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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. Excluding JA, predict which player will have the biggest impact… 🤣😜🤣
  2. Not just media, bro, even some fans from this past season were still concerned.
  3. Please keep it respectful. This is for information purposes. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/bills-fans-no-longer-covid-125550973.html
  4. Cool experience about Darryl Talley. Thanks for sharing. I had a cool experience meeting Jim Kelly. My buddy got me free suite tickets for the Falcons Bills game in Toronto. At some point during the game in walks JK. I believe I’m the only one wearing his jersey so he ends up sitting next to me for a little bit. He signed my jersey and I got a picture with him.
  5. Thanks for sharing, bro. This is why this thread has been really cool to read. I never knew about the Biscuit situation. I'm sure they were all frustrated realizing they were in the process of losing their second straight SB. If I'm not mistaken, the Bills were down 24-0 before they even scored. Hopefully others have been able to read things that they didn't know either up until they read it on this thread. @GunnerBill is one of the young ones on here. 😂 Although, we do have another drought fan in this thread as well that rivals his youthfulness in @Strethor.
  6. Hey Virg! Hope you’re well. When you said “my personal hope” about Fitz, did you mean you hope he’s back on our team or you hope he doesn’t want to come back on our team?
  7. Keep them coming, Bills Mafia! These have been awesome to read. Thank you to everyone who has participated so far.
  8. 🤣😜🤣 Thanks for sharing, bro. I’m glad you’re doing well. Mad respect for your current schedule. Because it’s 12-14 hour days, hopefully it won’t last too much longer though.
  9. Hey MGK! Nice to hear from you, bro. I know you haven’t been able to be around as much lately. How’s everything been going lately?
  10. I know others will disagree, but I agree with you as well. I hope we keep Beasley. I think he still has some left in the tank.
  11. You're welcome, bro. It's been super fun to hear everyone's responses. Thanks for sharing yours.
  12. You might be bro, you might be. Although, I think @newcam2012 may be a younger Bills fan as well but I'm not sure. And, I think I remember connecting with one another person on here who started their fandom around the drought but I don't remember their forum name.
  13. I really like their choices because it seemed realistic to me. Sure, we like to dream that we can land the top and the best (and every once in a while it happens). That said, this list seems pretty realistic to me. The only thing that’s not realistic is that we can’t get all six of them. Who is on this list that you would want, if any? If there are a few or many that you’d want, tell us which ones you’d pick keeping in mind that we couldn’t have all of them because, you know, the cap. For example, if you’d want four of these players but realistically think we could only get two based off our cap, share the two that you’d pick to land here. https://amp.democratandchronicle.com/amp/6880686001
  14. Muppy, I thought for sure that Dawson Knox would be in your post somewhere. 😜🤣
  15. Thanks for sharing. What a cool perspective when it comes to seeing it live and in color because you only had a black and white TV.
  16. That's funny that you think it's stupid. It's a great forum name.
  17. Thanks for sharing, bro, appreciate it! By the way, great forum name.
  18. I saw an article where they mentioned Chandler Jones as a possibility. Not saying whether we should get him or not, it just made me wonder what Bills Mafia thinks is more important to get since both are really important. Pass rusher or o-line? One protects JA for the long term, the other may get us over the top and help us finally win a SB (not that we can't win one without a pass rusher).
  19. We probably can, it was more of a way to see what everyone feels is more important to fix. Hopefully that makes sense.
  20. Thanks for sharing, Hap. I didn't know your forum name use to be, Hopeful. Hopefully JA can change that name back for you by winning a Super Bowl.
  21. If we can only pick one, would you rather build up the o-line or get a proven, premium pass rusher?
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