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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. As with any of these guys, selecting a QB in the top 10 is so risky. Such a high profile position with so much uncertainty attached to it. I know we're slotted to select #8, but to be honest, we're selecting 4th or 5th. In other words, if we had the #1 pick, I wouldn't draft any 3 of the QBs or Bush for that matter. It is the "need" of the teams drafting before us that makes me say this. Thank goodness the need for QBs is great. It also helps our cause that these 4 prospects are being touted as highly as they are. Houston, if they keep their pick and select Bush, do so more out of obligation to taking the best player as opposed to selecting what they really need, IMO. They should be all over Ferguson. The Jets, Saints and Titans with apparent QB issues seem poised to get their QB. This allows the Bills to select from a pool of players that will useful to us now. It is the misfortune and/or need of the other clubs that benefit the Bills in this draft, 1st round inparticular. Who knows how this shakes out, I believe a trade may take place before we select. We'll see. Having said this, the one player I see dropping is VY. I can see where he may fall to 9 or 10. In order of desire....get me Brick....Mario......Davis. Unless we move up, they'll all be gone, IMO.
  2. ......because he'll be gone before #8....Raiders @ #7 is my guess.
  3. His medical status is to be determined - by any interested team - there are varied reports about his recovery out here. Good luck. Hope all goes well.
  4. Sure will. My early money is on Favre throwing more picks than Green fumbles. BTW, the over/under starts at 18.
  5. Considering his age and the fact that he comes from the "controlled" confines of an indoor stadium, somehow I just don't think Buffalo would be high on his list of places to play.
  6. cuz we don't have one that's proven?
  7. You should hear Dale Arnold (play-by-play) on WEEI. He's PATHETIC. Anything Patriot, Sox, Bruins or Celts. Boston is so parochial. Arnold is a whiny pi$$pot.
  8. Seeing how we struggle to compete WITH a CBA in place and a hard cap, your assumption is not only reasonable, but likely.
  9. Isn't there a commandment that states...."ye shalt not bust on ones milestone post"...?
  10. I was hoping this name didn't come up. It caused some unrest, IIRC.
  11. His work is done here. Cut him and lets all move on. Lets build a good, younger team that wants to be here and win.
  12. Good point. He's not some cut Adonas looking dude. Percentage of bodyfat notwithstanding............HEY......can we start a "lets get Super Mario" thread instead?
  13. I agree. Bush is a wonderful talent. It's just not what this team needs, especially when you have the pick of the litter. They shouldn't cave into the thought process of everyone else projecting him as the only "right" selection at #1. I don't agree with that.
  14. You should be commended for your loyalty. I just dont think it'll happen here.
  15. Thanks for bringing me back down to earth. You are referring to last season only. I'm talkin' franchise on the whole. If you plug in both the Bills and Cards into the suckometer, you'll see the Cards will have it pegged. In Cardinal red. You can't argue that. Reality check? Sir, I present to you, reality.
  16. I swear I was just thinking the same thing. You KNOW none of this mularkey (sorry) is true.............................................................................right?
  17. Color me a homer, but our degree of suckage is not that of the Cards.
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