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Everything posted by Observer

  1. Some people complain about the time it takes to get a patent. Some people complain about the time it takes a patent to expire. "I don't know how much it should be reduced just that it should be." Bernie couldn't have said it better.
  2. Pharma patents don't take that long to prosecute except by choice of the companies. The US Patent and Trademark Office deals with pharma applications faster than other technologies on average. So scratch that issue off the list. EDIT: I think you mean the term of a patent once issued. That's the entire reason companies do R&D. Not likely to change that.
  3. You didn't even do it right. It's guys like you that make him enforce his monopoly.
  4. Trump doesn't resonate with conservatives. He resonates with angry people who don't care that Trump has no clear vision. "Anti" is not an ethos.
  5. If you expect me to passionately defend my decision to vote for Clinton over Trump, you'll wait a long time.
  6. Careful you don't burn the straw man. Like most thoughtful people, I'm faced with a dilemma: Trump, Clinton, or other. I've voted other before but see Trump as the most dangerous person to ever get this close to the button. So I feel the need not to waste my other vote and will likely vote for Hillary. What she did on Benghazi pales in comparison to the danger I see in Trump. And I can't $%^ing stand Hillary. You won't see me support her. I'll just vote for her.
  7. You can't be both an adult and a child. When Rubio and Cruz decided to act like children, their credibility went to zero. Trump has never treated this like a serious candidate so his insults don't tarnish his image.
  8. Hillary being smarter than Trump doesn't excuse her behavior but in my post, within the Trump thread, I was attacking Trump. It's possible to see both candidates as bad. Just focusing on the one I deem worse, although arguing which one is better is more of an intellectual circle jerk than a discussion with a positive outcome.
  9. No one knows what Trump is, not even Trump. His "policies" have internal inconsistencies and his public statements usually contradict each other. He's a moron . I wish he was smart enough to be liberal but his only genius comes from being a better Khardashian. He knows how to spell T-R-U-M-P. The only time he sounds articulate on the trail is when he describes where he just was "Just came from Trump Towers Vegas, a best in class luxury..." Etc. Problem is the mindless Trumpsters eat him up. Intellect and policy have no place in his voting base.
  10. You're missing the point. I brought up the debt deal as an example of why we need people like Boehner and not Cruz. Cruz could never have gotten to the table on that deal. Of course Obama messed that up. That's the famous "moved the goal post" moment.
  11. No one in the NFL can match up with Gronk. Doubt any of these kids can. Still, the Bills desperately need LBs.
  12. ESPN draft formula in Rd 1: Everyone gushes and one person talks about the negatives. They did it with almost every pick. Clearly a scripted approach to the picks. I was waiting to see who it was going to be to diss Lawson--it was Gruden with the pretaped ND game stuff. Doesn't bother me. For a change the Bills drafted the consensus best guy at a position of high need. Can't argue. Plus, how can you not love a Shaq.
  13. Disagree that Boehner is part of the problem. The people who operate in the middle solve problems. The Cruz's of the world won't get dikk accomplished. Boehner had Obama to the brink of addressing medicare, social security, and defense spending and a true deal on reducing the debt. You have to give to get. The current Congress doesn't understand that and instead divide out into party charicatures who don't have the maturity to understand how to work together. It's intellectually weak and fails us all.
  14. When all you do is pontificate and don't ever sit down and work out deals, you won't get far. I sound like a Trump voter. Actually, I sound like Trump.
  15. Cruz picking Fiorina is like Mel Kiper giving his pick for the Bills at #19. An intellectual exercise only.
  16. It's absurd. Won't move the needle one bit.
  17. Nobody has any kind of idea what kind of nutbag he is. Left, right, center. Trump cares about Trump. He's as dumb as a jar of mayonaise but people vote for him because he's an outsider. Not one other cogent reason. "Repubs" are lining up behind him now. It's a hellluva dumpster fire. Conservatism is not in the future of US politics. At best the future is going to be socialists vs. center-Dems with the Conservatives becoming ever more marginalized as white America dies (literally) in the next 50 years. I keep hoping the Libertarians can form some coalition with centrists but it seems less likely.
  18. PA expected to come in at 48%...he achieved 60. HE could have beaten Cruz and Kasich combined. His trend is up. Total overachieving night and I hate his guts. A 12 point lead in head to head is McGovern-like and thus far, the media has not unleashed the kracken on Trump, instead hoping to lynch him with his own words. Think about the debates thus far. Trump gets saved in every debate because the adults (and there are several) talk about the issues while he gets his soundbytes. He will look like an idiot when he's expected to deliver 50% of the thought leadership. I dislike Clinton as much as many here but make no mistake, she's smart--she will eviscerate him in the debates.
  19. Trump completely mopped up tonight. 60%+ in many states. Yikes. The "deal" for Indiana, Oregon etc between Kasich and Cruz could not have been handled worse and with worse timing. Totally plays into Trump's us-vs-system narrative and they can't even pull it off well. This morning Lauer asks Kaisch point blank, "Who should Republican voters vote for next week in Indiana?" Kasich can't even give an answer. The horror show that is the Republican primary continues, and now looks even worse. If Trump wins Indiana, he will probably get to the magic number or be so close that to not get the nomination will be a debacle.
  20. Bills will make their pick in each round. That will be their activity in this draft and that's all I want. It's a bad salary cap year for sure. The Bills missed the FA window so now they should just build for 2018. This year is a year where playoffs should be a goal and 2018 should be a deep playoff/SB goal year. NExt year is when the BIlls can sign extensions and FAs.
  21. With comments like that, skip NC as a destination or you'll violate the bathroom laws. Man card status: Revoked. Drums and flats are the two wing pieces. I never heard them called that until recently. My cousin ordered all of one (flats) at Duffs and I was stunned that such sacrilege could take place. I like them both.
  22. His economic ideas are crap but he's the most likeable of em all by a long shot.
  23. Yes, we all know the LGBT demographic controls elections. Republicans want government control when it's convenient in the same way Dems want free speech unless it hurts someone's feelings. The Repubs mistake is engaging in this like it's an issue that matters. Cruz helping with the party demolition.
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