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Everything posted by phypon

  1. You just accused me of being a pedo, a child sexual predator. I'm pretty sure that is a bannable offense. Are there any mods here on PPP? If so, please ban this poster.
  2. Really? "caused by scum"? I don't see how you can correlate those unfortunate deaths to a protest. I guess you are an avid believer in the "butterfly effect". They are not related.
  3. And you continue to deflect. And continue to push a political agenda based around this topic. You only continue to prove how much of a sick fck you are. Keep posting, the only thing you are doing is proving my point and exposing yourself. Serious question, are you on a sex offender list? I'm pretty sure you are legally obligated to answer this question honestly. I'm not. I'm not so sure you are not. So, are you?
  4. It's pretty clear that you are the one that's trying. You've defaulted to your typical tactics and they are not working anymore. The receipts are there. But hey, keep exposing yourself with using words like "precious, racist, idiot, coward, incel..." You have nothing to say so you resort to school yard name calling. The receipts are there, BillsTime. For everyone to see. I really think you should be banned. You are a provocateur. You add nothing to discussions here on PPP. I have no idea why you are still allowed to post here. Anyway, for anyone that wants to see who BillsTime is, go back to our correspondence on this issue. The receipts are there and you will see what kind of person this poster is. You have no place here.
  5. Your attempts at invalidation and immature name calling is just ridiculous. That's all you resort to because that's all you know. ALL the receipts are there, on the Internet for the whole world to see. You're meager attempt at subterfuge isn't going to work this time. You've been exposed. Not only that, you are so afraid of YOUR own words that you went back to find all of your posts in the correspondence we had. I know exactly what you are talking about when you mention tagging posts. Did you delete your posts? Did you? I hope it shows up that you deleted them in posts where I quoted you. All the receipts are there, buddy. You know it, and you are clearly concerned.
  6. Back to your same old tactics. And, you cherry picked, just as I knew you would! There was a HELL of a lot more correspondence between you and I on that topic and you picked the last one where you FINALLY condemned it after waffling. All the receipts are there for anyone to see. You have been exposed. And this is how you reply? You're disgusting. Seriously, there is something wrong with you. You are a sick fck. I really hope other posters go back and read your responses to this topic and read the back and forth you and I had. The receipts are there. In your own words. Plus, since then you've posted some gif with young children in them in response to other posters in a non-sequitur fashion. You are scum.
  7. You literally just cherry picked my last post. Nice try. You are a sick fck. All the receipts are there for anyone to see. You're fear is showing...
  8. I'm not going to go find it and neither are you. Anyone interested can go back and find it so they know that neither one of us is cherry picking any posts. And, hopefully, you can't delete any of your posts. The receipts are all there for anyone to see. So yeah, you keep waiting while anyone that wants to see your posts does so and sees you for the sick fck you are.
  9. You mean this: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/ 1 stroke after Jan 6 and 4 suicides days to months after Jan 6?
  10. I think you are referring to the "summer of love".
  11. No hoax. You and I had this convo before and you could barely condemn "minor attracted persons". It's all on the board. Anyone can go find the back and forth we had. It was like pulling teeth to get you to finally condemn it. YOU are the fkn loser. And all the receipts are here on this board. So fck off. You're a sick fck and anyone can go confirm that!
  12. Aren't you a proponent of "minor attracted persons"? When something like this happens a political party affiliation goes out the window. When it's a dem, you're a "minor attracted person" advocate. When it's a repub, you use it to advance a political agenda. You really are a sick F***. Anyone engaging in such behavior and actions as the person you posted needs to be removed from society in on fashion or another. Regardless of political affiliation. Yet you use it for political purposes and gain. Rather than seeing that there is some weird, messed up stuff going on with child trafficking you overlook that to wring your hands and try to pull off some political chest thumping. Ever ask yourself why people on the "right" condemn such actions no matter the party affiliation and people like you on the "left" pick and choose when to condemn such actions. Normally I don't reply to your posts with any type of engagement because you're so out there, but this one needs to be addressed. The only thing I'm left with thinking is "what the hell is wrong with you"?
  13. You non-thinking leftist socialists fall for anything, lol! So this is a "he likes dictators and that means he is a dictator". That's where this is headed, right? Trump is now a dictator! Here is the scary part of all of this, you idiot socialists have tried to attach so many labels (to everyone) that people are now laughing at you guys because your tactics are predictable, insane, and ineffective. Critically thinking people are afraid of what you guys will do the the few months of power you have left. Will you prevent an election entirely? Will you fire off nukes (because you guys are sick, sick and scared people)? Will you assassinate a political opponent? The left is already getting people used to martial law in NYC and now talk of Chicago. The left has already used lawfare to persecute political opponents. The left has been caught gearing up the IRS to attack small businesses as a form of persecuting citizens that don't agree with them. If you couple of leftist posters here are so smart, drop the Trump BS. Look at your own "party". You don't have to like either party (which it's really a uni-party at this point). Use some critical thinking skills and deduction and wonder what the future looks like for you and your family. If you can't see the destruction of this country that the left has caused in such a short time, you really need to evaluate your thinking process. Keep the gaslighting, projection, and deflection coming though. The rest of us are laughing at your feeble attempts. You guys aren't pissing anyone off, you're just making us laugh.
  14. I think Putin is also sending Omaha steaks to Tucker Carlson...
  15. Wait, I have no issues with the policies. The person in the vid has issues with the policies. The person in the vid is trying to say how bad the policies are and that they are terrifying. I agree with the policies, which is not the intent of the person making the vid. I don't see the policies as "terrifying" like the person that made the vid is trying to say.
  16. Yup, nothing like a good old baud modem. Ah, the good old days...
  17. That's the problem with millennials, they think the Internet came out in 1995... j/k, just razzing you
  18. Keep crying those Biden tears. Idiot! Hope you're doing okay today. keep up the good work! Don't forget to call me a "racist" and a "coward". I already used "idiot" so you can't use that one now.
  19. I don't understand the reference. Is that a millennial thing??
  20. You talk about playing silly games as you are going off in the weeds and walking down the non-sequitur path talking about George Floyd and Nikki Haley. I think I'll just call you "Lincoln" from now on.
  21. And the lefts biggest critique on this very topic is that he used the work "illegal" instead of "undocumented". Yeah, call the rest of us crazy because we expect a bit of respect for a young, brutally murdered, woman and we expect him to at least get her name right.
  22. You know better than this. I know you do. I bet you retain many names of football players that have names that you've never heard of and don't have friends with the same names. You remember their names because they are good/great players. When you have a major issue that has polarized the country for the last couple of weeks I know you would get her name, LAKEN, correct. You know better than this. Don't devolve into, "but, but, but...it's not on the most popular name list of people with social security numbers in the last "x" years..." Give me a break. Be better. I don't disagree with everything you say. Find some common ground on this one...
  23. You can't be serious. I know her name, you know her name, everyone on this board knows her name, the entire country knows her name... He had days of preparation and practice for this speech, one of the biggest points of his speech and he can't get her name right? I mean, it's literally written down in his laminated note folder, right in front of him and he STILL can't do it? C'mon man!!
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