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Everything posted by billfan63

  1. 2006 regular season Carr 442 attempts 302 completions, plenty of passes for E.M.
  2. If E.M. got open, he would have gotten some of that 80%
  3. Bad team, bad offense, so-so QB, but no pressure on him, Andre Johnson was double teamed all year, Moulds saw single coverage.
  4. No link yet, just announced on the radio, as for the title I guess there was a P.C. way of saying his career is dead but,,,,,,
  5. Texans announce they will cut Moulds, 1 year 57 catches, 567 yds, 1TD( The first drive and first TD of the season)
  6. The effect is multiplied by the receivers also. Ron Jaworski just made this point on Rome's show. When asked why everone had the Saints/Bears game wrong, he said that after studying the film, the football was coming out of Brees hand tailing and the Saint's receivers were not used to the elements and were slipping and missing their cuts.
  7. Maybe its because Brady plays most of his games outdoors amd Manning plays at least half of his games in a climatecontrolled building.
  8. Mechanical Bull, Who are you, John Travolta?
  9. I see this really upsets you, I'm gonna contact TVLand and see if they can bump Tatoo and add the Giper
  10. Its funny you take offense to a stupid ass list by TVland. It wasn't long ago, during his funeral the media couldn't say enough good things about Reagan now their leaving him off a list that Fonzie's on. Damn
  11. God, thanks for opening old memories, I remember getting into the aud and working our way to the court level seats, Seeing Karrem, Big O and the Bucks, the Pistol, Connie Hawkins, the Aud was alive. The city was screwed when that team left, Buffalo loved the Braves.
  12. just getting a kick out of a a hippo-crit
  13. You mean like some 35 year old John Kerry protest photos?
  14. Why do you think we have to? His word isn't exactly solid
  15. Come to Canton in August and we can celebrate Warren "wife beater" Moon But he could he could throw a pretty spiral
  16. That would be Bruce, Billy Joel would say "I love you just the way you are"
  17. Is it me or did Mandisa lose weight? She looked svelt last night.
  18. 1986 Bears The Bears 86 season ended 4-0, with Flutie playing in part of the games so there was more than 1 game for Ditka to make his playoff starter decision.
  19. Not quite right, McMahoon went down with ian season ending njury in game 12. The next three games Tomczak and Steve Fuller did nothing to deserve to be the outright starter. Ditka went with a hunch and started Flutie. In 1999 Flutie was clearly the starter for the entire season and was healthy.
  20. I hope that one legged chick was worth it Sir Paul
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