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Everything posted by Bills2022

  1. Smartest evaluation of this team ever written on this site.
  2. Sean McDermott is the Tyrod Taylor of coaches. He is only going to take you so far.
  3. Last week it was the heat. Now the rain and wind. Next week it will be too cold. Give me a break. The other teams are playing on the same field.
  4. Bills can still win this game, but we now have to admit this team is not well prepared. How many years in a row has the McDermott/Beane team failed to fix the atrocious running game.
  5. The temperature is going up on the McDermott the hot seat. 🌡️
  6. The Bills are so sloppy under this coach. Team has no discipline. McDermott has to go.
  7. Ravens have a Super Bowl winning coach. The Bills have a coach that was fired by Andy Reid, a Super Bowl winning coach. That is all you need to know. Bills will never win it all with this coach.
  8. Bills 12 rushing yards. Ravens 50 rushing yards. Good old Sean McDermott.
  9. Same old Sean McDermott coached Bills. Can't run and can't stop the run.
  10. A sloppy team that can't stop the run. Hallmark of a Sean McDermott coached team.
  11. We can't all be Bills cult members like you. Some of us are just fans that call it like it is.
  12. Week 4 and the Bills are still really sloppy. Coaching.
  13. The NFL officials and the Dolphins are to blame. If you watched the game you knew he had no business returning to the field. Any athlete that just collapses should never be allowed to return to the game. Add in the fact that it was 90 degrees and people in the NFL front office and the Dolphins organization should be suspended or fired. The Dolphins owner is also to blame. He was watching the game. He knew the guy had no business going back onto the field. Honestly, Tua is lucky he is alive. One bad hit in the second half and he easily could have died. You get a lack of oxygen to the brain, due to swelling, and it is game over.
  14. Wow, for three quarters. How did that work out for them? Oh, that's right, they got blown out 28-3 in the fourth quarter. The Dolphins figured out their defense and their offense, which they shut down in the fourth quarter. The Ravens lost and gave up 547 yards of offense and 461 passing yards. They have given up more yards than any team in the NFL this year. Good teams figure out teams like the Ravens. Their Defense stinks and you just shut down their TE's and they become a very easy offense to stop. BTW, If you are into partial games, maybe you should talk to an Atlanta Falcons fan.
  15. "Too cool to worry about the weather" 🤣 Why would anyone worry about the weather. It is going to be what it is going to be. We played in 100 degree heat last week and dominated the time of possession by 20 minutes and had 300 more yards than the Dolphins. We didn't lose because of the heat. We lost because we didn't execute. Rains and winds are no different. You lose if you don't execute, not because the weather was bad. The other teams play in the same weather. You don't think Lamar Jackson would prefer a fast field with no wind? Pretty sure the rain and wind are tough on him too.
  16. I don't think losing tomorrow determines if we win the Super Bowl. I do think if we lose another close game we have to come to grips with the fact that our coaching staff is "playoff caliber" but will never be "championship caliber."
  17. They went 0-6 in 1 score games in 2021. They lose a close game tomorrow and they will have lost 8 straight 1 score games. Yes, same coaches. You know the ones that are also 1-3 in 1 score playoff games. The same coaches the froze in the playoffs last year. Some coaches can only take a team so far.
  18. Yes. 1 less than Brady. Just a typo. I am very aware of how many rings they both have.
  19. I think if the Bills lose a close game tomorrow then they aren't winning the Super Bowl. You can't overlook a team going 0-8 in close games. Especially when they have all this talent.
  20. Certain teams can't handle pressure. Usually those are the types of teams that are 0-7 in close games. Why would anyone believe a team that goes to 0-8 in close games is capable of winning anything? If you are 0-8 in close games you have issues and those issues don't go away.
  21. The Raven's defense has given up the league's worst 458 yards per game. The Bills defense is the league's best 214 yards per game. If you lose to the Ravens, a team the Dolphins already beat, you aren't winning the Super Bowl. Their Defense is garbage. The only way the Bills lose this game is if they don't show up. If they don't show up in back to back weeks they aren't going anywhere.
  22. Sure they will. You don't think the national media is going to jump all over the 2-2 "Paper Tiger" Buffalo Bills who can't win a close game? If the Bills Defense gives up a late TD and they lose I can guarantee you the Bills will start being referred to as the "same old Bills" who don't show up when the game is on the line.
  23. I am not a believer in Jackson being an elite QB. I think he is a 2nd tier QB and always will be. I think the MVP talk is silly, but I also think he is a solid NFL QB.
  24. If we lose tomorrow, it better not be a close game. We go to 0-8 in our last 8 close games and this team will have to confront the issue they can't handle pressure.
  25. All I know is he won 5 Rings and we have won 0 rings. I honestly never felt cheated by the Patriots. They were just better than the Bills for all those years. The tide has turned but they owned the division for a long time. And it was their defense that was the biggest factor.
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