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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. Bullsh*t Pre-1960's, the single parent home for black families was under 10%. Today its at over 70% (all races are up to be transparent). What took place around that time? Welfare expansion... which took place during the JFK administration. Quote from Paul E. Peterson (Harvard professor).. “welfare assistance went to mothers so long as no male was boarding in the household… Marriage to an employed male, even one earning the minimum wage, placed at risk a mother’s economic well-being.” Infamous “man in the house” rules meant that welfare workers would randomly appear in homes to check and see if the mother was accurately reporting her family-status. He added, “estimated that in 1975 a household head would have to earn $20,000 a year to have more resources than what could be obtained from Great Society programs.” In today’s dollars, that’s over $90,000 per year in earnings. “The government paid mothers to keep fathers out of the home—and paid them well.” https://www.educationnext.org/government-subsidize-not-tax-marriage/
  2. WAS it a big deal? Absolutely. Will it, unfortunately always be here (everywhere in the world)? Yes... it will. Is that the reason idiots are shooting each other in the streets? No. Socioeconomics due to a direct result of single parent homes is the reason IMO (I have a sociology/criminal justice undergrad degree, clinical mental health masters). There is a victim mentality across the board in all walks of life. No one should tell someone else, based on race... ethnicity... sex.... etc... that they are victims and that they don't have a shot in life. It's bogus in 2022.
  3. Poverty causes someone to shoot up a high school graduation outside NOLA?
  4. 13 now.... zero connected to white supremacy and nearly all carried about by a minority.
  5. Could it correlate to how most murder and robberies are carried about by the black population? More police interactions are a direct cause of those numbers. It's astonishing considering yes, the black population makes up just 13% of the population yet commits over 50% of murders and robberies. Those are things that need to somehow be addressed.
  6. I think that's what they are meaning by "replacement". It's not a good term to use for the fact that whites will be a minority. I consider myself white even though I'm technically Chickasaw. Seems nearly half of Oklahoma have some Native blood.
  7. I don't think people are saying aliens are coming down and replacing white people or killing off white people... but there are studies that show "white people" in the United States and especially parts of Europe, will be the minority sooner than later. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2018/03/14/the-us-will-become-minority-white-in-2045-census-projects/
  8. What analysis? And we can only go off what is reported. Anything else is just a guess.
  9. In 2018, the FBI data that came up for me. And in typical fashion.... Tips skips the rest of the information. 👍
  10. 100% I took an oath once, I'd do it again. I think your answers are great ones. Freedom is such a gift we have in the United States... it's worth defending at ALL COSTS.
  11. This FBI data goes back to 2018 62 million police contacts with citizens 10,310,960 arrests 990 shot by police 18 were unarmed (7 black, 1 Hispanic, 10 white) There is a 0.00000029% chance of being shot, unarmed, by police (I've had LEO's point firearms at me before, when I did nothing wrong. I complied and was on my way in 15 minutes)
  12. I guess no matter what this evil-racist says he is and isn't.... liberals and the media are going to 100% stamp "right wing" on the dude? Right? Even though he says he's NOT conservative and is an authoritarian left winger. 🙄 (I had asked you a few questions, you ignored them)
  13. So you're saying it's based on race? I'm interested in having this conversation with you... so her we go. Let me ask you about a planned "BLM event" you mention... what "event(s)" were there barricades put up? Pre-Jan 6th; can you let me know where pro-Trump rallies turned "violent" or had an property damage? What events/protests for BLM, where there "barricades" put into place? Has BLM "events" had a history of property damage? Yep. They're all horrible... but I would love to see CNN talk about the 600+ people killed in 2020 in "mass shootings" and who carried them out. They *ONLY* care about one certain race and how it was carried out (weapon type).
  14. I didn't say it's not a problem. I wanted to know, what do you mean by "ANY other person or group"?
  15. Huh? So they were laxed with this kid in Buffalo because........ ?? They screwed up. Unfortunately, it happens. With the 'red flag laws' many people instantly lose their firearms. Sometimes they don't and mistakes are made. Look at what happened in the church shooting a few years ago in Texas. The dude was dishonorably discharged from the military and the Navy and FBI both dropped the ball when he was allowed to pass a NICS check (form 4473, background check).
  16. Nearly every one of them are gang shootings. Not a school shooting or what took place in Buffalo. And of those 600+ both years you listed? The VAST majority are carried out by minorities. That goes against the media narrative if we are counting "mass shootings".
  17. Completely depends on the distance. At close range, 00 buck or a slug could easily put a huge hole in someone.
  18. So yes or no... Renault should be sued for the 80+ people killed and 450+ people injured in Nice, France? Yes or no.
  19. Not what I said and because a Ford SUV was used to kill people in Wisconsin... it doesn't mean they should be held responsible for the drivers actions. Your logic is flawed. It's moronic.
  20. Why not? People will find ways to kill others. They have for all human history. You know what tannerite is, I assume? That could be made to carry out a bombing like what took place at the Bath school house. The Austin bell tower shooter... he killed 18 people and shot over 30 with a Remington 700 (bolt action). Evil will find a way. If that's a Ford Escape in Waukesha, Wisconsin... or a Bushmaster XM-15 in Buffalo.
  21. You're now talking about a different thing all together.
  22. Still waiting to hear why you jump over posts that PROVE you're incorrect (and if you want to add to the list of companies/producers that could be sued due to their products being able to kill large number of people) Completely untrue. Do you know what the worst school massacre was in the United States? What was used?
  23. So then let's start a list.... Semi-trailer manufactures Moving van manufactures Car manufactures Knives manufactures Plane manufactures Helicopter manufactures Boats manufactures Petroleum companies Alcoholic beverage companies Firearm manufactures Ammonium Nitrate manufactures Cherry producers Apricot producers Plum producers Peach producers Apple producers Pear producers Rice producers Castor oil producers How long should we make this list?
  24. Again, there are a plethora of things that can be used to hurt/kill people. What about the manufactures of ammonium nitrate fertilizer? You can buy 40 lb bags of it at the local feed store. Doesn't take much to turn those into something that can kill hundreds at a time. What about the makers of alcoholic beverages? Those kill FAR MORE than firearms. It's actually 3-4x more deaths. Should people be suing Labatts? I'd love to see the studies to back up your claim on "mentally ill people seek out these products" and gun makers knowing this so they can sell firearms to them. BTW: You continue to ignore points I'm making... like you claiming you nor anyone you know ever having a home broken into thus no need for semi-automatic firearms... when I posted story after story (linked) to times these firearms save lives and protect homes.
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