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Everything posted by nucci

  1. I get this but this is not what your original argument was about...I believe in standing when on defense on big plays and stuff....but not the whole game and definitely not during timeouts and commercials
  2. Do you have to stand between plays....commercials.....timeouts.....?
  3. Panthers should try to trade him...if they can't an outright release is inevitable
  4. was it during actual game play or commercial timeouts...etc? bull ****...I buy a seat....if you want to stand all game go elsewhere
  5. They were playing close to line of scrimmage and left CBs in man coverage all game...Yesterday safeties played where they are supposed to
  6. Exactly...every week is different...I don't think momentum exists anymore
  7. I don't think they are meddling but I think they made a poor choice in Rex Ryan as coach and it seems like they also gave him more power over the team than Whaley. I haven't heard or read anything from Whaley regarding the Roman firing. Seems to me he's been pushed aside.
  8. and you think by realigning the divisions you are going to fix that?
  9. I recall him saying the Giants forced him out without actually firing him and he wanted to continue coaching He can but not in the same city....I think
  10. Good point and regarding expansion....there aren't enough good QBs in the league right now......expansion will make this even worse
  11. Not even close.....I was around for '68, '71, '76-'77, '84-85........
  12. Friend of mine was at the game....said Woods was open all night.....came off the field pissed off for not getting thrown to.....so maybe Tyrod needs to step up instead
  13. Brady used to be on the injury report every game listed as probable with a sore shoulder...I get Watkins seems to be injured often but this team has bigger problems
  14. Have to at least win once in a while to have a rivalry....Bills-Browns.......sounds exciting
  15. Has Watkins missed many games in his career? Looks like he has played in 31 of 34 games
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