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Posts posted by loyal2dagame

  1. BTW, anyone that says it didn't hurt is lying. I hear it all the time. Sure it didn't tough guy.


    really for the most part, none of my tats hurt to get done.


    now there were times during the work that certain areas would be more tender than others, but it still didnt meet my definition of pain. i always seem to focus on the hum of the tattoo gun to not pay attention to whats going on.

  2. i dont think the standards should be lowered.


    i have more than a few tattoos and i am smart enough to have gotten them where thay can be covered by clothing at work.

    (chest, calf, right arm just barely above short sleeve line, back, ect)


    the military is now discharging people who get tats that show outside the uniform. (people who have the tats documented before this rule change are grandfathered by the old standard as long as the tats are not gang related or offensive.


    professionally, it's hard for some people take a person seriously when they are painted up like a clown with ink everywhere- although this doesnt apply to all occupations.


    ie: construction- get inked where ever you like as you normally do not come into direct contact with the customer.


    but for other things ie; banker, insurance agent, doctor, ect, tattoos that can be seen should be no-no's

  3. Come on.....the poor kid has a stutter and speaking under pressure always makes it much worse. The kid is not Einstein but give him a break on the stuttering problem.



    jauron will probably have him calling defensive plays by week 3, thereby giving him the excuse that the players are not communicating on the field/

  4. Jesus it's almost a done deal. He just needs to pass the physical!


    This guy is such a self centered A-hole it's beyond belief. No, I'm not gonna play. Yes I am. No I'm officially retired. No I'm coming back. No let the Vikings QB's know I'm not coming back and the starting QB job is theirs to battle out. Oops sorry guys I was just effing with ya. I really am coming back aren't you all so lucky to bask in the has been glow of one Brett Favre? :doh::worthy:


    This guy has an interesting point about Favre's coming back, again! :rolleyes:


    just remember the "great" john madden helped create the monster known as favre.


    madden was the original favre ballwasher.


    says madden, "you see favre threw that ball into quadruple coverage, because he is the only qb that can make that throw. it was picked off due to the wr's inability to get open"


    pat summerall, "but john, there was 3 other players open right in front of him for a first down"


    john madden, "blasphemy pat! bret is a god! you cant talk about the greatest gunslinger god like that. it's never the golden boy's fault. it's always the rest of the players' faults. even when he gets sacked, bret is doing it as part of HIS gameplan. now let me go wash his balls to make up for your insane comments"


    as per usual, espn steals the ideas of anyone who appears to be successful.


    my biggest problem with favre is that he takes away from the game moving forward. too much talk about a has been instead of up and comming players.

  5. Another twist on the insane holdout of Maybin is how it shapes our defensive team leadership. If you look at our defense, there are four potential team leaders based on position, ability and personality. They are:







    MS and AS are the strong silent types and not really potential team leaders. This leaves Poz and Whitner.


    Before the draft, it is almost certain that Poz was asked his opinion of Maybin not only from an ability point of view, but also his worth as a teammate. His reviews must have been at least decent. He did not wave any red flags or the Bills would have passed on Maybin.


    Given recent events, the Bills brass is almost certainly questioning Poz's ability to assess character. This is a critical part of leadership and there is no way Poz can be viewed well at this point.


    This leaves Whitner as our defensive team leader for the forseeable future. Personally, I have no problem with this but I know some do. In a way I feel bad for Poz but he should have done his homework.


    yeah i agree with this all the way.

    players should do scouting and recruiting for teams now. players should be held accountable when a draft pick holds out or is a bust.

    the teams scouting department and gm have absolutely nothing to do with assessing character or picking the best players for their team.


    that damn poz and his poor drafting decisions this year have doomed the bills.


    give me a break..........

  6. In 2000 the Beastie Boys and Rage Against the Machine were supposed to do a tour, but then Mike D broke his collarbone. Ticketmaster wouldn't refund their fees. I even tried to do a protest thing with my credit card, but eventually they made me pay the fees.



    i had tickets to two shows on rhyme and reason and was ticked off as well. moron should have learned how to ride a bike.


    and i couldnt have cared less about the beastie's- i was going just to see rage.


    my hope is rage actually sets down another studio album and tours on it so i can see them again.

  7. Does anyone actually believe the Vick would have stopped the dog fighting ring if he hadn't been caught and sent to prison? I absolutely believe he'd still be doing it today if he wasn't caught


    It's amazing how incarceration (and the loss of MILLIONS of dollars) makes you realize what you were doing was !@#$ing HORRIBLE. I'm sorry, but the sh-- he was doing before being caught was horrific, he knew it was illegal, unethical and down right freaking cruel and yet he had no problem with it.


    I'm not all that religious so I don't owe him any forgiveness. I hope some dog loving defensive lineman breaks his leg or chokes the !@#$ing life out of him.


    do alcoholics stop drinking unless they are told they have to?


    do drug addicts stop using unless they are told they have to?


    most people dont see anything wrong with their actions until something intervens causing them to take a hard look at what they have been doing.

  8. If Warrow says there is no interest, then case closed.


    Thank God.


    who knew TO was going to be a buffalo bill until it happened?




    i'm not saying mr warrow is incorrect, but it wouldnt be the first time a misinformation campaign has taken place in sports. even the teams that are actually interested in the guy are denying it.


    in dealing with millions of dollars, i'd deny everything until the deal is done

  9. Just like here, one wayward report spreads virally and the spread of the wrong report is reinforced by the crowd. This phenomena is magnified by an infinite factor in the Twitter & Facebook world.


