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Posts posted by Tenhigh

  1. Cassel stinks but EJ is other worldly bad and single handedly cost us the Jags game. We would have won with Cassel. Heck, we would have won with Jeff Tuel! We probably would have won with Rex at QB handing it off every play. That game is going to haunt us

    While I agree that EJ has been terrible, you can't know that Cassel wouldn't have been far worse in that Jags game. He has been AWFUL behind a good OLine as a Cowboy. Say he only give up 1 TDs vs the Jags, he very likely couldn't have dug himself out of that hole. SIX POINTS against the freaking BUCS!

  2. Prob go 1-1 when TT got hurt.

    Unless we traded him to the Cowgirls

    Yes, we still sign Taylor. They had no idea what EJ would be like, just wanted one veteran in like Cassell, McCown was coming off a terrible year and was not going to be named starter, still would have signed Taylor.


    Taylor beats McCown out. Taylor was the same in preseason as he has been in regular season. Very accurate, great running, showed command of the offense. McCown likely would have shown more than Cassell because of the bigger arm but isn't as efficient. Coaches saw extra dimension Taylor brings. I think Taylor beats him out.


    EJ is probably still a Bill and they keep three. They got rid of Cassell the first time because it saved them money. It would not save them money to get rid of EJ.


    Cassell would be signed by someone to be their backup.

    I think McCown would have gotten a much fairer shot at starter that Cassel got, and if he looked decent this place would have been ugly. All things considered, I think I am happy with how it shook out...


    I'm not picking a fight with anyone. And I think the moderators should remove the spags persona from the site. I don't think it's a good idea for someone to be using an avatar of someone's mugshot that was arrested for a shooting in a movie theater. I find it a bit disturbing an unsettling.

    Then just ignore him.
  4. I was getting tired of the same old arguments about Whaley being a bad GM, which evil mastermind was responsible for the evil drafting EJ or how Rex is forcing his turrible scheme on the greatest defense on the planet, so I started to read some news from around the NFL. NFL.COM has an article about whether or not the Browns should start Johnny Football this week, and it got me wondering. What would it look like if McCown took the Bills offer over that of the Browns?


    Do we even sign Taylor?

    If so, who wins the training camp battle?

    Where would this team be right now?

    Is EJ even still a Bill?

    Any other thoughts?

    Is Cassel still in football? Is he a Brown?


    Or would we rather talk about how many draft picks given up to take Sammy (I say 7.96)?

  5. Again...wow.


    I'm going to expect this to get drowned out pretty fast but I'll say this:


    Stevie was the best and most exciting offensive player for us for a while there. You don't put up numbers like that in consecutive seasons by sucking, and I'd argue that he'd be a better #2 now than Woods. He was never physically the best, never the tallest, never the quickest, never the strongest, never the best route runner, but he ground it out every game and knows how to play corners.

    Agreed, but the possibility of watching SJ and Hughes trade duling penalties all game would be too much for this board to handle.
  6. I never said he beat anyone out. But no one did anything that clearly out-performed him either. Leinhart and Flynn, for all their hype, were flat out horrible.


    Orton was better and EJ was rightfully benched.


    Tyrod is better, and is now the starter.


    Again, EJ hasnt been handed anything.

    l would say the same applies for Cassel as Leinart and Co, but I apparently dont know enough to post in this thread.
  7. Haha - and I do agree with this. I just think the whole thing was botched before that 2013 draft so badly... they made a bad call because of the position they had backed themselves into.


    Fitz was never going to be the answer. He ended 2012 with a 60% completion rate and an 83 passer rating. Always doing ALMOST enough, but never quite getting there. Remember his long ball? Me neither. Unfortunately, the best option that spring was EJ, and here we sit.
  8. Watkins had a great game. that's really the first one I remember that justifies his draft status. will he continue? we'll have to wait and see. if so, it was a good move. if not, it wasn't. it was especially problematic given that the qb position was at the very least unsettled, at worst, a disaster. tyrod was brought in by ryan. without him were probably 2-6 right now. I also suspect ryan played a hand in incognito and harvin as well but who knows. don't get me wrong. i'm not a huge ryan fan either but frankly i'd rather he be making the personnel decisions and whaley making them occur than vice versa.


    again, the bottom line is W's. I say if they don't get 10 this year and make the playoffs then whaley was lacking as a gm. 9 and a crawl into the playoffs is borderline.

    Thats too simplistic of an argument. There is a tremendous amount of talent on this team. Now if you want to talk at coaching/scheme, then I will listen.
  9. I don't like disingenuous bull ****. That means people who claim that EJ was all Nix despite overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence that Whaley was all over that pick. That also means people who pretend that Whaley going "all in" on EJ isn't the bigger issue.

    I'm not down on Whaley across the board, but recognizing one's positives doesn't prevent the recognition of his negatives either. And if Whaley's the man why can't you talk him up using the truth instead of distorting the truth to fit your narrative?

    I dont know that there is any "overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence" (lol Matlock). But even for arguments sake there was, and EJ was as much or more Whaley's pick than Buddy's, what should he done differently? Drafted Geno? What?
  10. in essence, this is the argument. and it's possible the bills finish 12-4 and make it to the sb. but 8-8 or 9-7 look much more probable to me. even in that instance, the homers here will not concede that the season was unsuccessful and that whaley holds responsibility. the bills look to me to be well measured by their current record. if we can't agree that wins and losses are the gold standard for success or failure, then it's not worth arguing. apparently, we can't.


    we can all agree that we hope for the best so perhaps unicorns and rainbows should be the theme of every thread. now if we were just better fans...

    I dont think many here hope for the best at all. Many would prefer to be right about Whaley than make the playoffs, imho, which means some of us do indeed need to be better fans.

    As far as your gold standard, I'd say you are looming at it too simplistic of a fashion. The GM's job is to assemble a talented roster. Do you believe that this is a playoff quality roster? If no, then its not worth arguing.

    It's not about blowing the !@#$ing pick, and you've been around long enough to know that too. But if you want to bend over backwards to maintain the fantasy that the object of your homo-erotic man crush is infallible then have at it.

    Rob - If you were in Whaley's shoes, what would you have done differently, beginning with EJ's draft?

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