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Everything posted by phypon

  1. I hear ya, and it's exactly how to handle a poster like that. Initially, I didn't want to get into the correspondence I had with him and share it thinking that if I did it would only provoke him, so out of a semblance of respect and pity, I didn't want to throw him under the bus. It wasn't private, it was in the deleted thread, so it was public correspondence. He literally begged me to delete the thread because he was afraid that SDS would see it and he would get banned. I didn't want to delete it, but I had a moment and felt bad for him. That was clearly a mistake. After begging me to delete the thread I put out the stipulation that if he cleaned up his act and agreed to tone things down with his responses to other posters I would delete the thread. He agreed, and as you can see, he lied and continued his trolling and disruptive behavior. I wish I screenshotted his posts before I deleted the thread. He simply needs to be completely ignored. There is no place for a poster/troll/paid shill like him here. All he does is drag down the level of what could be a healthy discussion between other posters. He knows exactly what he is doing and gets off on it. Everyone needs to ignore him and not participate in any threads that were started by him. I've noticed that he is always bumping his own threads to stay relevant. Stay out of any thread that he created, don't quote him, and don't reply to him.
  2. Totally agree with the advice you gave about ignoring a certain poster. Once everyone stops quoting them and stops replying to them, they will have have lost their "troll power". I would take it a step further though, when that person does violate TOS, report them. It's up to us as a community to come together in order to remove any poster that is a disruptive troll that, instead of engaging in a healthy discussion, devolves into personal attacks as well as thread jacking every thread and trying to turn it into an anti-Trump campaign even when it has nothing to do with the topic being discussed by others.
  3. https://www.infowars.com/posts/new-site-shows-americans-grocery-bill-prices-under-bidenflation-vs-trump/ https://www.infowars.com/posts/woman-receives-fbi-visit-over-x-post-criticizing-lax-sentencing-of-man-who-murdered-cousin/
  4. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/another-one-thug-long-rap-sheet-sucker-punches/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/what-is-happening-nyc-women-randomly-punched-face/
  5. Really good part at around 2:50 mark
  6. https://notthebee.com/article/baltimore-mayor-brandon-scott-says-white-people-should-be-scared-of-him-because-his-purpose-in-life-is-to-put-their-way-of-life-at-risk
  7. Great signing because we've been low on players named Williams lately. This team needs more Williams!
  8. Why do you say that? So you agree with me that it's wrong to punch random women in the face while they are walking down the sidewalk in a city regardless of the size of the population and that it shouldn't be expected or normalized that random young women get beaten for walking down a sidewalk? We can find some common ground here. So you agree that it's wrong on any level?
  9. Is punching random women in the face worth the effort? Because you seem to agree that if an area has a population (you know, people), that those things happen and it's okay. So you think it's okay to randomly punch women in the face??
  10. When you post, try to make sense of whatever tiny thought you may have. You successfully accomplished not saying anything concerning any real thought at all.
  11. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a trend and since you love the area, if you are in the area, you help prevent something like this from happening. Way to downplay crime though. i guess if you came to my neck of the woods and I punched you in the face it would be okay because...it happens...
  12. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/what-is-happening-nyc-women-randomly-punched-face/
  13. That's what you are trying to hang your hat on and deferring from the question of being offended by a description as opposed to the murder. Although, since you are a poster with the word "Reich" in your username (which is associated with NAZI's) and are trying to school other's about racism, seems a teensy bit racist. I'm offended by your username. You should change it. Again, the irony. Good luck talking about racism there Mr. Reich...
  14. So you went from not answering why you were offended at the accuracy of the description of a murderer rather than condemning the act of an innocent service woman being murdered to making a racist profiling of Indian persons having a beard and wearing a turban to deferring to a user's Twitter account. And yet, you're not a teensy bit racist... Hmm.... Not a subtle distinction... Do you really think that talking about some random person's twitter account is going to get you off the hook for being offended that a murderer may have been inaccurately ascribed a description as opposed to being upset that a murder of an innocent occurred? Do you think it's going to get you off the hook for racial profiling? Just seems a teensy bit racist on your part...
  15. You didn't "suggest" anything. You actually created that profile in your response. And, the point is that you are more worried about mis-labeling the color of a murderer's skin color and are offended by that rather than being offended that an innocent, service-woman was murdered. Your comments immediately went to "are we sure of the color of his skin? That's not fair and he is now the victim". How about, "that's horrible and I hope that the murderer gets what he deserves regardless of the color of his skin". Personally, I don't care what names or labels anyone wants to put on a murderer of innocent people.
  16. You just stereotypically profiled "an Indian man" as a counter to stereotypically profiling a black man and how stereotyping is bad. You still don't see the irony? Not trying to be a d-bag, just pointing it out.
  17. So you are more worried about an incorrect description of a murderer than you are about the crime of murder that was committed? And then you double down and you make an assumption that Doc has a beard and wears a turban. Do you see the irony here??
  18. I have to echo, Doc here. What's offensive? Are you offended?
  19. Good one! That was funny! Good burn! Yeah...well...well...the jerk store is running out of YOU!! My ex-gf is not in a coma...and it wouldn't surprise me if you had sex with her. Everyone else did...
  20. URGENT MESSAGE: To anyone that is trying to hold onto the trust they have/had in MSM and trying to rationalize this "bloodbath" narrative being pushed by outlets like MSNBC and others, they are manipulating you! You know they are lying and manipulating you and you are caught in the fog of cognitive dissonance. You don't have to become a Trump supporter if you disagree with what they are telling you. You should start questioning everything they have told you and focus on the issues rather than focusing on any specific individuals. The MSM is a psyop machine with the intent of creating division between "we the people". It's been working for long time, but this time they really have jumped the shark. It's time for all of us to give a big middle finger to these bought and paid for, script reading news outlet shills that don't give a damn about you or your best interest. Yes, including FOX. There is far too much gaslighting going on coming out of the now 4th branch of the government. There is desperation in the ethos and a lot of people are feeling it. With all that's been going on, it's too bizarre too ignore that something big and bad is going on right now. Call it aliens, religion, God...at this point, it doesn't matter. What matters is recognizing that things are way too far out of control and are only getting worse. When you see mischief or malfeasance, even if it's with a "side" you want to agree with, it needs to be called out. There is definitely an "elite" class, and we're not in it. Love Trump or hate him, in this case, he was talking about cars. Plain and simple. Don't let talking heads on MSM manipulate you into thinking otherwise. They want you to question reality, just like a narcissist or cluster B disordered person will do to many people.
  21. I wonder how aware those "news outlets" are about how many people laugh at their schtick at this point. Watching that clip seriously reminded me of a "weekend update" from SNL. And no, I'm not an SNL fan. Outside of being a bit disturbing for her spin, it's par for the course and really is becoming amusing watching those networks continue to make fools of themselves as their ratings continue to plummet. But, hey, that's why they make the big bucks, to stick to the script. Oh, wait, they are getting fired now. Look how Chris Cuomo is trying to re-invent himself as a centrist/rightist now. They are pathetic...
  22. I hear ya there. The correspondence we had was in the thread and not a private convo. Was in off activity hours of the board, so not sure how many people saw it. I figured it was better to delete the thread rather than keep it going. It was getting too ugly.
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