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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. Russ said Bills moving to Entercom. Many stations to push the Bills on. Sounds like games on AM only, not broadcast on a FM Entercom station. No word on Murph and Kelso, although 550 did play a promo right after the interview of Murph calling a play. Russ says looking forward to the relationship, last time together Bills in Super Bowls. Talked about GM, player and coach radio shows- did not specify which station would carry what, but sounded like all the Entercom stations would get a taste. For me, I hate the idea of the games on AM, cruddy signal. And if using internet app, too much lag. Also, can't wait to hear Schopp play nice, probably will be a gradual thing.
  2. Define greedy? If it's the Bills definition, anything over 7 million is greedy. Hate saying it, but I came to grips with it a long time ago, he won't be back. The Bills won't pay for talent. They have a few guys in the pipeline that showed flashes of ability and will go with them - Easly being the most prominent and Roosevelt has shown flashes. Stevie may want to be here, but the Bills will not pay him. The excuse will be that Stevie asked for too much.
  3. The Bills will not go after any big name FA's. They will not replace any coach with a name coach (unless it Wanny as we are already paying him). They will not sign Stevie, or retain Freddie. The Bills could care less to build a team that matters.
  4. Chan isn't going anywhere. He spouts the company line and his players love him (for now). The Bills will do just enough in the offseason to be just below competetive next season, hence securing his staying. As for assistant coaches, D coordinator is as good as gone. Someone has to be the sacrificial lamb.
  5. I much prefer a stat that is based on 100%. The thing I like about the QBR is it takes everything into account. Really shows you how a particular QB stacks up against others. Should be a great tool for fantasy football guys. What I hate about is is the smugness that is ESPN.
  6. He is the most useless player on this roster.
  7. I have a tough time believing any NFL team total profit is 15 Million. You can cook the books any way you want when you're a big corporation. Being involved in a labor dispute myself, it's the workers opinion that any give backs will never be recouped. Once you set a precedent, it's hard to get it back. I'm sure that's what they are feeling also. Anyway, the NFL is trying to lower player costs before they get out-of-hand. I just hope they don't follow the NHL model that you take away, get some much needed financial relief, then start handing out outrageous contracts a few years later.
  8. Well said. If Luck really is the once in a lifetime guy, and the Bills believe that, then get him. Otherwise stick with Fitz, maybe kick back a few spots in the draft and pick up another pick or two and get some bodies in here. Our needs go much farther than QB, we need: LB's, DL, O-Tackle, TE, CB, Safety, WR. Why get rid of Poz and Whitner and make more holes, our d-line is pathetic. Do we even have a TE on this roster?? Corner may be less of a problem. if Whitner goes we need a safety. A proven WR might no hurt (not highest priority). As far as I can tell, we don't have enough draft picks to fill these needs. We are going to need to be very active in FA, get some GOOD players (not Walker, Dockery or Green), and SPEND SOME MONEY! We need more than just QB and I can't see spending the money or high pick on just one guy. Move back a few picks, and spread that money over a few guys who can help. Oh, and a new defensive coordinator would not hurt.
  9. Video no longer available? Oh well. Just finished watching the game and notice Kelsay looked terrible....again. Also, noticed Cornell Green blocking the inside guy again while a blitzer ran right past him. Saw him do it pretty much every game so far.
  10. -Our LB's, except for Ellison, played horribly today. -Kelsay can't cover. -Davis had trouble covering. -Davis had trouble tackling today. -Florence looked kinda slow. -Jackson should have run more. -Spiller should of had more touches. -Trent is abysmal. Don't care if the o-line gives little time or not. He got a nice 15+ yard toss to Parrish in just a few seconds. He holds on to the ball too long and thinks the receiver needs to be wide open to try a pass. He needs to understand "NFL open" which is just a small window, not wide open. -Stevie Johnson had his chance and missed. I understand the Bills brain trust is rebuilding, but man, these guys have to play better. And, bench Trent and start Brohm. Brohm is the only one that has any upside over Fitz and Edwards. Really, what do we have to lose?
  11. Especially when it's a jet, not some personal carrier like a few years ago going about 10 mph.
  12. My white Bruce Smith bought in the 90's. Definitely need to get me a Wang jersey though.....
  13. Pre- and post draft I was pretty tough on this guy. Now, not so sure he doesn't deserve a chance. Pretty sad article, could feel the dudes pain. As for the NFL, if Vick and Big Ben didn't do what they did, he may have gotten a chance. All the NFL needs to do is put stories out supporting the guy, ie: through NFLN, ESPN and so on, and explain his situation. Yeah, people will automatically think child molester, but need to understand the circumstances. The dude had one close person in his life, his sister. As much as I don't understand how they did what they did, I understand the circumstances of his life at the time. His best chance at a shot in the NFL is to end up in the CFL, or UFL and play well enough. Maybe those are the only leagues he'll ever play in. Maybe he needs to forget the big payday of the NFL and use his past to help other kids. Become a spokesman of sorts for helping other kids. What he needs to do now is do what is best for his family. As for worrying if he can play in Toronto, or anywhere outside the US, the NFL attorneys would make that a non-issue.
