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Everything posted by nucci

  1. This isn't hockey where only one or 2 superstars are available.....and why keep Ed Reed?
  2. But the Bills teams that did make the playoffs were always 3-1 or 4-0 in September
  3. but he did......look at reality....not what if
  4. It's how they lost. The offense was supposed to be better than this
  5. Why would there be threads on bad defense? Defense played well. There are probably threads on the bad offense, though.
  6. You're not going to convince some people of this....facts are irrelevant
  7. as are people with cancer.....The stigma that marijuana is a dangerous narcotic like heroin has to stop. Alcohol is much worse for you
  8. They are probably in Buffalo working with trainers rehabbing their injuries
  9. Because cap space isn't the problem....it's his demands
  10. I didn't think cap space was the reason Gilmore has not been signed. I thought it was his asking price
  11. How is this not a penalty? One of our players was called for personal foul for hitting the QB at the waist this preseason
  12. I'm with you. Blue jersey white pants...white jersey white pants
  13. all who smoke pot are stoners? Are all who drink alcohol drunks?
  14. The line wasn't great last year but not alarming....and it's pretty much the same this year
  15. Ok that's fair...I don't agree with everything you said but that's ok
  16. No, it is not. So, I have a glass of wine with dinner and you consider me a loser? You have bigger problems than any of this.
  17. Correct, marijuana is not addictive....never said it wasn't harmless...I said alcohol and nicotine are addictive and can kill you
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