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Everything posted by habes1280

  1. I hate the counterintuition of pulling for losses while the season is still underway, but now that it is officially in the can (some might have argued that this was so the MINUTE we were in real contention for a top ten pick)... ...I'd really love that pick. With either Ferguson, Leinhart, or Bush surely on the board, we'd get a treasuretrove to move down only a few spaces. Terrence McGee...what a showoff.
  2. With a premier RB, QB, and OT at the top of the order (the only positions that really seem to garner significant trade attention), it would have been a great benefit to secure a top spot-- and trade it.
  3. Displaced Bills fan outside the NFL network... I've read Mr. Wilson's comments, but have yet to find any of the press conference/postgame interview bites that are standard following noteworthy games. To keep me somewhat sated, is there anyone who has listened to any coverage on local radio/media? I know that the brass's lips tighten around topics like this, but I'm curious to know what Mularkey's/Donohoe's/Moulds'/Clements'/Wire's comments or tenor might have been with the vulture's circling. Call me a rubbernecker, but I need something right about now, even local commentary.
  4. I've made this push before, but don't fear redundancy-- I'd love, above all others, to have Brian Billick. This said, Mularkey could still develop, and I wouldn't pout long (seven, eight minutes, tops) if he led us into another season. I'd like to see how he'd do without being ball-gagged by executives and executive decisions.
  5. That wasn't an interview, it was from his press conference after Saturday's game. You can find it on their homepage.
  6. Reggie Bush among the cream and the possibility of Leinhart sliding into the crop is certainly a coup for Buffalo, but for the singular reason that it would allow them to collect a king's ransom for shipping the pick. Palmer, Pennington, and both Mannings looked abysmal in their early seasons-- Eli showed more flashes last year than J.P has this one, but he was a more polished prospect. It seems to have been forgotten in the executive pitches from OBD that Losman was always a developmental prospect-- his struggles this year were to be expected, and while they frustrate EVERYONE, they should surprise or discourage NO ONE. I'd love for Leinhart to be available at Buffalo's slot, and would love to ship the opportunity to draft him to some other team in need-- with the depth of the Bills' needs, and the recent trend for marquee O-line prospects to flop (Gallery, Gross, Big Mike all contributing at RT or G for LT compensation-- Leonard Davis took years to transition to LT, and McKinnie's play has been slapdash...all were hailed as FRANCHISE LT's, the mold of Orlando Pace), I'd love to slide down the order and fortify our lines with more quality (but not flashy) first day picks. I have no idea whether Losman will season into the QB prospect we need him to be, but am certain that one-half of one season is not enough time for him to become anything but a work in progress. I'm not for giving him the team, but we do need to give him time. Let's leave our draft efforts and picks for talent in the trenches-- the more picks the better.
  7. I concur. Manufacturing yards/plays without opportunity is winning games, J.P. (and I'm pulling for him) is missing yardage/plays when the opportunity is present. He needn't make every third down throw for us, but missing nearly every one of them is, in fact, undermining things like the running game, the defense (who spend an exorbitant amount of time on the field), and the special teams (whose coverage units would have to be elite to compensate). J.P. is not making ANY throws, and we need a few throws from our QB to keep our other units, and our running game, above board. Presently, J.P. is losing games for us.
  8. I'm doing my master's thesis on Preston Sturges. (that's no trump)
  9. Ah, I began posting a reply in another post, before nixing it in favor of this one. I didn't intend for it to be posted-- my mistake-- but thanks for your efforts, and for being an unmitigated a**hole.
  10. Its lonely on this side of the fence, but I don't think Clements is in the store-front window.
  11. Its lonely on this side of the fence, but I don't think Clements is in the store-front window. Its harrowing to have any marquee player entering his contract year, particularly in the Donohoe era, with the "out door" hinges swinging wide; but Clements is a nostalgic pic-- the first of Donohoe's tenure, and arguably the best-- while Donohoe is hardly one for sentimentality, I do believe there are special feelings for Clements-- his production, his fit in the current scheme, and the decision to forego more heralded "guru choices" to slide down the order to draft him. Donohoe is a draft day juggernaut who has shown his willingness to loosen the purse strings for those who have lived to expectations (as in the case of Aaron Schobel), and the Clements pick is one he can hang his hat, and his ego, on. I think that will be worth the bounty he will offer to keep him in Buffalo. Peerless was shipped for more than we paid-- a first round pick for a second round player. We are asking the same for Henry-- a veteran and a second round swap for a second round player. We won't get the same return for Clements, a player that brings exposure and acclaim to the Bills war room, we won't get more than another chance to take another risk, and I don't think the potential yield is worth what Clements represents-- to the franchise and Donohoe's sizable ego.
  12. Alas, you have to pass the Cesar mission to unlock the ensuing chapters. Don't get balled up in conquering territories-- the subsequent missions will have you out of the city, and those marks on the grid will disappear for a time (for a while, these territories actually appear to be inundated with outsiders, and there's little you can do to slow the influx). Just beat that race-- you should get it in a few tries.
  13. Bu-bye, Saints offense. caption: Just when things couldn't fall further (cue music and enter Mike Sheppard, marshal of the vaunted 2001 Buffalo Bills offense). Bedrock just ahead in New Orleans. Yuck.
  14. As previously stated, he is an exclusive rights free agent, meaning all the Chargers have to do is make a qualifying offer to retain him. There can be no bidding war, his rights belong solely to the Chargers-- they are free to offer him whatever they'd like, even a minimum salary. I'd imagine, however, that they'll lock him up longer term, keeping him from the restricted free agent market he'd enter next year-- where teams could tender him offers, and only have to offer a compensatory pick in exchange, likely a low-yield draft pick.
  15. Either you continue to brandish athletic achievements which are ten years cold, or your braggadocio is regarding vaulted "men's leagues", and your problem runs deeper than I expected.
  16. Wow, hopscotching across Ice's nerves, it seems.
  17. I agree with the sentiment, but is THIS English?
  18. I beg to differ. I've spent a mere three Sundays in Buffalo, hardly the stuff of ardent "Buffalonians", but Ralph Wilson's vision and loyalty are to be revered-- not only by fans of the franchise, but anyone conversant in the manner of professional sports. Signed and stamped, from Minneapolis.
  19. Thanks for the post; I wish there were more like it. I'm a displaced fan, and pore over the lines here, through opinions boasted and insults vollied and exchange rates calculated, for news flecks like this-- nothing particularly profound, but well outside the news wire in Vikings country. Thank you.
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