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Bishop Hedd

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Everything posted by Bishop Hedd

  1. Didn't matter TT. Anyway you sliced it Davis had virtually no impact at all....the establishment GOP, Erie County executive Chris Collins, hand picked Corwin..a ready made rich bimbo....oops...sorry "vacuous person" who they thought would win the district. Shows what Karl Rove knows. The complete lack of knowledge of some of the ex-patriates here never fails to astonish me...'specially in this race when it comes to Jack Davis. Davis was a life long Republican who was so offended by Veep Cheney circa 2003 ignoring his demand to talk about trade and tariffs at Klienhans music hall that he decided to run for congress the next year. He wanted to run as a Republican, his party, but establishment GOP shut him out. He went to the Dems and they said sure!...long as you use your own money...and he did...and he did again...and once more. So that's where that came from. The National far conservative right wanted to paint Davis as a Democrat and I am sure he took away as many votes from Hochul as he did for Corwin. Al Gore and his campaign lost because they were morons....and the better man won....right?
  2. It's also a weak argument to say there are very many Tea folk in this district or WNY for that matter. Every once in awhile I will see them dressed in their Thomas Paine gear protesting in front of Weezy Slaughter's office in downtown Buffalo, but their numbers are so minute (5 or 6) as to confuse downtown Buffalo pedestrians that Halloween came early. Fact is Davis or the Tea Party had no impact on this election. How could he? How could they?!? Basically what stands for the warring factions of the local TEA scene (Thompson and Coniglio) hate each other's guts to such an extent that they basically retard any movement. Naw...it came down to basic demographics...which will probably be the way 2012 will go. http://artvoice.com/issues/v10n21/news_analysis That isn't to say the 527's of Karl Rove won't have a say in anything? After all the Supreme Kangaroo Court ruled that money can talk and boy has it! The Buffalo/Rochester media market was the test for what the rest of you will experience in the next year...a constant barrage of ads on every sort of local media bastion....so intense that you will want to kick in your tv after awhile. Thanks George Will and our awesome soopreme kourt.
  3. This is by far the most conservative district in NY State. This is a district that voted for Bush (twice!) and Sarah in 2008. This district is so far right that it actually chose teabagging racist nutjob and demolitionist Carl Paladino over Cuomo for governor last year. Whatever piddly nonsense you are talking about that is maybe happening 3000 miles from WNY doesn't hold a candle to a possible Hochul win and the rejection of the Ryan budget by the voters of that district who have made the medicare issue their primary concern...over jobs and the deficit. You're joking right? My god that's absolutely earth shattering! Let's alert the Fox News investigative team and James O'Keefe! My gawd how was this important candidate ever ignored? Craig Huey...WTF? :blink:
  4. "California's highly anticipated special election"? Anticipated by whom? Who is covering it? Who even gives a schit what's happening in California? Since you seem to be the only person who seems to know anything about this "California's highly anticipated special election" why don't you provide a link....assuming of course there is one
  5. I'm not ready to completely count out Corwin...after all she was just endorsed by Pat Boone http://www.janecorwin.org/ But it really should never have been this close if the local conservative kingmakers had chosen a viable candidate. Yeah...Corwin still can win since there are 26 thousand more repubs in a district that might be eliminated in a year anyways. But Hochul is winning over independents and Conservatives. I don't think jack Davis has helped or hurt her.
  6. What the hell are you even talking about? I couldn't give a rat's ass about California which has about as much relevancy to this highly anticipated special election in NY's 26th as you do to common sense. The far right pulling out all the guns as this GOP darling decides to endorse Corwin. Guess Rove and the Koch brothers Dick Armey as well as soon to be has-beens like Christie and the Boner understand that all their nefarious plans and schemes might be headed straight to the crapper. How else to explain these bozos getting involved in a district that has absolutely nothing to do with them. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/05/gov_christie_endorses_gop_asse.html Yeah...and I guess you're a lawyer
  7. And that's the bottom line in this race, a race which the national press has latched onto and pegged as a harbinger for 2012, and one many pundits have cited as a classic case of conservative over-reach. Many have said that the Ryan budget, the Koch bros, Dick Armey, candidates like Jane Corwin and the business as usual tea party establishment has awoken that sleeping giant known as the aging baby boomers (all 80 million of them) right in time for 2012. Does anyone think they are going to want a change in medicare...or elimination of the program as the far right is currently attempting? Here's your answer; http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55408.html I still don't fuking believe it! This was Jack Kemp's district fer chrissakes!
