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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. I wouldn't say that yet. AR and Green Bay have had many, MANY more years over JA and the Bills to win Super Bowls. Yes, anything is possible. We could eventually be a perennially great team that plateaus because they can't win the big game like AR and the Pack. That said, we're not even close to that yet. We're still an ascending team that continues to get better. Go Bills!
  2. Good thoughts, Doc. You’re definitely right, it’s an interesting topic. On one hand, it’s really nice knowing that you have a QB that can change the trajectory of the game and a punter that can change field position with one kick. Both are needed every game. That said, you definitely want the mentality to be pedal to the metal with your star QB instead of succumbing to the temptation of the field position game (at least most of the time).
  3. You bring up an interesting point. I think McD has gotten more aggressive with experience and because he can continue to trust Josh Allen more because of his great play. That said, with such a great leg in Araiza, it makes you wonder if there’ll be times where he’ll make decisions knowing he has a punter that can change the field position of a game with one kick. Obviously, he has a QB that can change the trajectory of a game in one play. I’m not even saying it’s wrong if he goes with the leg over the arm every once in a while but it makes you wonder what he’ll do knowing that he has such a fantastic punter at his disposal.
  4. I definitely could be delusional, bro. 🤣😜🤣 I liked Stefan Gilmore when he was here. Also, JK is my favorite player of all time. That said, there still seems to be more of an excitement over being drafted by the bills then there was even a few years ago, which is a good thing. it’s not necessarily a knock on Gilmore as much as it reveals how far we’ve come in the last few years. The narrative has changed.
  5. I totally get what you mean. A lot of the reaction is exactly what you described, a person seeing their dreams come true as well as a nice payout for the rest of their lives. That said, I believe people are excited to come to the bills now. Spencer Brown breaking a table and James Cook telling us that he fell in love with the bills. I get that a drafted player most times won’t say anything bad about being drafted by a team. That said, the things we’re hearing lately go beyond the typical company line. Think of Stephon Gilmore or even Jim Kelly back in the day. Both realized their dreams were coming true and would be paid lots of money but still didn’t have the greatest reaction to being drafted by the bills. JK even went to the USFL because of it. 🤣😜🤣 Totally different these past couple years. Then again, maybe I’m just being a homer because I’m a bills fan. Either way, go bills!
  6. “I fell in love with the Bills.” - our new running back James Cook Here’s the article - https://www.yahoo.com/sports/rb-james-cook-fell-love-132503155.html And Spencer Brown breaking a table last year. And this reaction from Elam and his family. Remember the pre-JA era response of Stephon Gilmore? Those days are long gone. Go Bills!!!
  7. Wow, bro. What a terrible move by Sapp. Always good to hear from you, MGK!
  8. We all know it. We are SO fortunate as a fan base to have Josh Allen. He’s awesome, he fits Buffalo so well, he has great character, he has a great work ethic and he’s an all-around winner. As many on here have been saying lately, he’s a superstar now. It got me thinking, would you still like JA if he was on another team? For me, honestly, I don’t know. Part of me says, yes, I would. I can appreciate and respect greatness when I see it, even when someone is on another team. That said, part of me knows that there have been times that I haven’t liked someone because they were so good and on another team instead of the Bills. So, I’d like to hear from you, Bills Mafia. Would you still like JA if he was on another team?
  9. Eventually is the operative word. It really didn’t calm down for a while, even when you started to see him get good consistently.
  10. His record (and dominance) against the Dolphins is starting out, dare I say, Brady-esque.
  11. Some fans of other NFL teams must even have vertigo this off-season.
  12. Man, I’m old. Now I definitely need to floss!
  13. I wasn’t saying that you prop up or worry about every opponent. Yes, there’s a reality that we can lose to anyone but some take it several steps further and prop up or worry about every opponent when the past couple/few years we’ve been the better team overall. This year, we may be one of the best, if not the best, team in football. It’s not even wrong to be that way. Some people are just wired that way as a fan. That said, I was wondering with how good we have become if some of that propping up and worrying has settled down. Thus the OP.
  14. I did definitely see that game and it did happen. That said, I think there’s a difference between respecting every opponent and propping up and worrying about every opponent. While it’s definitely a fine line, I think there’s a way to expect to win and be confident but still respect opponents.
  15. Our recent success in the past couple seasons coupled with us having such a great off-season so far has me wondering. If you’re someone who typically props up or worries about almost every opponent we play, with us being one of the teams to beat now, will this be the year that your confidence grows to a point where you expect to win? Or, will you still prop up or worry about most teams from week to week? I think there’s a transition that usually happens with most fan bases when their team starts to get good where they go from propping up every other team to hoping to win to knowing that most times they will win no matter the opponent. Some fan bases even get to a point where they’re shocked when their team does lose. So, where are you on that scale and why? What say you, Bills Mafia?
  16. Yeah, even though it’s voluntary, this place will go nuts if Diggs isn’t there.
  17. I agree, bro. While I wouldn’t have wanted him to come to the AFC East, it still made me happy to see the Chiefs lose Hill. I don’t think it does enough for Miami to compete with us and it weakens KC. Go Bills!
  18. It’s cool that we have a legit Super Bowl star on our team along with Josh Allen.
  19. You could be right, we won’t know until pricing comes out. That said, game pass is only $99 for the year. So, maybe it won’t be too expensive.
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