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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. You are so off on this that it is ridiculous. I was at the Jets game in week three. At the same end of the field under basically the same conditions, Lindell kicked the tar out of a 36 yard attempt. It probably would have gone from 55 on a still day. It looked like it would hit the screen if not go over. The wind made it look like it hit a brick wall. When it fell (barely beyond the crossbar), it fell at virtually 180 degrees to the ground. For him to make it from 45 that day would have been the greatest kick in the history of the NFL. If the Titans game conditions were remotely similar, he had zero chance.
  2. Looks like I was a bit off in the first 14 games, but I'll stick to my predictions for the last two. Link
  3. Every division in the AFC has an 8-6 team and a 7-7 team The divsion leaders' records are 12-2, 11-3, 11-3, 10-4 The last place teams are 6-8, 4-10, 4-10, 2-12 It does not get much more evenly distributed than that. The parity system is working. For now. The NFC is even tighter except Chi and Det are screwing it up a bit
  4. AD is always critcizing both sides for things. Here is an article about Sandy Berger Link and a quote from the article So the former National Service Advisor steals this stuff (I don't care if it was a classified copy of an old Chinese food take out order from the Roosevelt administration) from the National Archives and that is his punishment? Was that his punishment because he is famous and well connected? If you broke in there tonight and stole the same stuff he did, what would be your punishment? Shame on him, democrats, republicans, but mostly us (Well, mostly him, but we're a close second.).
  5. I always found Dan Fogelberg's "In the Passage" sad:
  6. They have to get a little dig in don't they? Losman threw the ball exactly where he wanted to throw it. I heard him describe it in detail during the post game. The DBs back was to the play and he put it there because he knew Evans would make the play. Nit picking I know but the reporter should know better.
  7. I agree with this. 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7 we are coming out of this season with a young and united team. After the jumbled mess at the end of last year, how could we have asked for anything more? The rest is gravy.
  8. WRONG!!!!!! The real country star can look good, sitting, lying, standing, waiting (not for you), and God forbid even singing. Let's see Faith or Shania sing like that.
  9. Can't help with the DVDs but good luck and Thank you.
  10. Once I could understand but 4 times? They kept saying they would catch it.
  11. Here's the way I see it: Every situation a cop walks into offers a spectrum of choices. Sometimes the spectrum is narrow. If he is pulling over a 72 year old woman for failure to signal, there are probably only a few different ways to approach the situation and probably only a few curves that can be tossed. Walking into a situation in which you're being shot at probably has a narrow spectrum as well. You pretty much have to react and likely will have to use tough tactics like shooting back. It seems to me that many situations offer nebulous spectrums. What is this guy going to do? How is this going to end? Those situations have wider spectrums. If a spectrum is 1 to 100 with the perfect reaction being 50 every time, we can expect the cop to nail it cleanly when pulling over the old lady. It's tougher when being shot at because there could be innocent bystanders, etc. but the cop probably has a good idea of where he has to operate. Since this is hypothetical, let's call a reasonable response between 35 and 65. In this situation, he has to gauge the whole situation when he doesn't know if the kid is more like the old lady or the shooter. He has to do it relatively quickly. There is probably a perfect solution out there, but it is simply not reasonable for society to expect cops to nail the 50 every time. We can expect him not to react with a 1 (congratulate the kid and arrest the librarian who carded him) or with a 100 (shoot the kid between the eyes) but if he thinks 50 is tazing the kid 4 times due to the inital behavior and responses but hindsight says your solution is the "true 50" how harsh can we really be? The cop has training so he should be able to deal with the situation better than the average person, but to expect perfection is not reasonable. Was the tazing a 60 on the spectrum? a 55? a 75? To me it was within the reasonable spectrum (bsaed on the facts known to me) but certainly higher than 50. Tazing, while painful, does not permanently hurt the offending person. This person knew what was wanted of him and did not perform this act. He gave the police no indication that he would outside of continuing to yell that he would comply during a time which he was not complying. Maybe the cop should have done what you said after the first zap. But to do what he did, IMO was within the range of possible responses based on the inaction of the kid. (P.S. If the kid couldn't move, he would have yelled "I can't move".)
  12. When you typed " brown-skinned !@#$ " I took the !@#$ part to mean some some of malicious feeling on the part of the police, as in they saw him as a !@#$ because he is brown skinned. I agree that it is possible that race played a role in this but it is FAR from certain. The police were not the ones who carded him in the first place. It is stated in the article that carding after 11:30 is standard practice and well known. How are we to discern how many other people were carded that night and if they were Iranian? We can't. You didn't say that race was the only reason, but every reason you listed was cop related. Even when you said you put the onus on the cops. Come on. Your specific remedy wasn't bad. It would be intersting to have seen how he would have reacted.
