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Everything posted by BIGFOOTspaceman

  1. Let’s do another 70 yard drive for 3. Everything clicking….until we get into the red zone.
  2. It might be inevitable. I see a lot of similarities in the Bills and Pats that could bring this to fruition. Namely, they both sucked for a long time. In the 80’s/90’s the Pats and the Bucs were so bad. I mean, they were the butt of the NFL for a long time, as were we through the 2000’s. That’s a lot of pent up frustration from being on the back end of all the jokes and now, memes that go around. And besides, there’s the whole Super Bowl losses thing. When our time comes, there will always be that group that wants to take out their angst against others and they will be a small subset but also the most vocal, loudest ones in the room giving decent Bills fans a bad name. Me, I can die happy with just one. More would be great, but let’s start with just one.
  3. Just a question….How are these pictures done? I’m pretty tech savvy but never got into photoshop or altering pictures….I’m not a big photography guy. Can this be done on a phone or does it have to be done on a pc/Mac. Is there an app?
  4. Myself as well, game was literally muted 85%-90% which is too bad but I cannot stand Collinsworth that much. I have, in the past, taken the time to sync up the Bills radio call with my TV. Its a little tedious, but well worth it when you get it just right.
  5. Three straight possessions.....nothing. Dabol needs to wake up
  6. Dabol taking a dump in the second half....gross play calling
  7. I would only be cautiously optimistic and on the edge of my seat
  8. seriously, I can't imagine a single Bills fan leaving a game like this.
  9. I'm working midnights....No skin off my tail. Getting paid watching the Bills game...I can go all night lol
  10. Is there a real possibility this gets postponed, delayed, cancelled? Whats the protocol?
  11. They shouldn’t, but probably will. Wonder what the analytics say? Reid should take the FG…keep it within 1 score
  12. Is it crazy to put White on single coverage with their # 2 and let Levi and TJ double Hill? Just a thought.
  13. I really do enjoy reading all the optimistic takes, I'm just not there. I believe the Bills CAN win this game but we have to be perfect on both sides of the ball. I have hope and will cheer my loudest, over the moon if we win and disappointed if we lose. I'm just trying to be realistic. My earlier post was in jest though but probably didn't read that way. My biggest concern isn't how the Bills play, rather how the game is coached. Chiefs 35 Bills 17 I will be happy to be roasted Monday if we win.
  14. 34 - 10 Chiefs Josh has a bad game Defense gets exposed Nick Wright ***** on us until the end of time
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