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Bishop Hedd

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Everything posted by Bishop Hedd

  1. Oh c'mon! You didn't think I knew that going in? Just a cursory preview of a couple days can turn anyone onto that fact. Besides, I'm in it to score hot sexy military studs ala Jeff Gannon.
  2. Never said you were against homosexual couples. I thought I'd bring it up because nobody else had yet. It's an important story because I thought the issue played a major role in last year's elections, maybe more so than terrorism. Did you think so?
  3. "Hillary sees it.....look at her mad scramble to the' center as of late." She's just dreadful but I'm uncertain as to who the opposition can have run against her in "06. The Republicans in NY are in bad straits right now. Your scathing but fair ridicule of what passes for the progressive movement in this country is pretty much on target. I guess we'll have to wait and see how bad the right fouls things up- pretty much unimposed-to see if the left can even mount a rudimentary challenge that isn't frought with anachronism.
  4. I first heard the term "chubby chaser" in the 1976 film The Ritz starring Rita Moreno. I was an 11 year old straight male at the time and it turned me into a 39 year old straight male to this day. The flag thing is also old. You should venture down to the contiguous 48 every once in awhile. On a gayer note a California judge overturned an earlier court ruling halting the continuation of nuptuals for same sex couples, thus opening the door for California to become the second state to allow homosexual and lesbian marriages. Somewhere in Colorado at a football stadium some 100,000 thousand Promise keepers can be heard moaning.
  5. No kidding ace. I see it going deeper than that, particularly with the players in question. While no doubt Baseball, like any corporation, while react with fangs reared the sluggers have an image that they would like to maintain and there are doubtless millions who would like to keep that image going. One only has to look at the tragic Pete Rose and his continuing fight for validation.
  6. The recent subpoeanas of baseball superstars both past and present to testify over the steriod issue before a congressional panel smacks of governmental reactionism and should be nipped in the bud. George Will had an excellent article recently where he basically knew that any government interference into a private enterprise especially an institution like Major League baseball is not a good thing in and of itself. Still I love sports, particularly baseball and inherently knew back in '98 that the "Home Run Chase" was not a good thing for the game. Turns out sadly that I was right. The McGwires, Bonds, Sosas have done their part to dirty the game but why aren't they more forthcoming? While it shouldn't take the congress to get to the root of the problem Major League Baseball-like any private enterprise-will protect their own for the continuation of of the corporation. I see no resolution either way.
  7. Who was paid off by Clinton? So far there's been four confirmed "reporters" who recieved payola from the Bush White House...and possibly a fifth but who considers Jeff Guckert a reporter? So much for a "liberal" bias.
  8. Once again Wow! I had no idea concerning the lack of knowledge on this board. Guckert/Gannon/Joe Friday/Armstrong Williams or whoever else is able to sneek in to a White House breifing under an assumed name should draw attention to a White House hung up on "National Security". To allow someone like Guckertt/Gannon/Fridayinto these conferences/briefings either displays a total breakdown of National Security or shows the blatent partisanship of the current administration to allow a "reporter" who is consistantly called on by McLellan and Bush to lob soft ball/rhetorical questions (cribbed from the Rush Limbaugh radio program yet) concerning such important issues as Social Security. As a matter of fact Guckert/Gannon quoted the Limbaugh show in regard to a fictional "joke" that Rush had attributed to Senator Reid of Nevada concerning "soup lines". It turns out Gannon didn't even realize Reid never said the line, Rush was joking and used the "soup line" joke as a question directed towards the President. If you can't see the problem with this enroll at your local community college in an ethics/journalism class immediately.
  9. Fine points. I've read about America's changing morals in regard to torture in a few publications and I think much of this change in values has to do with the mainstream media in this country and a war they are trying hard to sell. It's all in the images of what they show on TV, and what they don't. What they write about in the papers...and what they leave out.
  10. Just curious as to if or when anything will happen to Kenny Boy Lay? Doubt it what with his maze of connections to the White House. On a happier note Halliburton got nailed again today.
  11. Wow! Didn't realize the extent of the lack of general knowledge here in regard to the Guckert (Gannon's real name) story. While yes, it is true that there are Daily Presidential Press briefing passes available it should send up red flags that Gannon/Guckert was recieving these passes nearly everday for nearly two years, even months before he "wrote" (I use the term loosely because all he basically did was crib GOP talking points and right wing marching orders) for a so called "news" organization called "Talon News" (actually a front for the right wing conservative group GOPAC). The fact that he did all this under an obviously phoney monicker should either scare the hell out of the White House if they didn't know Guckert before, or scare the hell out of the American public if they did. You are totally misinformed concerning the "homosexual" angle of Guckert/Gannon's life. What many are saying is that why is he writing things for Talon News calling John Kerry our first likely "gay president" (assuming Kerry had won) and decrying homosexuality as the downfall of the country while you are leading a double life as a homosexual military escort posing for beefcake photos. Don't ask don't tell indeed. Some would call that hypocritical, others would say business as usual in the white house press room.
  12. Very enlightening reply indeed. Now you wouldn't happen to have any basis for your words outside of knee-jerk reactionism would you?
  13. This story surprisingly hasn't gotten much play. I haven't been on here that long so I don't know whether this has been brought up before. Does anyone find it odd that a faux reporter from a faux news organization (actually a Conservative front group) could gain daily access to Presidential press conferences wheras many more credible figures can't? Does anyone wonder if Bush, Rove, McClellan et al were just duped or given their past history of paying for favorable press from favorite sons, were complicit. Myself? I just find the whole thing pretty humorous, that is if it was meant as a joke. Doonesbury has just started their take on it while the Daily Show spoofed it last week. Neither of them could possibly be as funny as Mr. Gannon's (not his real name) website though.
  14. Do you not think Tom DeLay is an abomination (even by conservative Texas standards).......or are you partisan? Schwarzeneggar's plan to have a panel of retired judges decide congressional districts is not without merit until you begin to think about who picks the judges that redifine the boundries. Are they summarily appointed by Herr Ah-nahld, or are they voted on by the people. The novel idea is worthy of consideration and a far prefable tact of a Republican pol than the "Exterminator" Delay's game of divide and conquer north of the Rio Grande.
  15. I had first read about this in the New Republic back in January. I think they should try it first in Texas where it could really do some good by taking the knees out from under Uber-crooked Texas Conservative Big Daddy Tom DeLay and give it back to representative government. And of course it wouldn't hurt here in New York where the Republican dominated assembly gerrymandered districts so wretchedly that we have Louise Slaughter's Buffalo to Rochester via the lake Ontario seaway trail district representing the people who live across the street from me......but not me.
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