  8. What's going to sink the repubs and tea party isn't so much that Corwin is a wretched candidate (she is) it's that they completely overextended themselves on seeing how far to the right they could go. This race is a real test of what's to happen for 2012. If it wasn't then the Boner wouldn't have flown in and gorged himself on Merlot at the Italian Gardens, or Rove's 527 wouldn't be flooding Jane's coffers. The conservative right/tea party is scared since their pet issue is being roundly rejected, not just in the 26th of NY state but in the country. http://www.economist.com/node/18682550?story_id=18682550
  9. Ok guys, take a look at this closely and tell me again who this really hurts. http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/121247/13/GOP-Now-Clamming-Up-On-Video-Which-It-Claims-Shows-Davis-Assaulting-Corwin-Volunteer-
  10. Sorry. Won't let me play the video so I don't know what's in it. What has you upset about it?
  11. I don't think it hurts Ian Murphy at all. Anyways as a city resident I can't vote in this election...oh wait a second...I can. It's my mother's district and I have power of attorney so yeah I guess I can vote in Amherst. It's pretty obvious that I'm ABC, anybody but Corwin who is the hand picked candidate of the local conservative establishment, the RNC, Rus Thompson and TEA New York. There are a lot of notably upset conservatives over the choice of Corwin with WBEN radio host Tom Buerle heading that pack. It looks like Corwin might blow this one in a race she should have won going away. It doesn't help when you invite Speaker Boehner to be seen with you at a blueblood fundraiser at Salvatores,, or accept money from Karl Rove's PAC. We tend not to like those people here in WNY.
  12. Let me see now...I delivered the Buffalo Evening news and Courier Express so that means I was in the publishing bidness for 5 years. This should hopefully be the death knell for her campaign but in a district that has previously elected Chris Lee, Tom Reynolds and Bill Paxon one can be hopeful but not positively sure. http://www.buffalonews.com/topics/chris-lee/article417450.ece Looks like weepy alcoholic the Boner is stopping in Clarence today for a Corwin fundraiser. Yeah that'll do it.
  13. Omigosh I almost forgot! This is the new era of far right whacko political correctness! Those days of insulting Hillary and her daughter, Pelosi, Reno, Boxer, Sotomeyer...etc are done with because conservatives have obviously had sensitivity training. How about this as an apt description for Corwin: "vacuous person" Anyways great to see you missed my main point. The Republican Establishment (The Tea Party, or more succinctly TEA New York) has decided they don't like Jack Davis but love Corwin...the Talking Phone book woman. Besides asking yourself when was the last time you used a phone book, what are Jane's qualifications? Jack Davis may be a screwball but he has done more for WNY than Corwin has. The far right in the area (Rus Thompson and TEA NY) can't stand Davis who if he wins on the Tea Party line will caucus with the Republicans on his main issue: Saving American jobs. That has to be the most sweetly naive thing I've heard in Buffalo since Sabre fans actually believe Pegula will turn the franchise around.
  14. If this doesn't prove that the tea-bagger fad is nothing more than a tightly knit conservative organization funded by the Koch heads and the RNC, and hardly the grassroots "movement" its die-hard supporters say it is then nothing will. http://www.buffalonews.com/city/politics/article411441.ece So Rus Thompson and his merry band of bozos love the career political bimbo but make fun of the anti-establishment candidate. Can't say no one saw this coming.
  15. It's a suburban district...and a notoriously idiotic run-gubermint-like-a-bidness one. Past icons from the district include Chris "Chix with Dix" Lee and Tom "Enron" Reynolds so Corwin should fit in very well because like them, she came by her wealth the old fashion way...she inherited it.
  16. Your words are in the running for the most moronic thing ever typed on PPP. Congratulations!
  17. Hey good satire is good satire and I thought the Beast did a hysterical job with the faux Corwin site which almost resembles her real site. And they won't get into any trouble or lawsuits. Head Beastie Paul Fallon is a lawyer.
  18. The teabaggers won't let Ian in. Not surprising since the teabagging movement is pretty much anti-free speech. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42486196
  19. What's that number I've been hearing about a lot lately....oh yeah...87. Gotta cut the Boner some slack tho...his hands are kinda being tied right now by the Tea Party bloc. I'm not much a fan of fake wrestling. Trump is a putz. But by all means please run Donald!We need somebody to take over from Palin as a running joke.
  20. can the teabagging conservative right be any more pathetic? Donald Trump...is this some kinda joke? Oh well it should be fun to see by how much of a landslide Obama wins by in 2012.
  21. The website Fabulous Ruins of Detroit- http://www.detroityes.com/home.htm - has been around for about 15 years...there is no better site for witnessing the decline of one of America's disposable cities. I went every year-sometimes twice a year from 1988 to 2000 to Detroit to catch Yankee games or any other team since Tiger Stadium was the best place to see a Major league baseball game. Then the franchise went corporate and they built Comerica so there was no reason to go back. Still being the urban explorer I was at the time there is something to be said about the "sites"...beautiful in their decay. Truly amazing how rust belt cities are scoffed at here...they only made the world safe for democracy. But shucks I expect nothing less here.
  22. Don't you understand Jack the Tea Party is a movement...not a party! http://buffalo.ynn.com/content/top_stories/538147/jack-davis-stirs-up-the-tea-party/?ap=1&MP4 Interesting race including Buffalo Beast's own Ian Murphy running on the Green party line. Just as long as the repulsive Jane Corwin doesn't win I'm happy.
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