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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Precisely the origins of my disgust. If your job and my workplace is tough on employees, why pamper TH ? When I have to deal with looking over my shoulder every week to see if the axeman cometh, why does this pu**y feel entitled to a less than generous trade by TD ?
  2. I do hope he gets fined for everyday he misses practice. I also hope the salary he is supposed to make this year gets used up in fines before the first day of regular season (may not happen). But man, I want this moron to literally pay for going public with his discontent.
  3. I am throughly disgusted by TH's attitude. I admired him when he played through injury and was the consummate warrior. But last year, a better player replaced him. Is he forgetting that he gets a paycheck to play for the Bills ? The reason for my thorough and utter dismay is that everyday in the real world, people work hard to do well at their jobs. They get paid to do it. However, if an obviously better prospect shows up for a company the company will go for the better employee. It is as simple as that. But while we are employed, who among us says "I have a contract for a year, but you are going to replace me next year so I will be sitting at home everyday". What kinda bullcr*p is this from TH ? I don't normally get so emotional on this board but this is the kind of thing that frustrates the heck out of me. While 99% of the country works honestly and hard, this player thinks he is to be held to higher standards and given sympathy for whining and crying about not getting the starter position ? Sorry guys, but I have zero empathy or sympathy with such scumbags. TD did the right thing by agreeing to him seeking a trade and trying for it. But, for now, TD is TH's boss and TH is paid through next year. TD can take his own fre*king sweet or sour time to demand the best return on his investment. TH can do nothing about it except cry to the media. He not only an idiot but is stupid. GMs around the league will downgrade his value due to his attitude. And is he remains on the roster this year, next offseason will be 2 years that he would not have seen real playing time. When he is out on the street, I bet his petty paycheck for being #2 will wake him up to the realities of life.
  4. Sorry guys, I posted before reading this thread. My Firefox was pointing to the IP which I deleted and linked to the full URL. Now it works fine. Thanx
  5. I am using Firefox as my browser and cannot get the TBD website to load for the past 2 days. Before it was fine. Anyone have the same problems or any suggestions ?
  6. RNJ, My thoughts exactly. I said last week that if this deal with Arizona gets done, I am willing to bet TD gets a pick out of them instead of giving it to them. TD is def. in the driver's seat here (isn't he always ?)
  7. I am less worried about the distance than accuracy. If we knew Christie is still money at 40 yards and less, I say sign him up. Lindell's lack of accuracy will kill us in this upcoming season as I expect a bunch of close games.
  8. Didn't realize an IQ can be a negative number. JUST KIDDING !
  9. Funny it took so much time for someone to point it out. Actually my wife does (really) but when I saw Denise on the cover, I could not help opening and 'reading'.
  10. And this just a couple of months after an article in redbook about how her marriage is so great and how caring Charlie is and how she is a changed person. Not taking sides at all, but these Hollywood marriages are a joke. Why they produce kids, who have a low probability of growing up with their biological parents, is beyond me.
  11. Yeah yeah I know. I have learnt my lesson after so many of you cracked my knuckles.
  12. Scr*w that ! I would GET a 6th rounder & Shelton for Henry. Else we just hang on to TH for a year. What is he going to do ? Pout and play bad so his value in the market tanks ? He will be fired up albeit for selfish reasons (who cares as long as he produces right ?) Contrary to popular opinion on this board, I think TD hold the upper hand in this negotiation.
  13. - Less worried about him hurting us than the opposing defenses hurting him - Fair point - And another one - Just worried that the supply will dry up - Probably so, but we cannot depend on that for critical positions that may make or break a season. And I meant that sentence exactly as it read. My patience is spotty - in some cases, I can be cool for extended periods of time and in others, I can't wait for more than a fraction of a second.
  14. And how do you think we will get to the playoffs ? - Unproven QB - Lost JJ - Lost PW - No new additions - Depend on draft ?? Guess patience is not a vice I have been blessed with.
  15. I agree with you completely. Recall that almost every year for the past 5 years, we are given this same damn message 'we will be fine with what we have'. Bulls**t ! We continually ignore the OL and go through another year of mediocrity. While JJ may not have been the best at his position, retaining him would have provided some consistency and still given McNally a chance for the shuffle dance. We need to get some half-way decent FAs as the draft is a crapshoot. last thing I want is to design an offense on JP's scrambling capabilities alone and turn him into a Vick type of player. I would rather he develop into a favre-type player who scrambles when plays break down. If we do not give JP a decent OL, he will suck and then we will pronounce him a bust giving YET ANOTHER excuse for not making the playoffs in 2005. Again, I am not hitting the panic button, but I don't see any FA OL left out there who are decent. I am just hoping TD is working behind the scenes and not just prepping us for 'we have all the talent we need' nonsense.
  16. Okay, I admit I am confused. - If McNally wanted to shuffle the line but expected us to make a playoff run with the same configuration, then why did he want to shuffle the line ? Is it because the line we had last year was the best for DB ? - If he now wants to reshuffle and we lost JJ, are we looking at yet ANOTHER rebuilding year ? - Are you saying that the line will be okay with existing players because JP can run away from the pressure ? I don't think that is a smart way to play as we would be even with last year then. We needed to bolster the line and then take advantage of JP to make some killer plays. SDS, what am I missing ?????
  17. Not the panic but the 'reload' button that is at risk of being worn out.
  18. That was my thought but most on this board don't think that is possible. Let us wait and see.
  19. I can totally see TD pulling this off. Before i read your post, I was going to say that Mr Poker-face will GET a 6th or 7th rounder + Shelton for Henry from the Cards. People may argue against any of TD's skills but one thing is for sure - he is a great negotiator.
  20. Still a bargain. There is this place in Chicagoland which has almost as-good wings. $17 for a 4 lb bucket. I drive at least once a month - 50 minutes drive each way but worth it.
  21. May your mouth burn for another week ! Why did you have to go and mention Duffs to ruin my perfectly happy morning ? I have been away from Buffalo for 10 years now but still can't forget the experience of getting 40 wings, one huge basket of fries and a pitcher of beer for $12. The memories still make me drool after all these years
  22. And here is another point - how could TD know before the breakout year that PP would be worth much (if anything) ? This is weird. If TD had signed him to a long term contract and PP had cra**ed out, we would be all on his case saying TD should have waited to see if PP would ever pan out for us. Once he did have his breakout year, PP started likening himself to Jerry Rice in his prime and wanted big bucks. So, ofcourse, TD let him walk. d_wag, let me ask you something, would you sign Josh Reed today to a long term contract ? As it sits right now, he may continue his slide downward or have a breakout year next year. We dont know and this was the case with PP also. I believe TD does a great job negotiating and completely trust him. I am sure he has a back-up plan for every one (BATNA in negotiating terms, best alternative to a negotiated agreement).
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