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Everything posted by Yoho

  1. Ok, the B's in the ultimate thread would include: Best pizza in Buffalo Bills all time best (fill in the blank) Brian Boitano ( what would he do?)
  2. A truly ultimate defining thread would contain: A recipe Advice for the lovelorn Assclowns Attacks on Tom Donohoe And that is just the A's
  3. One other very important factor-- the weather I can think of two home games last year (Miami and Arizona) where the wind was blowing over 30 mph. I watched in warm ups as kicks actually started blowing backwards toward the kicker. Last year was especially windy for home games. If I had time I would do an analysis of how visiting kickers did in that weather. It is impossible to compare a kicker in Buffalo with a dome kicker or kicking at altititude in Denver. Last week-- the weather was calm. Lindell was 5-5. When watching on television, you can often lose sight of the wind factor, but it can be real and it can be very important.
  4. I will add another candidate. How about all those moaning and complaining about our drafting "high motor" defensive ends. Often there was some whining about them being white. Seems to me, we got a pretty good tandem at this point.
  5. I think Wilson had a tryout last year with another team and is not exactly the type that I am talking about--- signing the best of the undrafted collegians.
  6. Once again this year, the Bills kept an undrafted free agent on the final roster (Jim Leonhard). All things being equal, this is a great move. Agents notice such things. I am sure the agents final bonus is predicated on the player actually making some money. If the Bills have a rep for actually giving undrafted players a legitimate chance at the roster, we have a better chance at getting the better undrafted players. We came up with some real finds last year --- Peters, Greer, Baker. Hopefully, this is a trend that pays off in the long run.
  7. First dibs at guessing what position Mack Yoho played besides kicker.
  8. It may mean that, but much more importantly is the name of the Bills original kicker Mack Yoho. As he would approach the ball, the fans would yell Yo and at the moment of impact, they would yell "ho". So take that you young whippersnappes. By the way if you thinkLindell is bad. Yoho was 20 of 24... on extra points.
  9. Is there anyone in the media that you people like? You must all be highly successful in your fields.
  10. Thanks for explaining who the "real fans" are. I guess the thousands of dollars over the years that I have spent watching Bills games does not count. Sorry but I love the off season and the hope for "maybe next year". Maybe you can explain for me, if I am not a "real fan", what am I?
  11. Every year at this time, I am absolutley convinced that this is the year. No matter how bad we have been, I have been able to conjure up a scenario that takes the Bills over the top. " Maybe Ferragamo will regain his form with the Rams and Terry Miller is the real deal." "Maybe Dan Darragh will be the next small college QB to make it big time in the NFL and Mini-Max Anderson will show what he has shown in pre-season" "Maybe Rob Johnson and Travis Henry are our version of Payton Manning and Edgerin James" They haven't all worked out, but it sure is fun looking at the season though these rose-colored glasses. I feel sorry for those of you that can not conjure up a scenario where we go all the way this year. You may think of yourselves as realists, but you are missing out on a lot of the fun.
  12. I wont respond about the politics, but Mick was in the London School of Economics when stardom hit. He aint no double digit IQ. Saying that, I don't know why anybody cares what his views on a President are. If the song is good, I will listen, if it is not I wont.
  13. My answer would be TD. If Smith turns the Chargers around for a number of years, I will buy into his talents. Remember Schottenheimer had made a lot of GM's look good by taking some mediocre talent into the playoffs. But you can be sure they wont last long in the playoffs.
  14. As a fan of the Bills since 1960, I think it is safe to say that 3 best GM's we have ever had are Bill Polian, John Butler and Tom Donohoe. That means many fans here have never lived through a mediocre General Manager. The only bad times you have seen is when Butler mortgaged the future to take one last run at the Super Bowl. The forward lateral killed that idea. We have developed a pretty good team here folks. It has holes. Every team in the NFL has holes in the salary cap era. If you can't be optimistic 2 days before training camp opens, why bother.
  15. I laid out 6 different factors that I would take into consideration as I assess the job that Donohoe is doing. Let me lay out this scenario. What if we go 10-6 this year but get edged out of the playoffs. What if that also happened in '06 and we had some key injuries and every game is sold out both years. Under your "simplistic" criteria, Donohoe must go. "My point" is that there are a lot of different assessment factors and yes, I believe that just looking at whether he made the playoffs in the 6 years would be overly simplistic.
  16. Can we get away from the simplistic perspective of whether we make the playoffs or not. How about if we consider some of the following factors. Is the team showing continual improvement? Are we maximizing our talent under the salary cap? Have we been drafting successfully? What roles did injuries play in our success or failures? Are we able to attract top free agents when they are available? Are we selling out the games, including the all important, revenue producing luxury boxes? If we had been in the NFC, there is no doubt we would have been in the playoffs last year. Would that make Donohoe a better or worse GM? If we do not make the playoffs this year but continue to show improvement and play well, I will be satisfied. It is easy to tell the fans that were spoiled by the success of the Marv Levy era and never knew how bad a poorly run organization can be. Believe me, this is one of the better management teams we have ever had. They are not that easy to come by. Look up Stew Barber and Harvey Johnson.
  17. Curious about your Panorra's Boxxx reference. Is that some strip joint? Used to go to a bar on Main St. in Amherst by that name. Not a strip joint by the way.
  18. I think some people are underestimating just how important having a strong franchise from a business perspective is to the future of the Buffalo Bills. We have an 87 year old owner whose family has already announced that they will be selling when they inherit the team. If we are going to have a chance to keep this team in Buffalo, it had better have a strong foundation, support and income. If Donohoe's only success is accomplishing that, he has done his job as far as I am concerned. When you add to this the fact that we finished incredibly strong last year, I am willing to give him a few more years. I will never root for the Los Angeles Bills and never want to see that day. Thanks Tom, for making that less likely.
  19. I will just do sports movies: 1. Field of Dreams 2. Hoosiers 3. Raging Bull 4. The Natural 5. Rocky 1 6. The Longest Yard 7. Bull Durham 8. Pride of the Yankees 9. Caddyshack ( a stretch) 10. Slap Shot
  20. Easy 1. O J Simpson - may have been the greatest running back of all time. Only Jim Brown compares. He would gain 2000 per year in his prime with today's offense. Never killed people in his prime which is a plus. 2. Jim Kelly - give Kelly this year's teams defense and Simpson and I would take the odds in Vegas.
  21. Not sure if I understand the distinction between "predicted" and "I thought" but are you saying that all QB's who do not have good years until their senior year and who are smart are not likely to succeed? I have the feeling that there may be a few successful QB's that break that trend.
  22. How could you know he was going to be a bust? How could you know more than the scouts watching film and personal workouts. How could you predict that?
  23. But wasn't that the Tom Brady story? No playing time. How about Drew Henson? If production were the key, Eric Crouch would be a first round pick at QB.
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