  14. Making the long trek from Clarence, NY and hanging out at my friends Bro's house off of Abbott. Miller Lite, burger, dogs, pineapple rum/orange juice drinks. Sitting upper deck with my Bruce Smith jersey on! Mighty Taco and a few more beers watching the DVR of the game. Already have Monday off to sleep my hangover off.....
  15. As for is JK really heading something up? He knows how serious the fans are about the team, and hope he wouldn't open his mouth about team ownership unless he really did know something. My guess is he is trying, And we'll find out later. My question is, is Ralph motivated to not let the team stay in Buffalo due to his legacy? Does he want another Buffalo owner to actually turn this franchise around, and maybe actually win a Super Bowl?
  16. If memory serves, wasn't Clausen considered a possibility that spot?
  17. It appears most of the CFL teams are fixing or wanting a new stadium. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/foot...article1646804/ Due to cost a new CFL stadium would have no more than 40,000 seats. This includes the fact they are touting pro soccer also, which those stadiums are around 20K or so. No way a financially strapped city like Hamilton builds a NFL ready stadium, ie: luxury suites galore, scoreboard(s), large number of seats (65K at the very least) to be a suitor. One of the CFL stadiums being touted is 33,000 seats at a cost of only $115 million to build, although BC place is looking at $458 million in just renovations. An NFL type stadium would be $750 million to 1 Billion.
  18. 1. Chris Watson - Was force fed to us as an amazing pickup at the time. Had to endure his punt catching skills and poor DB skills for far too long. 2. OJ - Not because of his on the field, but his off the field antics. 3. Rob's Johnson - Just a flippin' meathead who if we didn't have him, maybe Flutie could have shined (not saying I'm a big fan of DF). 4. Perry Tuttle - Waste of a 1st rounder. Like many before and after him. 5. Dick Jauron - What can I say about him? 6. Willis McGahee - Just a joke of a person. Don't blame him for lack of production here, it was a nasty injury that takes much more time to get back from then given credit for. Just a crappy person. 7. Dockery - Spent gob's of cash on the guy and he was a terrible waste.
  19. Posturing. If he came out and told them he's eager and will sign right now, it gives the Bills the upper hand. He's a RB. Don't really need him to be in at start of camp as much as a DL guy. Now, if it's opening day and he's not signed....then I'd worry.
  20. When we were young, we would split up at the registers so no one would know what we were up to. Of course we would get through the register, then congregate at the entrance... all of us with our TP. Yep, fooled them again! As for the Blackhawks coach, I thought I heard it was actually friends of his that did it.
  21. Doesn't really say too much about the player. He was productive, actually our best DE, by default. Can't really remember him getting that many game changing sacks. His sacks usually came in bunches at times they did not really matter.
  22. Both my brother and I have the slingbox. He originally bought one to have at my house to watch the Bills. Had to give it back in the offseason, and could not live without it. It is an awesome product. I watch his from Maryland, and the picture is pretty good, which you can tweak the quality by adding bandwidth to it. I can also watch it from any computer in the house, along with my iPod touch. The iPod actually works great and the controls are pretty decent. Their is some lag on all devices, but no big deal. I have the Slingbox solo so don't know how good the HD picture is. It is incredibly easy to setup and easy to use. Great product.
  23. I got the Ticket a few years ago, when it was around the low 2's. Thought it was great. Don't think I can justify $300 at all. I just don't have the time to sit every Sunday watching a 1 pm and 4 pm and 8 pm game. I barely get time to watch the Bills game. Just an FYI. I recently switched to Time-Warner...for a week and came back to DTV. My parents have Dish, and IMHO DTV is much better than both of them..especially once you had DTV. It is cheaper than cable, but don't know about Dish. Good luck.
  24. Yep, just wins. Orton isn't the best QB in the league, but would be an upgrade over all our guys but Brohm. I say give Brohm a real shot and see what he does before we trade for another QB (unless it's one of the Mannings). Not saying Brohm is going to be a great, or even serviceable, NFL QB but I'd like to see what he can do. As for Orton, always liked the guy. Just seems to win.
  25. I know it's not live football, but Spiller sure does seem quick, catch the ball well, and have some nice cuts. Can't wait to see him in some live 11 on 11 action!
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