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Everything posted by bflo83

  1. Yes it was. In addition, the Steelers have lost a Wild Card game to KC at home and a Division playoff game to the Titans at home under Cowher's watch.
  2. Add the best kicker in the game too. Found out last week that nobody had hit a field goal longer than 46 yards in the history of Heinz Field. First drive of the game Vinateri lines up and nails a 48 yarder. The man is money in the bank. Add the best best coach, the best QB and the best kicker to a team that plays smart football and we're stuck watching a dynasty in the making.
  3. While I have to begrudgingly give the Patriots credit - they are just a solid team that makes few errors and capitalizes when the opponent screws up - what is the deal with Bill Cowher and Conference Championship games? Home field for the playoffs doesn't seem to work for the Steelers. To lose four out of five conference championship games at home is terrible. Maybe I'm spoiled with the Bills record at home in the playoffs (9-1 at the Ralph) but if I was a Steelers fan I would be disgusted by this team's performance. It is unacceptable to have this lack of success at home. 1995: Lost to San Diego 17-13 1996: Win over Indianapolis 20-16 1998: Lost to Denver 24-21 2002: Lost to New England 24-17 2005: Lost to New England 41-27 There's a lot of crying in those terrible towels tonight.
  4. One thread is never enough!!! Patriots 17-14 Eagles 21-17
  5. Nothing would be better than for the Pats to lose AND get snowed in and not be able to leave Pittsburgh.
  6. Was more of a baseball fan growing up in the sixties (Mets). First football team I remember liking was the Baltimore Colts - liked Johnny U. The first SB I remember was the Colts over the Cowboys. Even then I hated Dallas. Anyhow, wasn't that into football until I went to college in Buffalo in the early 80s. Got into the Bills at that point and there's been no turning back.
  7. Let's take a look at that 2000 draft class: 1. Erik Flowers 2. Tavares Tillman 3. Corey Moore 4. Avion Black 5. Sammy Morris (the only quality pick of the litter and a special teamer/back up at best) 6. Leif Larsen 7a. Drew Haddad 7b. DaShon Polk Ooh-fah! Makes the 2002 class look like an A by comparison!
  8. Another old guy - 43. Old enough to know better - young enough to still believe.
  9. While this one was in a losing effort, it's not one of the tragic moments. As a matter of fact it was one of the plays that makes you proud to be a Bills fan: Don Beebe running down Leon Lett in SB XXVII and knocking the ball out of his hand at the one yard line.
  10. Can't beat it for the money. I have both the GC and PS2. I play Madden on the GC and ESPN NFL on the PS2. Aside from the differences in the games I can't say one is better than the other. Had the PS2 first but picked up the GC for the kids because of the Mario and Sonic games. They also like the adaptor that allows them to play all their Game Boy games through GC.
  11. While I don't think Herman Edwards is a bad coach (He has done a fairly good job in one of the hardest towns to coach in and his players are 100% behind him) I can't believe how bad his clock management is. Saturday was not an isolated incident. His tenure with the Jets is marked with incidents like this. The irony is that after San Diego went ultraconservative and ended up losing the game the week before as a result, Herm goes one step further. Marty just ran LT into the line three times before going for the field goal. Herm tops that by taking a knee and moving his kicker back an additional yard the play before the kick I'm just happy to see all the green wearing Jets fans down here all miserable - these a**clowns were ready to book flights to Jacksonville after Marty gave them the game in SD the week before.
  12. Napoleon trying the ramp on Pedro's bike is priceless. Definitely a movie you want to watch more than once.
  13. Harrington would only want to be a starter or would only come in to a situation where he can compete for the starting job IF Detroit lets him go. I actually don't mind the Fiedler talk as a back up. But why all this talk of a new back up - has anyone confirmed Drew is out the door or is this just wishful thinking on the part of some posters? Anyway, Rob Johnson is still available. I'm sure his past year's sabbatical has really re-kindled his killer instinct.
  14. The Colts need to get home field throughout the playoffs. That is the only way they stand a chance of getting to the SB and even that's not guaranteed if they have to face the Pats.
  15. In a column written for the Daily Nebraskan in September, Derek attacked seat belt laws as intrusions on individual liberties and expensive to enforce. "It is my choice what type of safety precautions I take," he wrote. "There seems to be a die-hard group of non-wearers out there who simply do not wish to buckle up no matter what the government does. I belong to this group." People sometimes take the most misguided stands on things. Thankfully most of the time they don't cause your death - it's a waste to die for such a foolish reason when he had so much going for him.
  16. Two years ago (pre-concussions) he would have been a great pick up for the Bills. He is definitely damaged goods and will probably call it a day and retire as a Jet. Great player and one of the few Jets I actually liked (even when he was killing us on those third down conversions!).
  17. Good one - but the one that I listened to a lot more was Blow Your Face Out. Great stuff.
  18. Cowher or Belichek? Brady or Rothlisberger? Pittsburgh losing three out of four conference championships at home under Bill Cowher. Weather is a non factor for the Pats. Belichek has won the last 13 games where he faces a team for the second time in a season. I will be amazed if they do not make it 14 - 0 this weekend. I realized this week I don't hate the Patriots as much as I dislike their front running Ma**hole fans. Got to give them respect - they are just a well coached, disciplined TEAM.
  19. Great show - The Clash and David Johansen opening for the Who at Rich Stadium (October '82). When The Clash played we were standing at about the 40 yard line and the whole crowd was moving. It was strange to see them in such a large stadium but they pulled it off. The good old days...
  20. Isn't Bubba Franks a FA also?
  21. Becht was totally underused this season. He spoke about this in the papers after the Pittsburgh loss - sounded like he doesn't want to return to the Jets. I remember him having some nice games and a couple of touchdowns against the Bills the last couple of years.
  22. If they don't go trade or draft for a TE they might want to consider FA Anthony Becht from the Jets. Definitely second tier to the players mentioned above but could be a good fit.
  23. Jerry Lee Lewis @ the Star Club - Great choice! I always prefered Johnny Cash's San Quentin concert to the Folsom Prison one - the Legacy cd reissues on both are excellent. Two more that I would add to the list: Bob Dylan - Live 1975. The 2 disc Rolling Thunder recordings from Canada and Massachusetts - amazing stuff. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin & Sammy Davis Jr. - The Rat Pack Live at The Sands. Always liked Hot Tuna's Double Dose, I know somebody had mentioned that one before. And I'm surprised nobody gave it up for James Brown Live at the Apollo - great stuff.
  24. I believe Vermiel got Faulk for a great price. I don't remember the exact specs but I thought the Rams pulled off a sweet deal and Marshall played huge for them for a long time - he was the Thurman that made the greatest show on turf go. As far as Dillon - the f-ing Pats just got a good deal from a team that didn't want him anymore. I think Travis could get us a second round pick from a team willing to over pay but most likely it's a third rounder. His upside is that he's younger than Dillon or Faulk at the time they were traded.
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