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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. You're welcome, bro. It's neat to see yours and everyone's story. That's why I wanted to do it. I figured the best time to do it was the off season.
  2. I think most of us already knew, but, no wonder Beane said his #1 off-season priority is to protect Josh. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/pff-bills-josh-allen-top-161518416.html If you could only pick one, would you rather build up the o-line or get a proven, premium pass rusher?
  3. That's awesome. So cool, bro! While either is awesome, when you say you haven't missed a game since '96, are you talking in stadium or watching?
  4. Hey Bills Mafia! Besides staying up to date on all things Bills, one of the reasons I like coming to this site is for the Bills camaraderie. I figured the best time to get to know you a little more is to do this in the long abyss of the offseason. I'm sure there will be some that don't like this post and will flame it (ie- "Man, it's going to be a long off season", "🤦‍♂️" or worse) because it's not a Bills news post. That's fine, either move on from it or say why you hate the post and then move on from it. That said, if you'd like to participate, here's some things to answer. 1. You've been a fan since 2. Your first Bills memory 3. One of your favorite Bills memories 4. Your favorite player of all time and your favorite player currently 5. Some of you guys have some awesome forum names. What does your forum name say about you? My answers: 1. 1988 2. Bills at Bears in 1988. We lost 24-3 in Soldier Field. I should've known then 😜😂 3. Breaking the drought and experiencing it with my kids/Going to the Bills vs Cowboys Thanksgiving game with my kids/Experiencing the 2020 season with my kids (While I have fond memories as a child, yes, the best experiences are with my kids because they're huge Bills fans as well) 4. Jim Kelly/Josh Allen 5. The first part of my forum name is obvious. Bills fan through and through! 619 stands for the area code I live in, which is San Diego Okay, Bills Mafia, share (or flame) away.
  5. It seemed like Groot was coming on strong and then seemed to lose steam after the first KC meeting. That said, I believe he has great potential and it will be interesting to see how he grows in his second year. Out of all of our picks, I thought Spencer Brown did the best for us this year. I really do hope he can continue to develop and continue to bring some stability to our o-line.
  6. Is there anyone in particular that you would trade a pick for to get an impact player (like Diggs) at a position of need?
  7. Yes, definitely a lot of hot takes in this one. That said, good take on your part. I do believe Spencer Brown could be special. And there still is a lot of potential in Groot. It wasn’t good that he fell off so early but that doesn’t always mean anything either.
  8. You would trade a first for Barkley? Even with his injury history?
  9. While I hope he can go longer, a strong 15 year career out of JA would be awesome and obtainable IMO. It would surprisingly be 4-5 more years than JK.
  10. Here’s the link. Thoughts? https://www.yahoo.com/sports/bills-2021-rookie-class-does-161553746.html I thought Groot was showing promise after his INT of Mahomes in KC but he seemed to peter out after that. Spencer Brown was the best of the 2021 Bills rookie class. He could have a great 2nd year.
  11. Yeah, the Pats could be in for a long road. At the same time, it is BB, so you never know.
  12. I’m surprised it wasn’t a Dawson Knox picture. 😜🤣
  13. I would’ve never thought that someone would’ve responded with this moment. I mean that in a good way though. That’s why I like sharing these things and starting these types of threads to hear what peoples moments were. Thanks for sharing!
  14. While I think he can still improve, I do think it was enough (not that my opinion is worth anything). You can tell that he can play at an elite level and he already has the all-time franchise TD record for tight ends. While I’m not predicting anything, I do think that Dawson Knox can be an elite and dominating tight end in this league.
  15. Those were some great moments! Thanks for sharing, bro. I know it didn’t end the way we wanted but it turned out to be a really good season in the end. We showed Pats fans who the beast of the East is. Also, we closed the gap with the Chiefs by beating them and by going toe to toe with them in the Divisional Round.
  16. This is probably sarcasm, but just in case it's not, I believe Groot's INT was the first Chiefs game in the regular season.
  17. To bring some cheer to the forum, let’s talk about our favorite moment(s) of the season. For me, it’s definitely the Chiefs game in the regular season. We were on a roll and the Chiefs were struggling but they’re still the Chiefs. I couldn’t watch the game until after it was over and I thought I saw something that confirmed that the Chiefs were winning or had won. So, I went into the game thinking that we may have lost or at least we’re losing at the time I thought I saw what I saw. Even my wife made a face, she knew what the outcome was, that I read as not good (anybody ever do that where they think they know an outcome of a game based off of someone else’s reaction that knows? 😜🤣) To my surprise, the bills put a beat down on the Chiefs and established themselves as a team that could go toe to toe with them. The Josh Allen leap was amazing and his long TDs to Knox and Beasley were great. He was definitely the better quarterback on the field that night. What’s your favorite moment(s) of the season?
  18. As I mentioned before, the Chiefs are the gold standard right now. We didn’t belong on the same field with them last year. This year, we beat them and went to the wire with them in the playoffs. Just because we met them in the divisional round this year vs. the AFC championship game last year doesn’t mean that we didn’t close the gap against the team to beat in the AFC.
  19. No, it’s progress. Just because it wasn’t the progress you wanted doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or it’s some kind of moral victory. Yes, we didn’t achieve our ultimate goal but progress was made. We didn’t belong on the same field with them last year. This year? We beat them and then went toe to toe with them until we lost in OT.
  20. What does being past moral victories have to do with closing the gap? I acknowledged that we didn’t succeed in our ultimate goal and that it was a tough loss. It doesn’t mean the gap didn’t close and progress can be made. Both things can be true which was kind of the point of my post.
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