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Posts posted by Tenhigh



    Wishes, hopes and reality are often different things.


    I hope Rex and the Bills win it all next year. i hope he builds a legend here. I think he is a good guy and he cares about people and has the personality of someone I like to see win. But what he has shown as a coach indicates that the reality is that he sucks. I hope he turns it around but I don't see how. I'm just asking someone to explain how. No one has, least of all the one who posts the most about the topic.

    Honestly, he's shown some good, and some bad. This gives me hope that he can learn a few lessons:




    Hyperbole is worthless, but all that seems to get posted around here lately.


    Well, other than giving the D a shorter field to defend.

    Not sure what you mean by this.

    It's true for me. I would love for Rex to be the one at the helm when the Bills win it all. It fits on so many levels. I just can't see it happening.


    When I ask Rex's chief apologist to explain why Rex can make it work he says I'm a poopy head so I won't listen. I will, in fact, listen but am beginning to suspect he can't explain his opinion so he is simply lashing out. And I do mean simply.

    Its hard to believe that when you post gems like "Cuz. Rex. Sux", ya know?

  3. Well said, Cray.


    Nobody is on a so-called death march just for the heck of it. Nobody is on a so-called death march due to any personal reasons. Rex is a fun character and seemingly a decent human being who we are ALL rooting like hell for.


    However, opinions have been formed on his head coaching acumen based on watching Rex Ryan coach a division rival for 7 years plus the loaded roster that made up the 2015 Bills.


    Many Bills fans simply demand an adaptable coach who can build and sustain a winning program.

    Many fans produce well-reasoned arguments in favor of Rex, which is quite valuable to the discussion.

    OTOH sometimes an optimistic fan will look to circumvent the discussion by crying subjectivity.

    The bolded part there, I don't think that is exactly accurate.


    Why did you pick your stat?


    How did their PPG compare to every other team? Or YPG? Or general third down conversion rate? Or YPP? Or TO differential? Or TOP?


    But yeah, pick the one below average stat. That's the reason.

    PPG is a great stat, but 3 and out is a much better stat than 3rd down conversion to measure efficacy of an offense. 3 and out means you did NOTHING.

  5. Rex made more coaching blunders than I can count- we lost at least 3 games because of his ineptness. Hated the hire still hate the hire and will always hate the hire- he sucks as a HC.

    This I don't get, seems like hate for hate's sake. What if they have a deep playoff run next year?

  6. This is a quintessential Bills fan thread. It involves pretending the Bills won. And it involves criticizing someone for a fake headline for the fake win because you hate the fact that he has often been right in the past, while the average board poster has been wrong.

    You are a quintessential Sullivan reader. You enjoy pretending he's not miserable. You are criticizing Bills fans for having fun making up fake headlines to pass the February doldrums because you hate the fact that that you're as miserable as Sully, who has been wrong nearly as often as yourself.

  7. It frees Rex up to focus on other things and possibly details, while Rob helps implement the complex defensive scheme. This is fine folks...


    Plus he has someone on staff willing to tell him he's doing something stupid, instead of a yes man telling him he's getting shafted by the refs/league/etc.

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