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dave mcbride

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Posts posted by dave mcbride

  1. Would you have traded TH for a 7th?



    call me crazy, but yes, i would have. i strongly believe that henry's net impact on the team if he stays will be negative, not positive. simply put, henry is a better player than a seventh rounder, but not for the bills. you just watch: unless he's traded for a player straight up in the next 3 months (which i would of course welcome, and I certainly believe TD has the capability to pull off a good deal), it's going to get really ugly. keeping a guy simply because no one wants to give you what you think the guy is worth should change your assessment of what you think the guy is worth (i.e., that value should spiral downward).

  2. The operative word here is "anything."  I look at it as TD saying "anything" commensurate with the value we place on TH.   


    Shades of grey, not B&W.  That's the language of GMs.



    perhaps, but he said what he said. to me, a sixth rounder (if that's what it was) ain't nothing. there are good players to be had in that round, ones more valuable than a perpetual headache who probably won't play on the bills in 05.

  3. Ummm, you offer the fact that TD made a flat out lie, then back it up with....nothing more than a vague comment? I was expecting something of substance, poor post.



    how vague is this?


    "The Titans entered the picture over the weekend and were willing to give up a draft pick for Henry, but the Bills didn't think it was a high enough pick."


    in other words, it reads "Tennessee offered the Bills a late round pick for Travis Henry. The Bills weren't interested."

  4. For whatever reason, there was no market for veteran RBs on draft day.  If all he was offered was a 4th or 5th round pick, I'm glad he didn't take it.  The worst case scenario is that TH doesn't report and he doesn't get paid until someone comes along and wants to trade for him later.  I would rather let him sit and sulk than trade him for next to nothing.



    not me - i'd take the pick. there are a lot of prospects that can make a team and contribute in the 5th round. let me ask you this: who will be more valuable to the team next year: kevin thomas as a nickel back or a sulking travis henry? a valuable special teams linebacker who makes plays or a sulking travis henry?

  5. Jesus Dave is TD going to have to get an Order of Protection against you?



    no, but i do think he's being disingenuous about all of this. i mean, blaming the agent for not working hard enough to get a trade? that's pretty bush league. i just want the whole episode to be over with and for the bills to get on with business. henry on the bills presents a problem to the team, and i fear they'll have to end up releasing him to solve it. i've said this before -- keeping him on the roster means that someone else won't be, and given henry's negative attitude -- which will in no diminish over the next six months -- that someone else will be preferable to TH.

  6. from the d & c:


    "Donahoe rejected reports that he was asking too much for Henry.


    'If not being offered anything is being greedy, then we were greedy,' he said. 'We were willing to discuss anything but somebody has to offer you something so that you can have a conversation.'"


    from the nashville tennesean:


    "The Titans entered the picture over the weekend and were willing to give up a draft pick for Henry, but the Bills didn't think it was a high enough pick. Fisher wouldn't go into specifics about the talks."

  7. reed played for 16 years. moulds has played 9. their prorated production is almost the same. also, factor in the qb revolving door moulds has had to play with -- kelly in his last, awful season, todd collins, rob johnson, flutie (who moulds really connected with), rob johnson again, alex van pelt, bledsoe, and now losman/stouffer.


    did i say kelly stouffer? that's the cote du rhone talking. i meant holcomb. i also meant 98 (not 99) when referring to moulds' great seasons.

  8. Any idea who might be available after June 1st?



    pretty much no one. teams have figured out how to manage the cap well enough that the cuts come once free agency starts these days. teams have learned that bouncing dead cap money into next season creates messes. seriously, i doubt anyone even passable comes across the wire.

  9. Um...Kelly and Reed were one of the top TD tandems in league history.  I would put Reed over Moulds by a good bit.


    reed played for 16 years. moulds has played 9. their prorated production is almost the same. also, factor in the qb revolving door moulds has had to play with -- kelly in his last, awful season, todd collins, rob johnson, flutie (who moulds really connected with), rob johnson again, alex van pelt, bledsoe, and now losman/stouffer.

