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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Keep defending criminals.....you're a complete joke. If he was held responsible for his past crimes the msu shooting would've never happened. But keep blaming the gop. How do you ignore posters im done with this dunce.
  2. Well from the article above it was carrying a concealed weapon.....what is your point? Criminals should not be held accountable got it.
  3. No what should have happened was the shooter should still be in jail for a felony charge but hey when actions have zero consequences this is what happens. Billsy the shooter would never have the opportunity to do this is we took our laws seriously. Comment?
  4. Criminals will always find a way to commit crimes so having more laws does nothing but hurt law abiding citizens.
  5. Being lenient on crime has consequences? What? No way!
  6. Joe what flavor ice cream is that? Everyday hardball questions from our truth seeking med......sorry couldn't finish this without laughing.
  7. She didn't suggest everyone just go buy an electric car.......so there's that.
  8. Can he play on the outside? I believe most of his snaps came from the slot.
  9. How does anyone take you seriously? On this message board or real life? Do u rant and rave about trump at your place of employment?
  10. Please explain this statement without your head exploding. And what do u think of youtube kids stearing kids in this direction? Not that i expect any sort of grown up thoughtful response.
  11. Or lets get rid of ***** that has no bearing on everyday life....you flubbing doughnut. The only thing that those things accomplish is segregation. Maybe thats what your looking for.
  12. But but but the government cares for its citiz..........sorry couldn't finish that though from laughing too hard.
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