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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. San Diego's came on CD Rom - get with the times !
  2. Apparently, you didn't explain the facts of life to your Mrs. or realized that getting married during football season was a bad idea. I will be somehwere in Zip Code 14127
  3. Expect to pay $70 + Ticketmaster http://www.chargers.com/tickets/index.cfm
  4. There was a "catered" tailgate available - $30/head - sold out. There will plenty of Bills fans there all around the parking lot
  5. All the SD Bill's Backers events are sold out (including the Tailgate) and there is a waiting list. You can get game tickets trhough Ticketmaster and there will be planty of action around town for the game http://sdbbc.org/pages/474886/index.htm
  6. Just a comment - not aimed at FFS Aside from Las Vegas, Monaco and a few of the Asian hot spots - casinos do not drive the economy. Go check out Atlantic City if you need clarification. If the arguement is your community needs a casino because the "other" guy has one - you're missing the bigger picture. Hard business drives an economy - how's that new Peace Bridge doing ?
  7. That's the problem with terrorists - they generally pick on the defenseless When we got married - I told my wife - stuff like that doesn't happen during football season - We did it in May - 27 years ago She's no real football fan - hasn't been to a game since 1985-6 (I forget) when she froze her ass off in the upper deck watching Green Bay She is coming to the game in San Diego on November 20th - but I won't sit next to her - too many questions Happy Anniversery - you know how to celebrate !
  8. Do you really think that any terrorist would have a chance against a typical Buffalo tailgate crowd ? They wouldn't last long - even with automatic weapons There are more important things to worry about
  9. Unfortunately - you can't listen on-line - they don't cover live sports on your PC - don't know why I have the base unit in my house - never put it in my car - don't spend enough time driving around anymore - good thing at $2.71 per/gallon Get the chaise lounge out with a beer cooler and order some food - recline by the car
  10. The team from Saudi Arabia (all Americans) is playing Japan currently. One 12 year old on the Saudi team is 6"5" and the one Japanese player is 4'10" ESPN did a promo shot with the little one (effectively) hiding behind the big one Japan leads 3-0 The team from my adopted home town, Vista (CA) plays at noon - All o f N. County is abuzz Baseball at noon - Bills at 3 PM - not a lot else getting done today
  11. Supposed to be on Channel 125 See you in the chat room
  12. A change of ownership and hence management can and has done wonders. Hotels are easy (but expensive) to re-do - but the people running them are all the difference. Paul Snyder has always been a magician when it comes to using other people's money = too bad about the Buffalo Braves (water over the Falls)
  13. Certain players can elevate the performance pf their teammates on a limited basis. At the LB position Chris Spielman and Darryl Talley fulfilled that role in the past. The difference maker in 3-4 games ? Probably not - but the concept exists Leonard Smith was used up by the time the Bills had him - but his charisma was an intangible - and sometimes that works
  14. I'll be flying Rich - you'll have to eat mine - IT sausage I know you can do it
  15. Any advice is appreciated. I want to give a nice gift of cash, but do not want to overdo it. 412349[/snapback] Unless it is a close friend - relationship kind of thing - a "cash" gift should approximate the cost of two fine dinners - if you were going out - my rule of thumb - $100
  16. I am bringing you a "special" hot sauce - flavor over fire !
  17. Once of the best da*n looking 50's I know - but all TBD ladies are "sweet"
  18. Pandas are actually a member of the racoon family and no specimen over 300 lbs has been documneted (in recent times). In zoo pregnanacies - two embryos are often confirmed by sonogram - but so far only one ever seems to be delivered and survive - nature's way http://www.bearbiology.com/gpdesc.html
  19. If you like hockey - The HOF is well worth a visit - you see all the Trophys up close and personal - and they're beautiful http://www.hhof.com/html/gi100.shtml If it's a clear day - the CN Tower (Up) ride is well worth the price of admission
  20. I had trouble getting in last year because of my firewall - but no trouble last night - I know my wife changed our security system but can't say what it is - I thought SDS said he changed something about the Chat Room ?
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