    I miss the old days when there was a modicum of fact checking in news.



    yep,you are 100% dead on.


    next thing you know, we'll get the news that ralph died..........again :blink:

  10. first TO and then Vick? the bills would be guaranteed to be in the national spotlight all year.


    all arguements aside, signing vick would help the bills get more exposure and regardless of how the team plays the talking heads would be forced to pay the bills(no pun intended) lip service


    oh my gosh , i just had a thought. maybe if the bills stopped signing just "high character" players and started signing players with ability, they might get back into the playoffs.

  11. i find it comical how many people actually want the Bills to sign Vick...did any of you guys even watch the guy play or did you just use him on Madden?


    the fact is Vick never was and never will be a good or even a quality NFL quarterback...he was sacked once every 10 times he dropped back to pass during his last year playing QB...thats horrible for any QB but even worse for a guy that is supposed to be able to make plays with his feet and avoid sacks


    Vick was never a pocket passer and for the most part could only be an effective passer when he would bootleg left but once teams started just sending a rusher right at him and ignoring the run he couldnt even do that


    did you watch just him or the falcons offense?


    vick while in atlanta did not have ANY receivers. he helped turn alge crumpler into a pro bowler with dump offs. he helped warrick dunn and tj duckett in the running game by effectively giving the dirty birds a 3 back set, but the guy never had ANYONE to throw to. the falcons receivers mostly sucked save for maybe brian finneran.

    part of the reason for his poor career comp % and qb rating is that he HAD to throw into coverage most of the time when he did throw.


    now i'm not saying that without going to prison vick would have been the next joe montana, because thats just bull, but what i am saying is he would help the bills with his arm strength(something trent seems to lack) and his speed should trent go down.

  12. members of Congress are on a currently existing program. All American citizens will be given the exact same plan. This way the shout downers cant complain because they are getting same plan as the folks they elected. If the plan wasnt any good congress would fix the issues since they have to live with the decisions just as all their constituents do.


    yeah, um, only problem with this theory is that most if not all congress members are wealthy and would just go out and buy private plans, or get coverage donated or some dumb sh-- like that. so in reality, they still do not have to live with their decisions

  13. IANAM but it sounds like you have an electrical problem there. However, the other stuff makes me think it's a deeper electrical problem.


    check voltage on battery while car running. could be alternator issue due to what you stated about stalling.


    if you dont have a multimeter/volt meter go to auto zone and they'll check it for free

  14. Yes there are NO differences in how cultures handle marriage and the difficulties that may arise. They are all EXACTLY the same.


    Weddings are also exactly the same, that's why My Big Fat Greek Wedding was so offensive. It should have just been My Wedding, What does being Big, Fat or Greek have to do with anything. :unsure:



    what problems are present with interracial marriages may be the better question and article.


    those may be the only type that ACTUALLY have different issues that most others.

  15. Exactly. Now imagine those programs being extended to 50 million more people, and probably a lot more as companies take the laughable $750 "penalty" per worker for not offering health insurance (versus paying $10K+ per worker), also at your and my expense. In reality, everyone should call their congressperson and tell them that this is unacceptable. Because in the end, we'll only have ourselves to blame.


    the funny thing about all this socialized health care talk is that the fed govt could have done this years ago by requiring health ins by companies rather than raising the min wage, which would have killed inflation among other things

  16. Listen guys lets end it once and for all, Im not a jacksonville fan at all, but its not going to happen... The thing is you hear in Buffalo that the bills are going to move all the the time... But down here, you never here anything about them moving.


    yeah yeah yeah......


    i'm sure relocation was never talked about with the baltimore colts or cleveland browns either, but those teams still moved.

  17. 1. check the news paper for estate sales. there are usually great deals for used cars and most have extremely low mileage


    2. ebay. filter by zipcode closest to you first. she should be able to find a decent deal there.

  18. Portland - in Seattle market (I think)

    Toronto - in Buffalo market ( :devil: )

    Las Vegas - I heard they won't because its on gambling grounds


    Oklahoma City, San Antonio, and Omaha are my choices. I go with Omaha.





    i lived in bellevue, ne for my 4yrs in the usaf, which to omaha is the equilivant of lackawanna to buffalo as far as location.

    i could walk from my base to rosenblat stadium in about 15 mins. add another 10 mins and your in downtown omaha. omaha's metro area is very much like buffalo's. actually it is almost identical complete with tons of 1way streets. the only major difference is omaha was smart enough to not build eye sore highways right on top of downtown.


    as much as it would have been nice to have pro sports in ne, that ENTIRE state bleeds red. people in nebraska are born into being a husker fan similar to how most wnyers are born into being bills/sabres fans.


    i just dont think the support would be there as 90thousand + make the drive to lincoln on saturdays, and that same 90thousand+ would need to support the nfl team. college tickets are alot cheaper than any tickets for a relocated nfl team would be, so i dont ever see the nfl in ne.


    unless warren buffett decided to buy a team and move them to omaha as a reward to the people, it'll never, ever, eeevvvvveeerrrr, happen

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