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Everything posted by phypon

  1. You should look it up. Doesn't matter what your political affiliation is, it's not good. Back to the point, that's why it's better to leave it up to the states.
  2. You really haven't seen the court case of dominion machines being hacked and votes being flipped? Look it up. Be concerned. It could happen by either party. Not good.
  3. Not sure what you mean by that. As BillsFanNC and Doc pointed out, this is likely a fake. I didn't know that. Glad if it's a fake. Biden can go take a shower now...
  4. Ah, I see. Thanks for pointing that out about it most likely being a fake. I was pretty flabbergasted when I saw it. He's still a pedo f*cker for showering with his daughter. Biden is a scumbag. I guess that's why I thought it was real, it wouldn't surprise me that he would do something like that the way he sniffs children all the time.
  5. Sounds like the perfect solution to what you are saying about the SC and well written out statutes would be to leave it up to the states...
  6. By all means, give the rest of us a history lesson of your awareness concerning the Nazi rise. Since you are well aware of the subject, enlighten us on how it unfolded. Start from the beginning, you know the tactics used and so forth. I mean, you must be an expert since you are the one that brought it up initially. Do tell. We all have our popcorn and are waiting for your breakdown... And funny how you that you call the SCOTUS "yo-yo". Who needs checks and balances, right? I think a Nazi would say something like that...
  7. Dude, your example of the 1930's NAZI's exemplifies the left today. "Deplorables", the "intolerant" against what we now call the 'right" or "conservatives". Also, the NAZI party HAD a party here in America. There was also a large communist movement in this country in the late 40's and 50's with doctrine that was meant to come to fruition after 50 years. Hell, go watch "Oppenheimer". You yourself made a comment about changing the Constitution and adding amendments to it. If you are all in on the policies and propaganda that has been put in front of you, then so be it. That being the case, you are not a part of this country and what it was founded on. Go somewhere else. We are at an impasse. I have no sympathy for you. None.
  8. The election was rigged. Proven in court with the easy manipulation of counting machines, votes from dead people, more votes than registered voters, videos of votes being tossed in a dumpster, votes being transported via freight trucking. That is your deep state. Like it or hate it, we're all being disenfranchised. That's why I say it's bigger than just a Trump issue. They are dividing us. I'd rather not see that happen. People like you and I ARE the PEOPLE and regardless of election results, it should be fair. That DOJ is being used as lawfare, and will most likely be used again after the next election. That's a big problem for either side. We need to see what "they" are doing and try to unify to put a stop to it altogether.
  9. YOU are the loyalist. You just don't see it. The funny thing is that all you people do is make everything about Trump. It's so much bigger than that. I'll say the same as I said to your friend, you just don't see it.
  10. When someone like him says "Luckily, we have a deep state DOJ" you know they are a commie.
  11. You don't have to be a Christian to disagree with your sentiment. All you're doing with a statement like that is parroting what you've heard in MSM. It's complete BS and when you do that you are the one making a correlation/causation argument. You talk about human rights and freedom of choice. You said: "You should be able to abort up until it would be able to survive outside the mother on it's own". With leaving it up to the states, go live in a state that aligns with your freedom of choice. I've already asked this, why is that a problem for you? Leaving if up to the states gives you your choice as well as the people that don't agree with you their choice to follow what they believe in. How is that not a solution for you? Doing it this way means that you are not impressing your ideology onto anyone else and the same time no one is impressing their ideology on to you. Freedom of choice, as you say. Not sure why leaving it up to the states is a problem for you since you are actually advocating for freedom of choice. Doing so completely aligns with your primary argument so I don't understand why you would have a problem with this.
  12. Just read your edit. We def agree on that point. That is the tough question, when does life "begin". Some people have one opinion, and others have another. We both can agree that once outside of the womb and birthed into the world, abortion is off limits. I don't think this is a Christian issue (not sure why you feel the need to make that a point). This is an issue of people having a different stance on the issue regardless of religion or other metrics. The base point is, if it's left up to the states, rather than impressed on the population as a whole at the federal level, people's voices in their own communities are heard. Why is that a problem for you?
  13. You didn't answer whether or not you condemn or condone after birth abortions. Do you think it's okay to have after birth abortions? I will respond more to your point in this post after you answer that question.
  14. That's the whole point, let the community and citizens of that community decide. There is nothing twisted about that. That is the definition of exercising democracy. Also, do you condemn or condone after birth abortions? Where do you stand on that issue?
  15. He said the "states" should decide, not the "state". The "state" is an oligarch federal government. It's the best solution. Just because you agree with the "state" now, what happens when you don't? Leave it up to the constituents in local communities to decide what they agree with rather than one central power. This give YOU choice. If you don't agree with your local community you can relocate to a like minded community. By doing so, YOU have a choice. Also, do you condemn after birth abortions or do you support it?
  16. Yeah, he's def a paid shill. Plenty of news stories out there about posters like him being exposed as being paid provocateurs. More than likely it's more than just him posting under that username. You can see that from the posts and inconsistencies in the posting and writing styles. The reason they have to stonewall in answering a question directly is that they have to research previous posts in order to try to be consistent with their posting. It's a classic tactic that's been exposed on other social media sites. That's why he never answers a question and only replies with the same memes that are part of their script. This revelation should be a wake up call to all posters on here, whether they agree with him or not.
  17. Yup, keep trying to get a rise out of me and others on here. As usual, stonewalling and still can't answer a question. Can't condemn after birth abortions. That's messed up... At this time, I'm wondering if BillSlime gets paid by the post or by the reply. He can't outright answer if it's okay to be a "minor attracted person" without stonewalling and now can't answer if he supports after birth abortions. This poster is clearly a paid shill.
  18. What you are doing is called "stonewalling". Your non-answer is your answer. Let it be known to everyone that BillSlime cannot outright condemn after birth abortion.
  19. Why don't you just answer the question? It's not that hard.
  20. Well, you quoted me and proved that you agree with afterbirth abortion. No surprise there, BillSlime. Anyone else want to declare their support?
  21. Any person or poster on here that agrees with execution/abortion of a baby after birth is all you need to know about them. How many Leftist posters on here have the BALLS to say in this thread that they support abortion after birth? Come on, raise your hand if you support that. Simply quote me and and pledge your support for after birth abortions.
  22. Laughable Leftists: - Biden has dementia..."No, Trump has dementia!" - Biden is a proven pedo that showers with his daughter..."No, Trump is a pedo!" - Trump wants to close the border..."No, Biden wants to close it but Trump's party is blocking it!" - Biden throughout his career has proven to be a racist..."No, Trump is a racist!" ...and on, and on, and on... See a theme? It's called projection. And, it's not working anymore. The left is using the playbook of "tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth". Yet, they call Trump Hitler. These leftist tactics aren't working anymore. I have no sympathy for the left today. The left is the enemy of the state.
  23. Trump supports, conservatives, non-Trump supporters in the center, libertarians all wave the American flag while leftists burn them...
  24. Hopefully this is a one off and it's not a sign of the lunatics on the left trying to kick things off. Horrible story out of NJ today: Headline: 'HORROR: 64-Year-Old New Jersey Man Who Operates Trump RV Beaten with Sledgehammer, Airlifted to Hospital with “Significant Head Injuries”' It's breaking, so don't know all the details, but not a good look... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/horror-64-year-old-new-jersey-man-who/
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