  10. WHAT?  A uber rich guy just got punched in the gnads while the Republicans are holding the Executive and Legislature?  Time to go look out the window in search of the pretty meteor destined to end us all.


    my understanding is that the main guy who went after rigas was elliot spitzer, a dem who in all likelihood will be the next governor of nys.

  11. Andre Reed












    Eric Moulds


    Jerry Butler (would be way higher if not for injuries) :o



    if moulds' career were to end now, i would judge reed to be the better player, but all the same, i never felt that reed was a difference maker on his own. an excellent player to be sure, but never a guy who lifted the offense above and beyond. moulds, i think, has in a couple of seasons basically been the bills main weapon (99 and 02 especially). in reed's time, he was always third behind thomas (the motor of the entire offense) and kelly. i certainly don't mean to denigrate reed -- i just don't think he was the physical threat moulds presents on his best days.

  12. I don't remember Berman bashing the pick, but I do remember the "pizza incident" being a big issue going into the draft.  The one guy I do remember being very vocally critical of Moulds, pre-draft, was Dave Wannedstadt (sp?) when he was coaching the Bears.  He coached Moulds in the Senior Bowl, and said someting to the effect of, "if we needed a wide receiver, and Eric Moulds was the only one available in the draft, we would look elsewhere", or something to that effect.  He did somethig to piss Wanny off, I think something other than the pizza thing.  Never heard what it was.  I just remember, when they picked Moulds, being a little concerned, because I had never heard an NFL person, pre-draft, go out of his way to bash a prospect with such disdain.  But the only "bad" thing they every cited was the pizza incident.  Must have ordered from Pizza Hut or Domimos' or something.  That wouldv'e pissed me off too, I guess! :o


    Ironic, Wannstadt never had a receiver as good as Moulds, in either Chicago or Miami...but he had plenty of other wide receivers who were much bigger thugs that Moulds turned out to be...



    whoops - i read your post again. you mentioned the senior bowl incident. duh!! sorry ...

  13. I don't remember Berman bashing the pick, but I do remember the "pizza incident" being a big issue going into the draft.  The one guy I do remember being very vocally critical of Moulds, pre-draft, was Dave Wannedstadt (sp?) when he was coaching the Bears.  He coached Moulds in the Senior Bowl, and said someting to the effect of, "if we needed a wide receiver, and Eric Moulds was the only one available in the draft, we would look elsewhere", or something to that effect.  He did somethig to piss Wanny off, I think something other than the pizza thing.  Never heard what it was.  I just remember, when they picked Moulds, being a little concerned, because I had never heard an NFL person, pre-draft, go out of his way to bash a prospect with such disdain.  But the only "bad" thing they every cited was the pizza incident.  Must have ordered from Pizza Hut or Domimos' or something.  That wouldv'e pissed me off too, I guess! :o


    Ironic, Wannstadt never had a receiver as good as Moulds, in either Chicago or Miami...but he had plenty of other wide receivers who were much bigger thugs that Moulds turned out to be...




    it happened at the senior bowl, and wannstedt was the head coach of the team moulds was on. boy was he wrong - the guy is in his tenth season with the same team and will probably go down (along with andre reed) as one of the two starting WRs on the bills' all time team.

  14. Depth, and good depth are 2 different things. Henry started 4 games in 04 and the Bills were 0-4.

    We always knew that 2 seasons ago he was a good runner. Now we also know that there is little to no interest in Travis around the league. Coincidence? Is this what you think?

    Even if he WAS worth keeping, dont you think that there is a lot of bad blood between TH, his agent and the Bills?

