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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. IT'S FOR ME!!!!!,,,,IT'S FOR ME!!!!!
  2. If This takes place, your going to see the goalies that play more of a stand up style, vs a hasek style butterfly goalie, rise to the top of the GAA standings. Scoring is down because they over expanded. With teams have only a couple superstars on their teams, with the rest a bunch of muckers and grinders trying to score on elite goalies. The result no goals. Remember the power play we had before the last 2 expansions. Lafontaine,Hawercuk,Mogilny, with Z and Bodger at the points. It was awesome.
  3. They sold out when the play in Buffalo..What does that tell ya??
  4. NJ Sue is watching to see how you people handle this question.....
  5. Our good friend and rumor mongor..... http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/photo?slug=afp...4z04do&prov=afp
  6. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050327/1058605.asp
  7. Excellent site listing speed traps and tips on avoiding and fighting speeding tickets http://www.speedtrap.org/index.html
  8. Try here... http://www.trav.com/wri/property.php?Hoste...ugf8i5io44j3lwe
  9. Invention R Williams has been working on.. http://ska.about.com/c/ht/00/07/How_Coconu...g0962932911.htm
  10. Liz Johnson is on ESPN @ 12:30 est today..1st woman bowler EVER to make it to the TV finals.... http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050320/1046215.asp
  11. I know this is wrong but.. Could it have been the overwhelming stench coming off those smelly jerseys, that was the cause of his extended unconsciousness????
  12. Bugs and Daffy and Tweety never won without MJ....
  13. And unless you didnt hear we all got fat as pigs from eating that stuff for the last 30 yrs..... http://ubbt.moby.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Boa...e=&view=&sb=&o=
  14. Turkey Penance Ducking into confession with a turkey in his arms, Brian said, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I stole this turkey to feed my family. Would you take it and settle my guilt?" "Certainly not," said the Priest. "As penance, you must return it to the one from whom you stole it." "I tried," Brian sobbed, "but he refused. Oh, Father, what should I do?" "If what you say is true, then it is all right for you to keep it for your family." Thanking the Priest, Brian hurried off. When confession was over, the Priest returned to his residence. When he walked into the kitchen, he found that someone had stolen his turkey.
  15. Hey paison,,I get alla mya recipes froma here... http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearc...n=9780446530576
  16. You have my utmost respect...
  17. Sing It JP!!! http://www.rodney.com/rodney/archive/sings...appinrodney.wav
  18. Sumbeach just came here for the free wings.....
  19. Anyone see the red smiley with only one finger????
  20. Dont be surprised if the Colts and Fins dont make some kind of deal for Taylor and The "Edge"
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