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Bob in Mich

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Everything posted by Bob in Mich

  1. Yeah, though see, to treat this as just an academic debate was and still is the biggest mistake. This is a life and death situation and some fools here may actually value your advice and follow it. This is a highly contagious virus that can kill you or a loved one. Not you specifically, but when the advice under those circumstances is, 'no big deal....go about your business....ignore the chicken littles', that could have consequences far beyond winning or losing an academic debate. Giving the uneducated some fear by putting forth dire predictions may have caused greater caution sooner. What you are calling panic, I would call a much greater respect and fear of this virus
  2. Somehow you fancy your analysis as valid while that of those who were correct, as poor. No, I don't wish to discuss death predictions with you. Thanks anyway. Just curious as to what will finally have to happen to get the danger minimizers around here to admit that their postings offered foolish advice
  3. Really? For weeks you have criticized anyone here that has been posting dire predictions concerning this virus. Certainly your right, and BuffaloGal, and Deek, Rhino, and everyone here saying this is not as bad as feared, have that right. Are any of you yet ready to admit that you have been terribly wrong? I just wonder if any of you have considered if you have caused anyone to actually get this virus. After all you have been saying for weeks that this is not that bad and you have all been so critical of those saying this is going to be very bad. You might feel that you have been quelling panic but I would like to know if any of you feel any responsibility or even guilt for minimizing this pandemic to the under educated here.
  4. Go back and look at your own posts blaming the dems for hyping this crisis. Overblown, wasn't that you? If you want to point out posts where I have been off base, go ahead. Be specific please so we can discuss.
  5. My opinion is to take the least worse way. Obviously to anyone not being ridiculous
  6. I have answered that question. Lives over jobs. I think ignoring the experts and going back to business as usual today would be stupid. So, this current cure is much better than ignoring the impact of the virus, imo. You want certainty in a prediction but that is not possible so why keep asking? Lives over jobs at least until we can have enough doctors and equipment to treat those that are brought to the hospital. Stay home for now. Follow the advice of the experts in this field. Try to ramp up production of supplies and ventilators. After the initial wave we will have to open things somewhat. Perhaps we will have widespread testing available by then. That would help a lot.
  7. "we get back to a first world level of hospital care....after the initial wave passes in the hotspots. " RIF Work on your comprehension. Maybe you could stress less if you didn't assume you were the only thinking person. If a hospital gets overwhelmed, treatment is no longer what I would call first world hospital care. If there are sufficient healthy employees and equipment of course we have first world level of care in the US.
  8. Get to the point where the hospitals are not overwhelmed. Yes, stay at home. Probably by state but dictated by the outbreaks....the numbers, the science. Predicting the future can seldom be done perfectly. If you are waiting for that, best of luck. Some decisions are forced without all information. In my opinion we are not going to be able to focus on jobs again until after we get back to a first world level of hospital care....after the initial wave passes in the hotspots.
  9. Well, one reason that you point out mistakes is to learn from them. We have the ability to see how this crisis has developed in several different countries. Learn from what has worked. Also, learn who makes good decisions in our country and so who is a good leader versus who has made bad decisions and perhaps should not be a leader. Trying to get posters here to take this seriously is/was not inciting panic. It was sound advice unlike the advice of several posters around here. Does that 'bad advice' shoe fit you?
  10. Flatten this initial wave to a manageable level of new cases. Just get enough breathing machines and masks to treat everyone that could recover if they had a functioning doctor, nurse, and a machine. We are not there yet specifically in the pending hot spots. Once there, we will be able to open up the stay home orders. That may be weeks or perhaps a few months at worst. I know one thing for certain and that is dead people will not revive the economy
  11. Want to discuss this post? What was wrong in this post?
  12. How is it helpful to claim we have done a good job when we actually haven't? Yes, we are going as fast as possible now. That should have happened weeks earlier though. You can choose to ignore those poor decisions if you wish. I have tried to be helpful throughout, unlike those that chose to ignore the experts and the math and chose to minimize the severity of this situation. How helpful was it a few weeks back to imply this was all being overblown? I am glad I didn't encourage anyone to take this lightly. Were you one of those science deniers on this issue? Sorry you don't like my postings and my warnings on this crisis. Put me on ignore but first, please point out my posts that have been off base so we can discuss. I think I began posting in this thread around 3/12.
  13. You likely know this but just in case.....those European countries are ahead of us as far as the breakout timeline. It ramped up there much sooner The death rate grows over a few percent after the local health systems are overwhelmed. That has happened in Italy and Spain and has yet to happen in the USA. When it does happen here, and it will in the hot spots soon, our death rates will rise considerably. We have not done a very good job here. Open your eyes. Seeing those countries ahead of us should have jump started our preparations. Instead, our leaders squandered that time worrying about appearances. Now, it is too late in some areas and many will die who wouldn't have if we had used our preparation time more wisely.
  14. The situation now reminds me of a collision of huge ships. We still have time before the worst happens but cannot stop it any longer. The ventilator shortage will be the root cause of the preventable deaths. The only possible miracle could be the ability to use one machine for multiple patients. I have heard of a few projects working on that. Imo, we should focus more resources on this project
  15. Our hospitals in NY are about to be be overwhelmed. I would accept help from Satan at this point.
  16. True, it is not the warmer weather so much as open windows and less time indoors close with others. Given those reasons though, I wonder about hot weather and using the AC. On hot days, people go inside to the cooler temps....and they keep the windows shut to keep out the outside air. Doesn't that sort of replicate the cold weather situation of crowding indoors?
  17. Yeah, I thought I would match your intelligence to make you comfortable
  18. I suspect a strong correlation between the climate change deniers and the group that kept claiming this corona virus situation was no big deal. The don’t know much about science, don’t trust scientific experts, and believe that everyone has ulterior motives to conspire against them.
  19. Best of luck to you and yours. I hope your family gets well soon.
  20. No...other than to say Your post seems to imply someone is trying to fool us into believing this covid-19 is more serious than it actually is. The premise of the post is foolish. It is as serious as it gets. Sorry Foxx, but those implying 'not that bad' are being proven to be terribly mistaken.
  21. If there was justice in the universe, rather than culling the elderly, this virus would cull our world of the idiots. Please God, start with those that continue to claim that this is all overblown.
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