most other nfl cities may help TO mentally. there are not too many people age 30 or older that have not gotten an autograph in person of kelly,bruce,thurman,reed,ect if they wanted one or carried a conversation on with one of them either. actual interaction with working class fans might do TO some good. also if he screws up here, he's done in the nfl....period.


    i hope TO comes in, plays all-pro football, teaches the young players a thing or two about dedication, and is as quiet as a church mouse. if he doesnt, big deal, it's only one year. but there is a reason a fair amount of pro athletes decide to stay around here when it's all over.


    for mort and all the other blow hards spouting off, i hope this time TO can say they were all wrong, and credit buffalo for making it so.

  6. BTW, can anyone tell me what a "Cop Killer" bullet is? I've never seen that brand in Walmart of the local gun store. But I'm sure you retarded Lib's are opposed to them because they sound scary...



    there are a few types of ammo that falls under the heading"cop killers". primarily, they are teflon coated bullets and armor peircing rounds.


    the teflon coated rounds are said to penetrate a bullet proof vest easier than conventional rounds due to the coating. it is also said that the coating falls off the round upon air travel, so it depends on what you choose to believe.


    armor peircing rounds are self explanatory.

  7. when i think of my wife, the song that come to mind is..............


    rage against the machine;


    Killing in the name of!



    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.

    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.

    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.

    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses. Uggh!


    Killing in the name of!

    Killing in the name of!


    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya


    Those who died

    are justified

    for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    You justify

    those that died

    by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    Those who died

    are justified

    for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    You justify

    those that died

    by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites


    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.

    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.

    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.

    Some of those that work forces

    are the same that burn crosses.


    Killing in the name of!

    Killing in the name of!


    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control

    And now you do what they told ya!!!


    Those who died

    are justified

    for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    You justify

    those that died

    by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    Those who died

    are justified

    for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    You justify

    those that died

    by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites

    Come on!


    (Guitar Solo)



    Yeah! Come on! Uggh!


    (Get louder until 9th by which time shouting)

    f**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.

    F**k you, I won't do what you tell me.










    MOTHERF**KER!!!! Ugh!!

  8. let's just hope they don't torture any aquatic creatures in videos this time around.....


    mike patton has a very unique voice, something on the level with axl rose's distinguished yelp.


    i've always liked faith no more...... i only hope they dont go cheese on any new stuff

  9. on saturday, my brother in law bought 10 new xbox 360 and ps3 games for $30 a piece. they were all NEW releases which came out within the last 30 days or so. they were 40% off


    when i asked him why he bought so many, he said, "I dont have a life."

  10. best case scenerio for buffalo is that the pats* trade cassel, brady is healthy going into the year, someone takes a shot at brady's knee , and brady is retired. the pats* hopefully would not have any options at qb and would finally fall from grace opening the division up yet again for the bills,jests, and stinky fish.

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