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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. oh, this certainly isn't a partisan issue. There are MANY people on both sides of the isle with blood on their hands. I just wanted to say "Hi" to all the warmongers on this board. In the words of John Mellencamp... "Well there's blood on the hands of the rich politicians Red is the color of the sand and the sea Blood on the hands of an arrogant nation Who start all the bleeding over their policies... She had blood on her face so she had to get even She hemorrhaged and bled all over the land There's blood on the hands of those that keep silent Who won't count the bodies dead in the sand" I TOLD YOU SO. (once again... that ain't my thumb.)
  2. It's been a while since I posted on here. Just wondering if some of you oldtime warmongers have any new "tips" on where we'll find Saddam's WMD's? (by the way... that's not my thumb I'm flashing you. Cash)
  3. Hey now... I don't f'ing have any "anger issues"!!
  4. Just go through this "politics, polls and Pundits" page, ok? Click through each thread, but DON'T read the starting thread or topic. (for the most part, you really won'e be missing anything) Just look at the first response for each thread. Seriously, just look at the first responses for each topic. (is there a book of really lame-ass political comebacks?) AF '07
  5. OK, so you have some qoutes from people (Dems) saying that Iraq had WMD. My questions was if any were found. I remember coming here and reading a post from DC Tom stating that he personally knew of a team of specialists that were hot on the trail of weapons in Iraq. Boy, were people here impressed, let me tell you. If you believe that EVERYBODY thought Iraq had WMD's you're wrong. Try to think back to all of the world-wide protests. This so-called "Bad intellegence" was only "bad" because it had to be moulded to support the Bush administrations claim. Screw the weak-kneed dems. They're chickshiats bought off by the same big business interests as the Repugs. Go Green
  6. Kevin Tillman's opinions really don't qualify for any more media attention than that of the average citizen. However... there were many people on this board that seemed to be over-the-top in admiration for both Tillman brothers when they signed up for the military. rah rah rah. Many claimed them as heroes that we should all strive to become ourselves. When Pat was killed by his own troops, he became a sort of martyr to some. Then, we found out that the government repeatedly covered up the fact that his own troops shot him. (This slightly soiled his amazing story.) Now that his brother has expressed dismay as to the disaster that we've been led into... the same people that nearly worshipped him, simply marginalize him and throw him out with the trash. Pathetic. By the way, its been a heck of a long time since I've come over here to this board so I thought I'd ask the same questions again. Have we found any WMD's yet? Any at all? Most here were soooo sure that they'd be there.
  7. C'mon now. This is EXACTLY the crap that everyone was saying last year when the Buffalo Sabres passed up all of the big named free agents. Everyone was bitching and crying like the world was going to end. The Sabres are now kicking ass and darcy is being called a genius. The amount of negativity that pours out of Western New York near the end of winter is staggering. Sit back, grab a beer and see what Marv does.
  8. You have Todd Collins in there? What were Peytons numbers his first year? If I remember correctly... he wasn't too impressive as he was learning the ropes. I thought the same thing about Favre too, but it looks like I could've been wrong.
  9. Count me in. it'll only be 4:00 down here. (4:00 on Monday, that is...)
  10. nevermind. It's getting harder and harder to stay a sports fan. (NBA, Baseball and the NHL can already kiss my ass.) ESPN explaination
  11. Sorry to be a pain in the butt, but can some give me a quick explaination, or show me a link that explains why all of the CBA, labor, cap bullcrap is happening all of a sudden? I've been away from The States for a while and don't understand why all of this stuff is suddenly happening. Last I knew... the Bills were in good cap shape, but now we (and most teams) need to purge these veterans. What happened this year?
  12. I'm totally confused with all of this salary cap cutting craziness, but it sure sounds like MOST teams are screwed by the cap. That being said... where do you think Moulds can go and make the boatload of cash that he and his agent are demanding?
  13. When Marv is able to build a dominant Offensive Line, than and only then should we consider getting a better QB. This horrific O-Line saga has gone on long enough without being resolved. Management needs to remained focused on the immediate problem at hand instead of being distracted by the shiny glittery stuff that only brings attention and false hope. As someone posted the other day... we NEED a dominating, crushing ball control Offensive Line.
  14. Yup... it looks like you're the same guy. Ha! (See? I'm laughing here in New Zealand, while stilling noy liking Bush.)
  15. Aren't you one of the guys that said it didn't matter that the US never found any WMD's in Iraq? If so... you sure have your priorities f'ed up when calling for an investigation. (If this isn't you... nevermind.)
  16. It certainly didn't hinder out decision! See ya guys next week... I'm outta here.
  17. Ha! I see you're from Oregon. We actually moved here from Camas Washington. (Right near Portland.) It rains a shtload along the west coast, but Nelson (where i live) has the most sunshine hours in all of NZ. So far the weather has been AMAZING.
  18. No idea. Search the net and I know you'll find the answer.
  19. It's 1:20 on Thursday afternoon. a blog, huh?
  20. It sounds like you're starting to run out of questions! No we don't have cable because we don't watch much, but it is available here. (It'll be weird to not watch the SB this weekend though. Tough to get a TV out on the Sea Kayak!)
  21. Really no big differences. Fewer people. Smaller cars. Smaller homes. Happier/friendlier people. Cleaner. No crime. Progressive Government. Drive on the left. Metric system. Round-a-bouts etc.
  22. I don't know how the single scene is from personal experience since I'm married, but... let me tell you that the view from my office window is amazing. LOT'S of young scantily clad european gals like to come here to travel, because it's beautiful and very safe. (There is nearly NO crime here in Nelson.) No kidding.
  23. Hey, I hear you. When my wife and I first started to discuss moving away to the South Pacific, we thought that it would be impossible. Waaaaaay too big of a task to undertake. Then, as we got the ball rolling, we realized that it was only a f'ing billion little tasks to do instead of one big one. Once we were able to dissect the situation... we were able to undertake it. (Plus... we're a modest little family on one income. We did this on a tiny shoestring budget.)
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