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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. Does anyone know when they shifted the understanding of the goaline from a 'vertical plane extending forever in each direction' to you must get the ball into the end zone within the boundaries? That was always the description I remember being talked about when I was younger ...

  2. On the Pats last FG, the play clock ticked down to 0 and then reset to 25 and they snapped the ball at 23 ... No flag

    The play before, just before the Bengals call timeout, Brady flinches to set his man in motion by shaking his shoulders, no flag for illegal procedure.

    Just over 2 minutes and the Bengals need 2 yards for a first to run out the clock and the Pats have 12 men on field, Bengals all set to snap the ball, no penalty for too many men ... I thought the whistle blows if that is the case and the penalty is automatically called ...

    I've only been watching the game for 10 minutes and the Pats are getting away with obvious penalties ... Non-subjective penalties that are not usually missed ... 3 in a row?

  3. Just to be sure ... I've seen it said a few times in this thread ... Defensive holding doesn't have to be on a pass play. There are times that a DT is flagged for holding an OL so that a LB can knife through the line. The penalty is not just called against eligible receivers.



    I believe that's already the case, unless their current front office says it's okay for them to be interviewed.

    I think he's saying that there should be a total moratorium on talking to and hiring HC candidates, not just those who are involved in the playoffs. It certainly does prevent a team from waiting for a hot shot coordinator from a Super Bowl team as it hinders the hiring of their assistants. Is it unfair to those coordinators? Maybe. But I can't see a team losing a month of preparation because they have no head coach ... Unless it was their decision to wait for one of those coordinators. I can't see the NFL making teams go without coaches ...

  5. 1. No victory formation ... If you want to run down the clock at the end of a game, you must get positive yards. A tackle in the backfield amounts to an extra timeout for a defense that is trailing.


    2. PATs from the 20 (or 25) ... It's not a free throw kind of situation. That point shouldn't be almost guaranteed.


    3. Unnecessary roughness penalties for hits when a player is already down ... I know this adds a judgment call into the hands of the refs, but what happened to the day when a defender would simply tag down a WR who had caught the ball as he fell and was now laying on the turf? That is the pure definition of 'unnecessary roughness' ... No roughness is necessary to tackle the receiver, just tough him.

  6. When I call him a QB killer I'm not even talking about his ability to design an offense - I'm talking about the team atmosphere that got JP a broken leg but worse was throwing JP into a end of season game where the Pats were killing us with almost zero practice (just came back from the broken leg). Am I saying the JP was going to be great NO but there are ways of bringing a QB up and ways of ruining them and Mularkey seem to do the latter.


    I really still believe that Mularky ruined JP, too ... When he was thrown into the Patsies game, with no practice while being suited up as the third QB, when the first and second string weren't hurt on the spur of the moment without time to warm up ... As a 22 year old kid, that can end any confidence that you may have had ... And all that against one of the more dominant teams of the last 12 years.


    Plus he quoted Yoda at press conferences ...

  7. I must be old, too ... I thought we were all in 'this' together. I don't let my fun infringe on those around me. Act towards others how I would want to be treated. I've been going to games since 1979 ... Maybe I was a little naïve back then, but I didn't see/hear nearly the volume of what took place on Thursday. When the extent of every sentence that is uttered (screamed, really) in my hearing has more f-bombs than any other part of speech ... I just simply watch the game unless the surrounding people become abusive or obnoxious directly towards me or my wife. Y'know ... Try to not infringe my fun (watching the game) on the fun of those around me (drinking beyond drunkenness, being vulgar towards other spectators and/or players and their families, hiding contraband, ... Generally just being more involved in anything besides what is taking place on the field).

  8. Have to address the Beebe play ... Rules are clear, when any part of your body besides your feet or hand touch the ground after contact with an opponent (whether or not they caused the part of your body to touch the ground) you are ruled down by contact and there can be no fumble. Beebe was upended by an opponent and the first thing to hit the ground was his head which caused him to drop the ball. Correct call was no fumble.



    While tonight's calls were bad, the regular refs make their fair share of bad calls. Just a few I can recall:


    - Music city forward lateral

    - The push out in the back of the EZ against the Jags in 2004- Plax mugging Leodis (I think it was) in the EZ and then pushing off to catch the game winner

    - Ed Houchuli's famous Denver fumble fiasco

    - Beebe landing on his head but not being down by contact and fumbling

    - Bert Emanuel catches the ball for what should be a first down late in the 2000 NFC Championship game between Tampa Bay and St. Louis but it’s ruled that he doesn’t have full control when the ground causes the fumble.


    Let's just not kid ourselves into thinking that getting the real refs back will mean the end of bad calls.



    This I totally agree with. I don't see how Schopp, and other proponents of this think it can work when you deeper in your own territory. It works for this high school team - but does it work because of the strategy or does the team have overwhelming talent to begin with?




    But, then Marv went for it when I was yelling kick the field goal - don't come away with no points - during the comeback game. I think it was 35-24 at that point and at least 4th and 5 from about the 20 and then Reich threw a TD to Andre.


    I still can't believe he went for it and still think the smart thing was not to. Glad it worked, though!

    I remember turning to my brother and making a motion to him with my fingers, saying we need to kick it ... We should have kicked it there ... I'm glad we didn't!

  10. Kelso may have looked like a dork out there, but today he doesn't have migraines.

    I didn't read all the responses, so this may have been mentioned. Mark is a friend of mine and to my knowledge he still suffers from migraines.

  11. Why is that? Not ok to acknowledge that isn't important to me?



    I don't have facts to back me up, but I would guess the VAST majority of NFL players come from what most would call "strong faith" backgrounds. I doubt there is a correlation as you have suggested.


    That said -- I love the makeup of the players on this Bills roster and thoroughly enjoy rooting for them.

    You're right ... You don't have facts to back it up.

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