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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. Maybe more like: Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt. So give me an experienced HC as I don't have the time to fool around anymore, I'm 87 for cripes sake!
  2. I think that this is an appropriate topic for a time when the Bills are searching for a new Coaching staff. What, as fans, do we really, really want? I for one would love to be a fan of a "Great Franchise". One that avoids the peaks and valleys and is in contention every year. I'm a long-time Bills fan who remembers two (and a half if you count the Saban/Knox/OJ years) eras of very good football teams that were strong contenders but eventually broke your heart in the end. Yet the in between years, are really tough. I'd rather have that shot, that hope, of winning it all every year than to enjoy one season of glory and then submerge back to mediocrity.
  3. Center Ice feed, direct from the Canadian broadcast, was very good IMO. Didn't notice any poor lighting conditions and in fact, the camera angles brought you pretty close to the action.
  4. Big time Sherman fan here. I was bummed that Buffalo kept Mularky after knowing that MS was gone from GB and was available but now, at least we have a shot!
  5. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Any recently released HC is going to jump into the chance to get right back into the game. It means a payday and a chance to reclaim their reputation. Albeit in the minority, I believe that coaching was a big part of why this team played so poorly this past season. Bad handling of respected veteran players and a total eff-up of the QB situation are perfect examples of my point. I'm all for a fresh start with a seasoned NFL HC. And I'll bet that if ML learned anything from the GM's he's been around, we'll not get an up-and-coming coordinator this time around but a proven professional.
  6. Absorbing criticism FOR millions ($$ that is, black gold, Texas tea) is part of the deal. Comes with the territory.
  7. Mike Sherman simply has to be on this list. The guy can coach and had a TON of injuries to contend with this past season. Got a raw deal in GB IMHO. He'd be my numero uno.
  8. I was thinking the same thing will I was watching the game . It's sad as well as stupid but that's what the NHL wants (wanted?). Miller is extremely solid and reminds me somewhat of Ken Dryden...
  9. A well thought out post and one that makes a lot of sense except for one thing: 88 year old men don't look to the future...
  10. Just can't agree with you guys on this. 1st and goal from the 3 near the end of the 3rd qtr and you can run the ball at it 3 times before,worst case, settling for a gimme FG to ice the game and take about 2+ minutes off of the clock....Sorry bad call then, bad call now, bad call always, IMMHO.
  11. Murphy's = worst stuff you can use! If you want an easy to use product that cleans well and goes on nicely, try Bona X. The stuff is specially made for hard wood. Be sure to get the mop that is made for it. Most any Ace or TrueServe store will have it.
  12. This one's a little obscure but “Who do You Love” off of Quicksilver Messenger Service Live at Fillmore from 1968 features one of the best stoned-out solos that you’ll ever hear. Goes from hard rock to mellow rock to Bay Area psychadelic rock all in a span of about 10 minutes. A 20+ minute song with some super slick pickin’.
  13. The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man - Outstanding tune from "Out of Our Heads"
  14. I'm watching it at home with my wife and our two dogs. I'll be talking about the game on the phone with a couple of fellow MSP Bills Backers. More than likely, I'll be turning it off at halftime Gotta get ready for work the next day where all of my co-workers will look at me with pity in their eyes and ask: "what happened to your team ast night?"... not really expecting an answer. Several will comment that I'm in earlier than usual and look a lot more alert than on a normal Monday. It's no fun drinkin' when the Bills are stinkin'....
  15. That's the main hub-bub right now. To me, if they'd been smart enough to do this party in private (like most every other person of at least average intelligence would have done) this would never have been an issue. But the dumb $hits not only did this in a public venue, they are alleged to have offered jing to the nubiles serving drinks on the "luv boat". Not cool nor smart..
  16. No offense but, "your dad's favorite player" automatically eliminates you from the vote...just on general principle. The mid 60's Bills may have been THE best team of the era (NFL & AFL) but we'll never know how they would have fared against the Packers or Colts. But they were the first team to stress Defense in the wide-open AFL and their D was superb in that era. I think that answers the poll...I must confess, the thought of hearing my fellow Bills Backers chanting "Lookie, lookie here comes Cookie" was very tempting but I'm thinking TS is the way to go. Thanks for all the great input!
  17. I'll say. May wanna scratch that idea. And the Wallers are as undecided as to Sestak (52%) and Gilchrist (48%) as I am. OBTW, March 9th.
  18. Guys, please take this in the spirit that it's given (that is: not a slam) but... Don't you have anything better to do on a Friday night?
  19. Same year for me, Rock. What date?
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