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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. How so? Simple question: HAS IT WORKED? Yes or no. None of the anti-gun people will face the “truth” I posted.
  2. Here’s the truth of all this that no one will admit. Cats out of the bag. if that’s number of firearms in the country, our 2A, violent video games/movies or the problem of social media with the lack of actual connection our kids have... none of that will change. Ever. So let’s find proven solutions now. One this is, armed teachers and staff. It’s 100% effective.
  3. Now how many armed teachers/staff at schools in the USA have had a school shooting? Seems pretty black and white. Case closed, not matter what the anti-gun people think. A 100% effective result.
  4. No thoughts to the article? The idea of allowing armed staff members at schools? The fact there has NEVER been a school shooting at an armed school since 2000? Just ignore it because it f-ups your narrative.
  5. What about them? I've been talking about SCHOOL SHOOTINGS and finding answers to a problem that does take place. You want to pivot to something else? Churches? Gangs? Huh?
  6. The only 100% PROVEN effective measure? Arming teachers and/or staff and administrators. Over the past 22 years... there has been ZERO school shootings where they are armed at a school. N-O-N-E. This was my #1 answer to the problem with school shootings. It won't address 'mass' shootings, but this is a good start. Don't give me the BS that it won't work. You're full of crap and just anti-firearms. https://www.newsweek.com/democrats-focus-gun-control-wont-solve-any-our-problems-opinion-1710222
  7. I'm just reporting what was just said by the Texas DPS director. But he made it clear, there was no SRO on the scene when he entered and started shooting. I'm sure things are fluid with information.
  8. S. Texas Regional Director, Dept of Public Safety (officer) just stated that there was NOT a SRO at the school. The shooter came into an unlocked school with no officer.
  9. I just disagree with this one. Serve your country at 17 (yes, you can be 17) yet can’t own a hunting rifle. Maybe have more expectations with backgrounds for under 21 buyers? But the SCOTUS already overturned all the min 21 age limit. A legal precedent has been established.
  10. Well, I tried. I've posted (just today actually) about ideas. You FINALLY throw out ideas and after I respond to them, the issues... you call me "the problem" after saying it's "my friends" who kill people. YOU sir, are a worthless pathetic human and I'm going to say goodbye as I'm blocking you for good. Take care.
  11. I don't disagree with "can't do anything" comment. As for the SRO, I don't believe he was in the school... but outside when it happened. But that said, there are countless stories of SRO stopping gunmen at schools in the United States. It's not fool proof, but they do work. I'm sorry to hear about your father. I too lost a parent to suicide (my mother).
  12. You are going to ban AR-15's, AK-47's? How would that work exactly? Going to ask Beto how to go door to door? And the SCOTUS already ruled on this one. I disagree with 'raising the age' to 21. You can go serve your country and die, but can't own a hunting rifle? COMPLETELY disagree with a waiting period. If my daughters are being threatened by an ex, I'd rather them not have to wait 3-10 days or whatever till they can pick up their firearm... so they could possibly protect themselves. And we DO background checks for all buying a firearms. Just not with private sales. How would you even begin to enforce that one? Most people who want to cause harm or commit a crime would never bother. "Internet and gun show sales"... first off "Internet sales"? Do you actually think you can buy a firearm online without it 1) being shipped to your local FFL and 2) Having to do a background check with the FBI? Gun show "loopholes" is a myth. You're talking about PRIVATE sales. Any FFL at a gun show who is selling a firearm, they HAVE TO by federal law, run a FBI background check. Here's the thing... THANK YOU for finally having a conversation about solutions or ideas. First time you've done this. And for the record, I've only told people to F-off (one person) when they personally attack. I haven't done that with anyone who's legit talking about the subject.
