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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Watch yourself there buddy. At least you answered correctly. Good answer. I'm well aware there are agitators here on this site. And I'm calling them out.
  2. Another non-answer. Hey everyone, Ray Epps has a non-answer. No surprise. Yup, we're done sex offender, felon. You're a scumbag. Goodbye, loser. Talk is cheap.
  3. And it's funny to you? You answered with a meme. You can't take the topic seriously. You didn't answer the question until you found a meme. You dodged it as long as you could and everyone saw you waffling. So, precious, do you have a criminal record? Are you a registered sex offender? You haven't answered that yet. I'm not. I answered. Can you? Are you a felon? C'mon, precious. Answer the question. Bet you won't and that you will waffle and produce a meme. C'mon, precious, put your money where your tough person persona is. Be honest, do it. Answer the question.
  4. No you didn't. You know you didn't. You used your tired schtick and tried to make a joke about it. It's funny to you? C'mon precious. You didn't answer whether or not you have a criminal record. Do you? You haven't answered that one yet. I don't. So, do you? C'mon precous. Man up, answer the question...
  5. Man up and answer the question from your own mouth. You keep deflecting. You couldn't answer the question. So, be a man tough guy Do you think your gaslighting tactics and deflections are going to work? Let me guess, you're going to ad hominem me now. You still haven't condemned the actions of "minor attracted persons". Why is that? Also, straight up, are you on a sex offender list? Do you have a sexual criminal record? You still haven't answered that. I don't. C'mon tough guy. You try to act like you're a straight up dude. Answer the questions. Do it, precious.
  6. You are clearly another user that BillsTime created. Mods need to check into this.
  7. You can't answer whether or not sexually abusing a child is wrong? Dude, you have serious issues. At least we know on this board who is who now. I'm not going to threaten you, but I never want to meet you.
  8. Then I'll ask you the same question: Do you condemn the acts of "minor attracted persons"? Can you answer? Is that at difficult answer for you? We're all waiting....
  9. You're a disgusting human being. You responded in another thread trying to insinuate ped*philia between a father and a daughter. You think that is funny. You have a serious problem. You are a demented individual.
  10. 1. You're lying. I posted in the same thread and told you where my question was. 2. It was a relevant question that a poster put in the thread. YOU couldn't answer. 3. You are a pedo. You are filth. You are a disgusting human being. You're trying too hard. You are a pedo psychopath.
  11. You didn't have to go back to anything. You're lying. It's not a "gotcha" question. If you can't condemn sexual child abuse then you have shown your true colors. You're a monster. You're a pedo. And, you are strongly looked down upon here on this space. Now we all know what kind of person you are. You are filth, and the worst of the worst.
  12. And it took you that long to answer the question until you found a Trump meme? That's messed up. The question had nothing to do with politics. You think it's funny that children have been violated? That's a joke to you?
  13. Hey, good for you man. Have fun at the Taylor Swift show. All joking aside, have a good night with your wife and your show.
  14. Still can't answer my question. Do you condone the acts of "minor attracted persons"?
  15. Yes, we all know that you are clearly not clever. You should use that Google AI thingy and look up "balls". We all still have hope for you that you have the ability to learn something in your life. Actually, everyone knows that's not possible and it's just people pitying you. You suck at life, good luck!!
  16. Oh yeah, dude. Memes and gifs are totally deadly, lol. Hey, you should watch it on repeat, it's the only time you'll actually see what balls are!
  17. The question is stupid? Why do you say that? And you were well informed about the question and where it was. And you still can't answer it. Are you on a sexual predator list? Have you been convicted of a sex crime? Your non-answer implies that you condone ped*philia. Do you condone ped*philia? You're such a tough guy, answer the question. Don't be afraid. Answer. C'mon precious. Put your money where your mouth is. Are you just all talk? You still trying to dox me? C'mon, let's see what you got. Are you a pedo?
  18. Do some research into the conversation before you virtue signal. Your reply is not okay because you have no idea what you are talking about. In fact, I'll pose the same question to you. Do you condone the acts of "minor attracted persons"?
  19. Answer it. Explain it. Have you ever been convicted as a sexual predator? Do you have a criminal history? If you can't answer the question that I asked about whether or not you condone "minor attracted persons" then you clearly condone ped*philia. If you can't confidently answer the question with one word, "no", then you are by default answering the question with "yes". And now everyone knows that you are a predator, a pervert, and a deviant. It's not a difficult question. You are a scumbag and I hope the law catches up with you and you get what you deserve.
  20. I gave you the title of the thread. I used the @ and your name to notify you of the post that I made. It's on page two of the thread titled "Musk set to launch rival to Google and its woke AI".
  21. You're still avoiding my question from the previous thread. You're clearly online. Go answer it in the "Musk set to launch rival to Google and its woke AI" thread.
  22. I asked you a question in the "Musk set to launch rival to Google and its woke AI" on page 2. Answer it in that thread.
  23. Still waiting for your answer. Although your silence is telling...
  24. You still didn't answer my question. Why are you stonewalling? A couple of posts up. Answer it.
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