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Everything posted by AlBUNDY4TDS

  1. Cnn got sued for defamation, sooo anything for ratings, but cnn still claims to be legitimate.
  2. When was the last day you didn't type the words trump? Becha can't remember.
  3. To be fair, you put a pretty big target on your back, but continue to do you i guess.
  4. Man if i am deranged then what would that make you?
  5. Do you call your conservative friends cult members as well? I don't believe you have any but maybe im wrong.
  6. Basic critical thinking and billsy don't belong in the same sentence. Projection and memes is all that's in the playbook.
  7. Jojo from jerz is your source.....wonder why we don't take you seriously.
  8. Did u just accurately describe the democratic party?
  9. I didn't vote for trump, once again your as bright as a cardboard box. Your the biggest simp for the democratic party but please keep trying
  10. Quick billsy come up with an orginal thought.....oh wait just regurgitate random Twitter accounts for validation nice!
  11. If it is everwhere why do stories get fabricated? To get a reaction.....and it's working. If it was rampant, there would be no reason to fabricate anything. And going by what billsy posts isn't a very good strategy, just sayin.
  12. You say it exists, its on you to prove it. But you can't so your sinking closer to billsy with your luke warm takes. I live in the city of buffalo and not once did i think man this place would be alot better if not for all the blatent white supremacy going on. Furthermore if it was so blatent why does it get fabricated in the cases of bubba wallace and smolett? Because fear is more effective than truth.
  13. No he's not, but we couldn't pay you enough to bad mouth good old joe. Clearly if you criticize him you must be a putin lover. Comon man!
  14. You really have the mind of a 4 year old. I didn't vote for trump so....guess there goes your theory
  15. You live in the greatest country in the world and all you do is complain about a man who hasn't been in office for a few years and blindly defend biden so no you suck lol biden doesn't live in my head rent free like trump does in yours.
  16. Pot meet kettle........TRUMP!!!! You can't make this stuff up
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