  13. So we are back to punishing the 99% for the 1% The FBI already has things in place to stop most people from buying a firearm that should not own one. It's not foolproof whatsoever, but not sure anything is. The Texas church shooting, the Navy failed to report his dishonorable discharge (which prevents you from buying a firearm). Holes do take place. But the BIGGEST problem I see is, criminals are still going to steal firearms. If that's breaking into a house or a gun/pawn store (happens often). My ideas? Arm front office workers who are willing to provide that service following training (again, as a former member of the US Army and someone who is very proficient with firearms, I'd do it in a heartbeat). Have single entry/exit access points at schools that are LOCKED at all times. We do that at my school, it's not difficult to do. Have SRO at every school. Require gun owners to lock up their firearms when they are not home (or in a vehicle). If a firearm is stolen, they could face criminal charges. Require ALL stolen or missing firearms to be reported to LEO. This blows me away, if anyone stole ANY of my firearms I'm calling the Sheriff as soon as I can. This is a start...
  14. I've asked the question to you on another thread (I believe)... about the evals you're talking about. Would you check that out? And the def. of a mass shooting varies by the group putting that list out. There 100% is a problem, finding the solution is the tricky part. ( @BillStimethis is what an actual conversation about ideas looks like... unlike what you do here)
  15. "My friends" - You're a f'ing joke dude. This is the problem with the whole debate... no one listens and people like you just b*tch. I've had conversations with people here about ideas, from both sides of the isle. You? You don't do crap but complain. Keep it up... more b*tching.
  16. OFFER. SOLUTIONS. YOU. MOR*N (you won't) Don't disagree, but the numbers are increasing. Why? Is there a correlation between that and what happens in the United States... in a MUCH different culture (like half the number of single parent households)?
  17. LOL, okay Karen. I never said anything about laws being passed. The liberal WH established a "Disinformation Agency" for Heavens sake. What was disinformation the past 2 years per the left and the media? Crap like "A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else... It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people." or "The Trump administration had failed to order enough vaccines.” I can post videos of college campus' rioting because people like Ben Shapiro or Milo Yiannopoulos were going to speak there. VERY liberal colleges. I was banned for 30 days by Facebook a couple of years ago for posting about Hunter Bidens laptop. No, nothing is being suppressed.
  18. So now I'm a "Piece of sh*t" because I'd actually like to see the real list, not BS like a gang shooting in a school parking lot at 2 a.m.? Or an adult taking their own life in the parking lot over the weekend? (yes, those are counted as "school shootings") Call me what you want, I don't care... All you do is share tweets, offer complaints and b*tch. You don't offer any solutions. NEWSFLASH: Unfortunately, evil finds a way (I continue to say this but you ignore it). Japan has a very low crime rate, yet the number of "mass stabbings" is WAY up. A couple of years ago, 16 students (and one adult) were stabbed waiting on their school bus outside Tokyo. In 2019, a man stabbed and killed 19 people in Tokyo. NINETEEN people.
  19. How many of these are ACTUAL shootings and not some kid being stupid? Or GANG violence? Examples... Monroe Clark Middle School (2019): BB gun Blountsville Elementary School (2019): Substitute teacher accidently discharges pistol from their pocket Central Academy of Excellence (2019): Gang member shoots two after a basketball game near the school A few years ago at UNT (North Texas, Denton) a firearms instructor teaching a gun safety class that evening accidently discharged a pistol he was showing the class. That was counted in Everytown's school shooting list. While there ARE horrible events that take place, each one has a different story. Everytown even counts shootings on campus after closing hours... like in the parking lot between gang members on a drug deal.
  20. Just curious (I'm a LPC, which is a professional counselor... masters in clinical mental health)... how are we going to pay for that exactly? And what justifies a release of information as a therapist to the FBI? What is the cut off? PTSD? Anxiety? Severe depression? Personality disorders?
  21. Another day, another shared tweet from BillStime. lol Of course, he has a 1st Amendment right. Doesn't mean it wasn't GRANDSTANDING. It's textbook dude. (and comical... the left have been the ones against free speech since around 2015)
  22. Location Year Deaths Loughinisland, Northern Ireland 1994 6 (shooting) Dunblane (Scotland) School 1996 18 (shooting) Omagh, Northern Ireland 1998 29 (shooting) Utøya island, Norway 2011 69 (shooting) Paris 2015 130 (shooting/explosives) Nice, France 2016 87 (truck) W National Park, Benin 2022 8 (explosives) Small list I just posted... go worldwide, it's a huge list. That includes school stabbings in Japan. Evil finds away.
  23. I’m not calling anyone “tough guy”.
  24. 😂 Says someone typing on a computer.
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