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Everything posted by phypon

  1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/italian-tv-brutally-mocks-feeble-joe-biden-video/
  2. I don't know why you couldn't do this yourself. Oh, actually I do. Here ya go: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/illegal-migrant-from-venezuela-is-arrested-for-murder-of-uga-nursing-student-laken-riley-was-released-from-cbp-custody-because-of-overcrowding/ar-BB1iNB9K https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/24/us/uga-augusta-university-student-death-saturday/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/23/us/uga-augusta-university-student-death/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/foul-play-suspected-woman-went-jog-found-dead-university-georgia-rcna140123 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/uga-woman-body-found.html https://nypost.com/2024/02/24/us-news/laken-riley-murder-suspect-jose-ibarra-seen-in-nyc-after-illegally-entering-us-social-media/ I'm pretty sure that you would consider all of those outlets "credible".
  3. Ooohh, okay, BillsTime. i guess you are running low on material. i guess that will happen after getting your ass handed to you in a thread you started. I expected more from you, tsk tsk...
  4. Whaaattt! I was expecting you to call me an "idiot, racist". Oh, you disappoint... Still funny though. Calling yourself "honest". Lol, good one!
  5. Hahahaha! "I know you are, but what am I?". Are you going to want to play patty cake next?? LMAO!
  6. I have to say, you're insults to people (never mind your posts) are so stupid it's seriously comical now!
  7. Yeah, okay. Coming from one of the most toxic posters on this board. BillsTime has you beat, but you are a close second.
  8. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/skyrocketing-number-attacks-christians-churches-explodes/
  9. The only thing you accomplished with that video is getting a bad 80's song stuck in everyone's head for the rest of the day. Congratulations...
  10. Her material is getting old. She's run out of the same tired insults. It's always "you're a racist", "you're an idiot". I think the coward one has been in the closet for a bit so I see she's breaking that one out again.
  11. i guess you didn't view the post I quoted, now did you. Don't you have a hole to crawl back into somewhere.
  12. Yup, they're going after the Christians next and they are going to go all out. It's insanity what these people are doing. Although, I think it's even worse how many people fall for it and join their ranks. We all know the few posters on this board that fit that category. Those posters don't understand that this is all by design and at some point they will be a target too.
  13. It seems you child predators all stick together. You've shown your true colors. You're a sick fk.
  14. Watch yourself there buddy. At least you answered correctly. Good answer. I'm well aware there are agitators here on this site. And I'm calling them out.
  15. Another non-answer. Hey everyone, Ray Epps has a non-answer. No surprise. Yup, we're done sex offender, felon. You're a scumbag. Goodbye, loser. Talk is cheap.
  16. And it's funny to you? You answered with a meme. You can't take the topic seriously. You didn't answer the question until you found a meme. You dodged it as long as you could and everyone saw you waffling. So, precious, do you have a criminal record? Are you a registered sex offender? You haven't answered that yet. I'm not. I answered. Can you? Are you a felon? C'mon, precious. Answer the question. Bet you won't and that you will waffle and produce a meme. C'mon, precious, put your money where your tough person persona is. Be honest, do it. Answer the question.
  17. No you didn't. You know you didn't. You used your tired schtick and tried to make a joke about it. It's funny to you? C'mon precious. You didn't answer whether or not you have a criminal record. Do you? You haven't answered that one yet. I don't. So, do you? C'mon precous. Man up, answer the question...
  18. Man up and answer the question from your own mouth. You keep deflecting. You couldn't answer the question. So, be a man tough guy Do you think your gaslighting tactics and deflections are going to work? Let me guess, you're going to ad hominem me now. You still haven't condemned the actions of "minor attracted persons". Why is that? Also, straight up, are you on a sex offender list? Do you have a sexual criminal record? You still haven't answered that. I don't. C'mon tough guy. You try to act like you're a straight up dude. Answer the questions. Do it, precious.
  19. You are clearly another user that BillsTime created. Mods need to check into this.
  20. You can't answer whether or not sexually abusing a child is wrong? Dude, you have serious issues. At least we know on this board who is who now. I'm not going to threaten you, but I never want to meet you.
  21. Then I'll ask you the same question: Do you condemn the acts of "minor attracted persons"? Can you answer? Is that at difficult answer for you? We're all waiting....
  22. You're a disgusting human being. You responded in another thread trying to insinuate ped*philia between a father and a daughter. You think that is funny. You have a serious problem. You are a demented individual.
  23. 1. You're lying. I posted in the same thread and told you where my question was. 2. It was a relevant question that a poster put in the thread. YOU couldn't answer. 3. You are a pedo. You are filth. You are a disgusting human being. You're trying too hard. You are a pedo psychopath.
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