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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. Just riffing on the MNF commentary about the Chubb injury. Sort of like @HOUSE
  2. Semi-OT but I just finally this one after last night's Steelers-Browns game reminded me to look for it.
  3. St Juste and Curl have flashed quite a bit for them in the secondary. The doubled up at Corner with their top 2 draft picks, Emmanuel Forbes and Jartavius Martin.
  4. People who are rooting for Giant Meteor in this game are getting the next best thing, I guess.
  5. I mean, I wouldn't have gone for the blue-on-blue look.
  6. Prediction: Rapp gets suspended a game, while Kareem Jackson gets a fine and "time served" after this one.
  7. Are they really reviewing to see whether they should have stopped the clock or not? And if. It, then what’s the remedy? Line up and start the clock at the offficial ready? Who cares?
  8. PI was a little iffy but they can’t not call everything against the raiders.
  9. Sooooo… blocking in the back just isn’t a thing anymore is it?
  10. Causing forcible impact to the punter is not a flag, I mean the raiders are traditionally the least penalized team in the league right? They’d never do anything borderline.
  11. Did they change the rule about illegal blocks toward your own goal line since Cody Ford? Because there were two blatant ones leading to big plays there.
  12. Yeah, hit rewind a couple times to make sure. Like when you lose grip on a window shade.
  13. Hope you're not pushing a stalled car.
  14. Say what you will about Brown and I need to review the tape but to me Morse was just not good enough in the middle.
  15. Knew it when Rodgers left calf balled up, because his achilles was gone. Oh well. You can golf without it, don't need it for weight transfer like the right hamstring, as Carl Spackler pointed out.
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