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Posts posted by loyal2dagame

  1. If it's a bathroom, there's a GFCI outlet in there somewhere...



    alaska darin is right.


    to be up to code, the bathroom has to have a GFCI. they are required in any places likely to mix water and electricity (bathrooms, kitchens, garages and outside outlets.) older homes may not have them and can be grandfathered by old code UNTIL RENOVATIONS ARE MADE , but new builds HAVE TO HAVE THEM

  2. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/rich-noyes/20...rture-hypocrisy


    How do these so-called news reporters who grew up on the heels of the Nixon/Watergate scandal look at themselves in the mirror every morning? A few years ago I would laugh at Fox News and their biased slant towards the Bush administration, but they've now amazingly become the standard bearers of hard news reporting. I'm not talking about Oreilly, Hannity or Beck (they're obviously commentators/entertainers). It's not gospel, but it looks to be a real attempt at holding US Government elected officials' feet to the fire. This is the Speaker of the House, the third person in line for the Presidency, and this was not news to them? Scary. Is anyone else out there truly amazed at how far the big three networks have fallen? For me, they literally have zero credibility. They haven't had it for quite some time either.



    even more scary is how people seem to be politically ignorant to every issue now a days. the information IS available to be had if you want to cut through all the network b.s and actually search for the real story.


    anyone can blame the networks for playing to certain party lines, but everyone has to consider that these same networks that the vast majority of people rely on for "news" are owned/run by the same corporations spending billions on lobbyists in Washington.


    true impartial network reporting completely died a long time ago. people need to find the real news somewhere else now a days, or get spoon fed by the corporations' jack off entertainers posing to be reporters

  3. this same guy (his name is greg valentino) has a documentary on the learning channel called "the man who's arms exploded."


    it was very interesting as they interview a ton of bodybuilders about roids but showed this guy at various points in his life ie; before roids, during use, and after use.


    it runs every 6 months or so


    check it out

  4. I can picture him getting that adrenaline rush where he shakes his head, stares Linda down, and points at her....then he proceeds to giving her the foot to the face, which leads to a big leg drop.


    that is what we refer to as "HULKING UP"


    to complete hogan's 3 moves of doom, linda would have to throw multiple punches to be blocked and counter punched by the hulkster, then followed by the big boot and the leg drop.



  5. ...So perhaps I shouldn't have said "T.O.'s signing had nothing to do with competing for wins". The fact is though, the move WAS primarily a marketing ploy. If you are unable to see that Ralph Wilson is more concerned about the bottom line than the win/loss column, you're not paying attention. Peters and Dockery, two of our best three O-linemen from last season, are gone. The whole left side of the line will have to be rebuilt, so the replacement roller coaster continues. If we don't successfully replace Peters and Dockery, as well as add depth, you could have 4 T.O.'s and it wouldn't make a difference. Trent will not find anyone from his back or on the sideline.






    so lets pay owens 6.5 million for one year and we'll make crazy money.


    lets get real about t.o.


    here's some numbers for you to chew on before you say it's primarily marketing:


    lets say owens sells 25000 bills jerseys with his name on it. thats only 1million in sales based on an average price of 40.00. out of that 1million, owens gets a cut, the nflpa gets a cut, the nfl gets a cut, and the bills get a cut. lets say, and this is far from correct, but lets say the bills get 50%= 500,000


    second, ticket sales. lets say for the sake of arguement ownes causes the bills a gain of 10,000 ticket sales per reg season game at an average cost of 56.00(which would be impossible to gain based on past seasons' ticket sales as there has rarely been 10k of tickets available anyways). that is an increase of $560,000.00 per game which works out to $3,920,000 over the 7 games played in buffalo. out of that amount the bills have to give 40% to the nfl. that leaves 2,352,000 for the bills


    third advertising:

    lets say the bills make another 3million in advertising and other merchandise from signing owens


    final total

    the bills are still taking a loss on the contract.


    so yeah, signing a player to 6.5 mil to maybe gain 5.8 million is all about marketing

  6. if the bills are smart, they work out a 3 way deal;


    peters to philly for 1st and 2nd. or 1st and 3rd


    1st and 3rd this year +parrish to arizona for bolden.


    owens gets to walk away from buffalo after this year with no hard feelings and we have young long term answers for wr's for the bills O

  7. doesnt your memory card have the biggest impact on how quickly you can take another picture?


    billsnyc, did you have the camera set to internal memory and memory card? or just memory card? i have a kodak and it was taking slow pics, and i changed the setting to memory card only and it sped up like a champ

  8. Oh sorry. I'm on a 360. I guess I just assumed if I mentioned hardware issue people would know I was talking about a 360. :(


    red ring of death is comming. games will start to freeze when you are close to getting the full on rrod



    EDIT: i didnt see nervous guy already posted the same response

  9. I don't see why the A..wipe writer had to give him a hard time about his looks.He looks like a normal 40 yr old ex-jock.

    How some writers seem to become gleeful at putting people down.....--well--shows what a punk he is.


    he doesnt look like a normal 40yr old ex jock;


    he looks like james woods with blonde hair

  10. if, and right now it's a BIG IF, the sabres make the playoffs, i'm calling it now........they will get to at least the conference finals.


    this team has been waiting all year to get on a hot streak but have not been able to string it together. i'm thinkink they will blow up in the playoffs and make a huge push

  11. Hahahaha that's from Bananas, classic Woody Allen


    "What? What did he say? What, were you born in a barn man? Yeah, yeah, what planet are you from? You never heard of the Sultan of Swat? The Titan of Terror? The Colossus of Clout? THE COLOSSUS OF CLOUT! The King of Crash, man!"


    the sandlot.

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