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Everything posted by billfan63

  1. the irony of this is that when the D was practicing this strategy (just in case they needed it) JP was playingthe roll of Warner
  2. no you won't you'll just be raggin on the next guy
  3. Who cares who's #2 or #3, I've read more than once in this thread that the team stops playing when Trents not in the game. If on the third offensive play of the game, an injury to the QB makes the team stop giving the same effort they would when the injured QB's in the game then who the hell cares who the backup is. What I'm hearing is if we want to win its Trent or no one.
  4. I believe he stepped up to buy time for the throw to Evans
  5. If you won $1,000,000 in the lottery today, where would this day rank?
  6. Did you notice how Edwards/Hamden used a acronym for the phase "bears eat lots of TACOS", obviously a slam at JP's mexican heredity, they hate him,,,,geez
  7. Some truth to that, last seasons when Te wasn't QB he quit on routes and ducked going over the middle
  8. You are so correct, not Every comment, just the ones that make an implication
  9. First off, the QB off the street or Hamdan wouldn't be the previous starter. The coaches obvious think he's a better alternative to anyone else, it just seems to me that the comments come across awkward
  10. “I’ve said this all season,” said defensive end Chris Kelsay, “Trent is mature beyond his years. You’d never guess he’s a second-year quarterback, because he’s got complete control of his huddle, and he has the respect of the entire team. It’s good to have a quarterback like that.” When I read this quote and I believe Donte said something similiar on Jim Rome yesterday, I wonder how it would play if Trent went out for any period of time and JP was called on. In praising their QB they indirectly or directly have to throw another teammate under the bus. It's best to cut or move a former starter because it just puts players in akward situations.
  11. In my opinion JP never got what Trent had today. In year 2 of his career if he had a int. and fumble he would be pulled and never given the chance for redemption
  12. Having been through a couple hurricanes the chances of losing power is huge, so if all goes well with my house and family the challenge with be finding a sports bar with power on sunday to watch the Jax game
  13. I just took a walk to get my mail, one of my neighbors has spray painted on his boarded up windows "Ike go away Tina 's not here"
  14. Winds are picking up, I live in NW Houston, we are expecting 75-110 mph wind and 10" of rain. Everyones boarding up windows and the streets are empty, we are as ready as we'll ever be but don't really know how this is gonna go, its going to be a long night
  15. Panic is setting in here in Houston, Businesses are closing at noon today, evacuations are going on, Gas stations are ten deep, supermarkets are getting full. and the highways are begining to jam up,,, this sucks
  16. You calling out someones intelligence if pretty funny
  17. I heard that after you eat a mooseburge the air is anything but fresh
  18. oil and gas revenue provided 88% of Alaskan general fund
  19. Edward's not running for anything, if it was 2004 and his affair became public I think the media would be all over it
  20. A couple years ago we had a local reporter in Galveston during a dud storm, he was pretending to be standing horizontal in the terrible gale force winds. Then some dude rides by on his bike and waves to the camera. All of it is overdone but sometimes pretty funny.
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