    Sometimes ties just need to be cut.



    another thing - people erroneously tend to think that pro football players are like regular humans. when presented with the option of figuratively punching the clock

    and earning $1.25 million or lashing out angrily at the world and becoming a malignant force, most ordinary people would choose the former option. travis henry, like many nfl players, is not that sort of person. he's an angry, borderline psychotic, none-too-bright physical specimen who may well be working at a gas station if not for the nfl. more likely, like many an nfl player, he would be in jail or at least on probation (oh, i forgot - it seems that he already is). i've long said that for about 80% of the players in the league, "if not for the nfl, jail."

  15. Damn some of you fans are as fickle as they come -


    If TD traded TH for a 4th or lower draft pick dare I say just about EVERYONE would be bitching about it????




    not me - a 6th rounder in the 2006 draft would be most welcome. that's the sort of spot where you can land a good kicker, which the bills will need at some point.

  16. His situation is similar to Rodney Thomas w/ the Oilers/Titans. Rushed for 1,000 yards in '95, then they drafted Eddie George the next spring. After that it was, 'Rodney who?'


    I think it's time to realize that w/ his contract as it is, being relegated to 3rd string last year, and that he's at his fourth year in a position where the average career lasts three years b/c of the hits RBs take, Henry just isn't worth that much on the market. TD can try to hold onto him until someone blows out their knee in camp and get a 4th or 5th, but it's probably best for all parties to release him.



    agreed. no way, no how, will travis henry be an asset to the bills next year. if he stays, he'll be a resentful, angry cancer, one whose roster spot would be better filled by someone who plays well on special teams or who serves well as a backup linebacker. remember - him being on the roster means that someone else won't be.

  17. Nonsense? You are starting to be borderline boorish. Are you a new Bills fan? If not, then you realize that Mularkey likes to be innovative. Is it a violation to revel over a new addition who could be used in more ways than one? The point of the post is that the guy could be more than a ST'er/slot reciever. The FIRST thing that I mentioned about Parrish was that he at one time was an All State QB in high school.


    Look, if you want to be objective, fine, but don't respond just to be belligerent. Maybe I better use smaller words, I forgot who I'm dealing with. I'm sure that you're a decent guy, just sand off some of the edges. One other thing, I noticed that you really don't post you just have retorts. If you want to be on the board, why don't YOU come up with an idea and not just belittle and criticize others who do? All of your responses are either negative or flat out argumentative. Don't be intimidated, you're just as good as all the other boys and girls.



    this isn't directed at anyone particular person, but criticizing someone's grammar as presented on a chat board is just lame.

  18. So, Andy Reid is officially on the record as of Sunday night as saying "we are still messing around" with a possible trade for Travis Henry.  There is also rampant speculation that the Eagles are looking to trade Corey Simon.  Freddie Mitchell wants out of Philly.  So, how about we trade Travis to Philly for Corey Simon?  Or, if Philly insists Mithcell be part of any trade, how about Travis and Josh Reed to Philly to the Eagles for Corey Simon and Freddie Mitchell...personally I like Reed more than Mitchell (still think Reed has a chance of being a very servicable possesion reciever, while Mitchell has shown nothing, ever), but the idea of Corey Simon in a Bills uniform is kind of exciting...



    what about straight up for correll buckhalter? he'd be a good, hassle-free backup (assuming he's reasonably healthy).


    the thing is, though, i can't imagine henry would want to go to philly, where for all intents and purposes, westbrook is the starter and will continue to be. he wants to be a "top five" back, and that ain't gonna happen in philly. my point, i guess, is that philly is only going to want him if he's committed to playing there.

  19. It all depends on who was available at each pick.  Since Bills picked 5 offensive players and not a single tackle, my educated guess is that every available tackle on the draft board was worse than what the Bills already have on the roster.



    good points all, but more than LT it freaks me out a bit that we didn't draft a DT. maybe there weren't any who were any good, which would explain things, but all the same we're supposed to be believers in tim anderson despite the fact that he really never even made the field last year. shades of ahmad plummer->eric flowers and deion grant->travares tillman: the player selected immediately before anderson last year was a guy i wanted, maryland DT randy starks. starks played well for a rookie, as it so happens ...

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