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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. You really need a new purpose in life......
  2. The name of the man not the flag.....comon man
  3. Can i like this post a million times? Nailed it
  4. I will abstain like i did previously..my god you are dense.
  5. Go a day without typing trump.....for god sake. Its unhealthy
  6. Without conspiracies, scapegoats, and boogymen, you would no longer have any purpose in life!
  7. Here's the receipt you asked for. Maan your a special kind aren't you
  8. Annnnddd there you go proving my point. You are just like this administration, oatmeal for brains!
  9. Only tibs can argue against and for socialism in the same post. Good stuff.
  10. Wow, keep that same energy when you complain of excessive police force in scenarios that don't fit your narrative, like every other case of police brutality So shoot the rioters the summer of peaceful protests? Good to know
  11. Opposed to dumb northerners who continue to vote blue regardless of history or outcome?
  12. So excessive police force is good when it lands on your side politically? Good to know
  13. Is the earth flat? Wtf does this have to do with anything? Were the protests mostly peaceful? Stay on topic......
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