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Everything posted by boco357

  1. 25 year old fan arrested. He's had such a rough time as a fan I guess. All those SB wins and appearances must be rough on someone.
  2. Caserio/McDaniels package or would they never go there?
  3. True, both unproven in my opinion. I think Bell will create matchup advantages vs their LBs. Specifically Von Noy/McClellin.
  4. I try to point out how over rated i think the Patriots defense is. This will be the best QB they have faced all year and Russell Wilson put up 31 points on them.
  5. No Nbc was supposed to show at 1pm, just moved time. NBC gets a divisional game now with new contract
  6. Don't understand how Simms keeps his kob, I have not met anyone that enjoys his commentary. Wish Peyton would kick him out.
  7. Sad. LA can't even support 1 team.
  8. Can we please find a kicker that can boot the ball out of the endzone? Every other kicker in the league can do this it seems.
  9. Since Levy, the longest tenured Coach is Jauron at 57 games....Sad. As much as I am frustrated with penalties, late guys running on field, he's better than most on the list, he should get a 3rd year.
  10. I believe that is right and since the Bills beat NE and Miami would have lost twice to them, I think is the difference.
  11. So they fired the coach and are interviewing for interim guy? How is this possible???
  12. You know what its a big long shot but maybe to end this obscene streak you need the lowest odds possible like '04 Red Sox or Cubs this year down 3-1.
  13. Another team with a game of the century vs the Bills, then look lie garbage the next week.
  14. Doesn't Sharkeez show all the games , I went a few years ago.Looks like they still do on the website. Gets busy there though.
  15. What is wrong with our kickoff coverage? I guess when you don't have a kicker that can kick thru the endzone it was bound to happen, plus the injuries as well.
  16. Why isn't someone in New York buzzing these guys to fix it, instead of apologizing on twitter after.
  17. My client Percy Harvin has come out of retirement to sign with the Buffalo Bills for the remainder of the season! @gbo74 on Twitter Greg Barnett is his agent I guess. Schefter has on his twitter as well.
  18. I remember the last time they made a big deal about a white out, they got rolled by the Jets.
  19. I've been using this Animal House reference to all my Pat fan friends:
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