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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Get it to go, and hit the peep shows....
  2. LOL..the texas girls couldnt dance for sh&t... the choreographer said they were the worst bunch they ever had...they were some smokin women though.... http://www.coyoteuglysaloon.com/
  3. Almost sounds like Jim Kelly..circa 1986
  4. Since it's his last and he never won the 500,,Rusty Wallace!!
  5. Could this be considered a LAMP?? Just wondered.
  6. This site, (actually a blog), was featured on GR yesterday. In fact Brad Riter interviewed him. No he is not Pelle Eckland, he just named himself after him, guess he was a favorite player of his. He apparently has several very reliable sources, and has been "right on" with several of his reports. http://hockeyrumors.blogspot.com/
  7. You have to stop comparing the NFL to the NHL. The money each team gets from the TV contract in the NFL essentionally pays the salary cap. The rest of the money the NFL owners make is gravy. Small market NHL teams can do well and not spend the whole cap. Just because you have a high payroll does not guarentee a cup. See: NYR or Yankees for that matter.
  8. The owners can still pay their players whatever they want. They can stay 10 - 15 million under the cap if they want. (see Sabres Payroll).
  9. I honestly never even went passed that first page,,,I had no idea what that connected to...
  10. I once took a puck to the mouth, while going after an opponent. He was taking a shot and i stuck my stick in front of his to deflect the shot over the boards. Well , need less to say, the biscuit went up the shaft of my stick and into my mouth. Broke my 2 front chicklets in half and split my lip wide open. As for pain, after the intial hit my mouth went kind of numb. And no, I had no cage,,, only pussies wear cages....
  11. I apologize for any inconvienence, anyone had after clicking on the Drew Link I posted. I use a popup blocker and was unaware of multiple popups that occured with the clicking of that link.... again I'm sorry...
  12. I kinda figure he's in the video room looking at the replay of the Steelers game , with a big ceegar sticking out of his mouth and saying.. "Gotcha, I Gotcha MfR !!!!"
  13. To announce that the "2 beer limit has been lifted"...They figure we're gonna need it during this learning process thing.
  14. I dont think David Wells has been assigned anyone yet.....
  15. Next time you post a story,,, especialy one that is old news..you need to check for updates... http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050211/3065616.asp
  16. B-day thread already started... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=238119
  17. Would you go across the middle if DB was throwing it to you????
  18. Where were you yesterday when NJSue needed a friend???? Another great prediction BTW>>> http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=205130
  19. Saaaam,,oh Saaammy ,,wake up hun,,,,time to get up for school....you havin a nightmare hun??,,your all sweaty...I told you not to drink daddys Pabst Blue Ribbon last night....
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