  13. This post clearly shows that you feel racism is the root cuase. It is certainly possible that racism came into play, but there is absolutely no way of discerning that from the evidence shown. I feel this shows a lack of objectivity on your part. He was Iranian (not an advantageous ancestry in 2006). After that, everything else seems like something he could have changed without any difficulty whatsoever. He was being a prick before the cops got there and after they got there. He could have easily diffused the situation. If he went back to his room and got his id like everyone else and came back, we're all done. The cops never even come. He didn't. The cops arrived after there already was a situation. He screamed at them at the top of his lungs and did not do what they asked. Roll cell phone viseo. We come in during the middle of an altercation. He's still not doing what they ask. He got tazed. He screams Patriot Act, still doesn't leave and got tazed some more. From this you concluded.....it's all because he has brown skin. Maybe more tazing was not the right option. What would be? If the rest of the video showed them dragging him out instead of more tazing, would that be better in your eyes? If not, what would? Seriously, specifically, what would have been better? I'm not with you on your conclusion. I actually find it a bit sad that someone with your intellect sees this as a racist incident with 100% certainty as it appears you do.
  14. I agree with you here except for calling people lunatics. The video I saw looked like it might have come from some other random kid's cell phone. It can't be a surprise in this age that anything could be filmed.
  15. Are you the same guy that posted they might have harassed him because he is Iranian and maybe he couldn't move because he was incapacitated by the tazing in this very same thread? How are those things different?
  16. What should they have done and for hong long?
  17. Because he was of Iranian descent. That's why they tazed him. All the cops are out to get him. Woe is him. If his name was Jones they would have tazed the librarian because they were roaming around campus looking for someone to taze. Why do you think they did it? What are you suggesting? Seriously, why do you think they did it? What should they have done and how long should they have done it for before tazing was the best choice available or at least a reasonable choice?
  18. Of course that would depend on the setting of the device and various other factors uncited in any report about this incident. Why are you supposing that this guy was immobilized? When asked to stand while immobilized, which is the more logical response? A - "I would stand but I can't move" or B - "This is your Patriot act" There is no indication whatsoever in this report, or on tape that the guy was unable to move after being tazed. It is pretty clear that he was mobile pre-tazing. He didn't leave then either.
  19. In her wildest dreams, Dora could not believe the place that she would soon explore.
  20. Edwards wanted no part of this so he sent a volunteer Another video I had to turn off half way through. They are interviewing this guy and his brother. "I was pushed" says the guy, "If it were just a raffle this wouldn't have happened" says his brother. Clearly, this was 100% Wal Mart's fault. It's not like the guy could have opted not to participate. Who could have? I mean it was a PS3 on the line.
  21. How about if he left when he was first asked before the police were called? How about if he when the police first arrived? How about if he left after one of the first 100 times the police asked him before he was tased? How many friggin times should they need to ask this idiot? If he does not do what they say, what should they do? Taze him or offer to take him to Friendly's for a sundae? You stated that they could have taken a little more time and calmed things down. You completely failed to take into account that before the filming even began, the moron had been asked leave, he didn't. The police came (after however long it took them to arrive) and presumably spoke with him for at least a few seconds before the filming began. When the filming began the first sound you hear is the guy screaming "Don't touch me" at the top of his lungs. Who was it that was escalating the situation? When he is tazed the first time he goes on a "Patriot Act" "Abuse of power" tirade, again at the top of his lungs. What, if any reason did the police have to believe him? He was saying he would comply, not complying and screaming political slogans at them. Do you think the police officers woke up that morning wanting that to happen? Do you think he did? Odds are neither wanted it. If one party did, which party do you think it was? Using the phrase "to wit" in a post where you type a series of dumb things does not make the post look smarter. Where did you get your 40% statistic on cops overusing force and needlessly brutalizing people? Was that one straight out of your a$$? Are all of these cops dumb because they did not go to UConn like the genious that is you? Attack the police in these situations for the benefit of society? Comparing these guys to the friggin SS? You are in real need of perspective.
  22. BWOOP!!! BWOOP!!!!! BWOOP!!!!!! False premise alert, false premise alert.
  23. Well, he was on a con call the same day bashing Wal-Mart. I suppose there is a good chance tht Wal-Mart fed the story to the ultra right wing, liberal hating AP. All's fair in love and war. There are a lot of components in a PS3. I wonder if Edwards has ever bashed/sued one of those component manufacturers. IBM, Sony, Plastics, memory chips. These things are all evil and/or big corporations. He isn't raising his kids right if they want to own a device made through the sweat of the proletariat like this.
  24. Conversely when told to leave, you leave, you don't stand/sit there saying I'm leaving.....I'm leaving.....I'm leaving when, (in the first three minutes of the tape alone ---- I couldn't take anymore) the police told him to leave at least 100 times. Yet, he was still there. How many times should he have to be told to leave?
  25. Any thoughts about the Breeder's Cup? Horses I like: Balletto - Distaff English Channel - Turf Octave - Juv Fillies Longshots with a chance to win: CP West - Juvenile Too Much Bling - Sprint Horses to outrun their odds but not necessarily win: Malt Magic - Juvenile Satwa Queen FM Turf Nightmare Affair Sprint Happy Ticket - Distaff Giacomo (yes, Giacomo) - Classic
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