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Everything posted by MrJaimie

  1. ... and no sarcasm intended. If you're going to take the heat for a loss, I think it's fair to give you kudos when they win. A big :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to the bashers in advance. Thanks for playing, move along...
  2. Jesus Christ, aren't you guys happy about anything??? This board has become a joke. It's really sad. Really.
  3. Terrorists want John Kerry to win, since having Bush isolate us from the rest of the world is not on their agenda.
  4. Drew is also playing well in the 4Q: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/2359/news "Oct 19 BuffaloBills.com reports Buffalo Bills QB Drew Bledsoe ranks fourth in the AFC in fourth quarter passing, posting 26 completions for 372 yards with three touchdowns and one interception for a final quarter passer rating of 99.8."
  5. I made the mistake of rooting for the Pats during their first Superbowl win. Afterwards, I had to endure weeks of stevestojan from Pats fans even though I rooted for their team. Although I don't despise people from New England, I do hate them as fans. They rank up there with Philly fans for being classless jerks when it comes to sports. BTW, I did live up there for over 3 years, so I'm not basing this on a couple of incidents. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  6. Hey, the Titans dominated the Colts in the first half today. Anyone want to remind me what that score ended up being?
  7. Okay, after all that stevestojan, we only gave up a touchdown? It's only 7-3? I really, really hope the Raiders shot their load. If I were a Raider's fan, I would be upset right now.
  8. Is there a reason we allow anonymous postings on these boards?
  9. If I were a terrorist, I would vote for Bush. Having the world hate us is a good thing for terrorism. It isolates us and puts a bigger burden on our shoulders.
  10. Apparently, it's tape-delayed and will be shown tomorrow at 1 PM ET. If you're in the Miami or Tennessee area, you will see the game today.
  11. Here ya go... http://www.warpradio.com/wm_redirect.asp?id=1953
  12. This coming from someone that has to visit another team's msg board... Having lived in the New England area for a few years, I laugh when a Patriots fan calls anyone moronic. Anyone who drops their R's only to add them to other words should never, ever question anyone's intelligence. You don't talk like that? Good for you! You're in the minority up there. Here's an idear, if you're going to claim him to be the #1 QB based upon playing a Colts defense, then you're the idiot. We didn't see the flurry of posts claiming him to be so hot before the game. I've seen what a defense that can get past their OL do to this overrated shmuck (i.e., last year's opener). Remember what happened in 2002 when they tried to be cute and be pass-happy? They lost 4 in a row. Funny how people forget such things. If you love the guy so much, why don't you join his fan club: www.absolutebrady.com Have fun! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  13. I'd really like to see him play a good defense before annointing him the best QB crown.
  14. What I can't understand is why Madden complimented them on that reverse play. Jesus, is he having sexual relations with Brady? Enough already! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. That line alone makes you seem ignorant. Projected bust? Who the hell are you? Nostradamus?
  16. Sorry, I can't hear you through your anonymous posting. (We know it's you Jerry, so you can just stop now )
  17. I agree. He really comes off as pathetic. I wonder what would happen if the Bills made the playoffs. Do you think he'll 'fess up to being wrong?
  18. I still have bouts of sleep paralysis now and then. Imagine being awake but unable to move. Or if you're able to move, it's like moving through molasses. You can also experience the sensation of floating, or having a big weight crushing down on you (and no, it's not that fat chick you picked up at the bar last night).
  19. Okay, who left the crack pipe out on the table?
  20. Sullivan is a clown. And not one of those happy clowns, but the pathetic, psycopath ones you see in the campy horror flicks with the stevestojan-eating grin. Maybe he should change his catchphrase to "Colon like I see them."
  21. Hey, here's an idea. Let's see how MaGahee does during the season before evaulating him. Are there concerns? Yes. But you guys are acting like he's already a bust. Give me a break. BTW, I tore my ACL and went through 9 months of rehab. I then returned to playing rugby. It takes a bit of time. On a side note, you guys are sounding more and more like Boston fans. Do you honestly need something to B word about on a daily basis? Are you so miserable with your existance that you have to vent in such a manner? For chrissakes...
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