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Bishop Hedd

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Everything posted by Bishop Hedd

  1. I am actually surprised that no one here, not even Dave in Elmira or 3rd inning, has commented about this with the exclaimation "well I'll be a monkeys uncle". seriously...why post something like this thread?
  2. Following this story as I have I noticed the media is spinning this as a big government and FEMA works story in the storms aftermath. then there is Ron Paul http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/national-interest/item/25718
  3. but I think she actually believes that. Later a spokesperson claimed it was a "joke." Who buys that?
  4. and self-parody realized: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/29/us-rushlimbaugh-idUSTRE77S6I520110829
  5. storm is barely five minutes over yet one had to know this was coming from the future republican nominee for president: http://thinkprogress.org/green/2011/08/29/306436/bachamnn-hurricane-message-god/
  6. ha I knew teabag Tom would object to the source although the Voice hasn't been remotely considered alternative since the Raygun era. Anyways all the bagger links are in the article.
  7. and just as I had predicted the baggers are up in arms over Obamals handling of the storm. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2011/08/rightbloggers_t_2.php
  8. not a good year for me either my friend. Needed some of that stimulus if you know what I mean.
  9. the truth bursts your neocon myths doesn't it? anyways looks like Hurrican Barry (as the teabagger movement refers to it as) has already caused 10 deaths and 3 million households to lose power. Should be intersting to hear all the con criticism tomorrow. I'll post my favorite examples here in the coming days.
  10. Good point. The Gulf coast being yet another victim of Bush and Cheney's middle east folly.
  11. Don not think that the 30 thousand at the Morial convention center were "fabricated".
  12. The federal response was there five days before any of the survivors received any food or water.....five days! more to the point Tom....I love you. My Gawd that sucka could eat a newborn! Along those same lines what happens to NYC's mythical Mole People in the event the subway's flooded. Very thought provoking link.
  13. North Carolina and Virginia are red states? Ha ha I know it pains many here to be asked that question.
  14. Just waiting for a time next week when the last remnants of Irene are fizzling out over Nova Scotia or somewhere and all the nutball media from Fox to Rush, followed by the pols from Cantor to the Boner reflexively condemning any response. You can tell because the right has been itxhing for this moment ever since the federal governments response to Katrina cost thousands of lifes. There is no other way to spin that one. While it's doubtful the amount of lifes lost in the nation's most populous region as their was in Katrina look for the right to really blow this out of proportion. Hell these idiots even blamed Obama for the earthquake. No joke.
  15. both in real damage and political. If it does what is predicted at this moment NY is shut down for awhile as are other large metro areas. I'll just be waiting for the first con to blame Obama. The response no matter what happens is going to be sooo predictable from the right.
  16. Hillary, Maxine now Pelosi...hmmmm starting to sense a pattern here of racist misogyny. Folks....I give you Tea Bag Tom!
  17. wait a second...you found a job? No offense I just thought you'd been unemployed for awhile
  18. marco rubio? What the devil is that? Some kind of child's pool game?
  19. of course. I regularly read all the nutball postings here when I want a demonstration of how out of sync the screwball extreme right truly is. Never met anyone of the 3000 people surveyed in the Times piece or the voters polled by Pew so I take it those readings are fabricated and the bagger movement is currently beloved and revered as an instrument of possitive change by the electorate. nd the bills will win a game this year.
  20. say what you must about her histrionics but it can't be denied it's a growing sentiment.
  21. will they? Or will they just stay home if the petulent babies don't get their way. Remember these are hardly people who will compromise an inch. I think the right will figure that out when Michelle Bachman is their nominee. What then?
  22. you can tell the end is nigh when you start eating your own. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/61682.html
  23. reading on line the few conservative sources I can ingest without immediately wanting to throw up I am not surprised to find they are all pretty much either down-playing the Times survey with mocking indignation such as the National Review, or scathingly defensive like many on this board. They fail to acknowledge that these views didn't come from the authors but rather the same people they had talked to five years ago when they were writing a book about religion and politics. These are peoples views. I used the term "waning" rather than say "the last days of a political movement" because I am not niave enough to believe this movement will be gone next election. I do think that their ideological purity is only going to come back and bite them in the ass in another classic case of conservative overreach. The signs are all there and I know some of you are smart enough to see them. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/29/us/29cncwarren.html?_r=1
  24. they weren't all Happy Days. When Leather Tuscadaro crashed Fonzie's bike that wasn't a Happy Day. Or when Richie woke up with a hangover after drinking all that beer at the lodge, or when the hardware store was broken into or when....
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