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Everything posted by Ghost_002!

  1. Cause his resume speaks for itself and that is usual how it goes in all sports. You hype the greats.
  2. He didn't record a touchdown in that SB. He didn't do anything in that SB, what are you talking about? And yes some of their drafts have been bad, but not drafting Sony
  3. He won a SB with the pats against the rams, during that playoff run he average over 100 yards in 3 playoff games and nearly had a 1000 yards that season? How is that failing plus they were able to get value for him. They traded him because they are loaded at that position again i ask how did they fail in drafting him?
  4. Why does it matter who it is, if you do not get vaccinated you run a risk plan and simple. What bills fan want to go through this all season long jeopardizing a possible SB bid. We are going through it up here in NE with Cam Newton now (not like I care much cause Cam aint taken nobody here to the SB) Note: Whoever chooses to not get vaccinated that is your business and not mine, but for some in certain situations it becomes everyone's business..
  5. That's not true, if so they would of just kept Tom Brady. Bill was ready for Tom Brady move on. A poster said it earlier. How the pats approach their offense since Brady was there is the same way they intend to run their offense going forward (once Cam is done). Brady was a especial intangible but BB thinks it's his system as long as he has the right players to execute it.
  6. You do realize any team can win by that much in the NFL. Not every score has to come from the offense... And again it's preseason, nothing anyone is seeing from any team is going to tell you much.
  7. As oppose to everyone talking him down at every little thing he does wrong? What is it going to be something goes wrong we call him a bust and say the team is not gonna be good or something is going good then "it's only preseason"? People here gotta make up their minds because last week game threads I sure didn't see many talking about "oh it's only preseason" just alot over reactions. And the only thing I said was he did fine against the Eagles numbers in practice..like that's not even close to overdoing it.
  8. No rookie has, and every rookie before this class had to do it too. It's kind of the obvious that everyone knows especially their coaching staffs.
  9. He went against the Eagles 1s in practice all week n did just the same. He is going to be fine. BB knows how to pace him as a rookie.
  10. No, I am not directing my post to you. I was reading the whole thread and it's a small group of bills fans that are overreacting to everything.
  11. I see the same record too, but how on earth is anyone gathering what a teams season is going to be from the first actual live hitting preseason game is beyond me... Teams aren't even putting in their actual offensive n defensive schemes. Just (not saying you) Just overreacting to everything immediately.
  12. Say the poster whose fanbase creates NE patriots threads keeping them "relevant" good job.
  13. NE QB situation leaves a lot to be desired.....i have already stated that is my opinion plenty of times in this thread and in others. So i am not sitting here "fighting"/debating with bills fans about NE QB situations because again it's nothing to "write home" about, but unlike most fans here. I don't think the patriots are gonna be doomed if and when Mac Jones starts as the QB either. so in his case i was not debating with him about their QBs.
  14. You are right, QB is the most important position and its what pushes a lot of the talk shows here in NE. You have my opinion on the matter and PatsfanNH thoughts as well. For us overall there is nothing else that needs to be said until the season starts. I can only speak for me and not him, my view is not gonna be the "sky is fallen" because i watched them win multiple SBs already, I am satisfied as a fan. And to answer your question, they will be boo'd, BB will be boo'd-the radio shows will increase the "Mac Jones should be the starter" talks. Fans will call in and say " what is BB thinking", "Kraft has to step in and force BB hands". Some will say they should of never let Brady go..."BBs ego is ruining the team...blah blah". Tom coming and winning, I do not think will mean much honestly. I think most NE fans expect the Bucs to win that game, some are even saying in a blow out. But overall if the team is not performing well and Cam is sucking their will be "mutiny" from a lot of the pats fan base. Most just want Mac Jones to start now and just take his lumps at a rookie
  15. Who stopped talking about QBs in here? Nobody. But let's not act like other stuff pertaining to NE isn't being discuss in here as well. Like some of you all kill me. Like we gotta act sky is fallen for some of you.
  16. Ok that is not speaking of his football abilities, but again he is not "craping the bed" and there are players having confidents in him. I am not stating he will become the next great QB, but he aint crapping the bed either. and that is a bunch of b.s. because i am not acting like the sky is fallen in NE. and I challenge some bills fans on their point. Nah untrue. I can stand correct on my post, but I am not over here selling a pipe dream. I am pretty reasonable about NE.
  17. Well the "debate" is not just within fans in NE, its within the media as well who are at the camps and are reporting back. I do agree fans are fickle and even some members in the media can be fickled, but reports are it's a legitimate debate to have. Overall my point is Jones is not "craping the bed" as some fans of this form are expecting and so hard for it to be. also glad you do travel to other football forums because some here think the notion is unheard of. And since you are "trying to keep your ear to the ground" as far as this QB situation is concerned for the pats you should listen to their local radio stations. They have these analyst who are there and are viewing them in action coming on the sports shows and discussing Jones/Cam..how the team is doing etc.
  18. You were suggesting that the talk of his accuracy is what I or some fans think that is all he needs to be a QB in the NFL and i am saying No that was not what I am implying and nobody was suggesting that. And the Stidham comment, is me saying he is more accurate than Cam and never started for the pats because all the intangibles he needs or the coaches wanna see for a QB he doesn't have. Also implying everyone knows there is more to the position than just your skillset. No he was not answering a question on jones specifically. Similar to Emmanuel Sanders making a statement about Josh Allen making a play that he never seen any QB do, Smith was making a statement indicating that Jones was more impressive than he even thought he would be.
  19. Their are reports that players are swaying more to wanting Jones to start over Cam, Jonnua Smith has come out to say he has been really impressed with Jones. The debate here in NE is Jones should start over Cam. Jones has to be doing something if all this exist, and i am pretty sure no one is saying that just because he is "more accurate" I think we all know there is more to QBing than just that. Hence why Stidham has never started.
  20. Stidham I think is done in NE. He needs like shoulder surgery or something like that so they put him on PUP and brought in another QB. I think BB is just done with Stidham and never showed any reason to ever think about starting him as a QB in NE.
  21. Since you want to label NE fans.. point to me where I have debated the QBs? You won't find it, but what you would find when it pertains to you, is the "debate" on how bad the team expected to be or how important the coach really was, and your responses usually showed you aren't equip to handle the back n forth.
  22. Although to everyone in NE(and outside of NE) with eyes. BB has made it clear that Newton is the starter. So for now, I see it being Newton until later in the season. i think BB really would rather "red shirt" Jones until next year, in general. But i think to others Newton can't pull away from the comp(and is done) because the rookie has looked better a few times.
  23. ha ha i think its funny how you continue to show, you are incapable of debating with posters who opinions differ from yours. Thanks for the laughs.
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