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Posts posted by Virgil

  1. Does anyone find it hard to believe that fans who have no interest in the offseason, log into TBD during the offseason? Some of you who spout your negativity and threaten to stop being a fan, are here on a daily basis. :rolleyes: I understand everyone's distain for the coaching, and realize that he has a losing record. Get over it! The owner and coach are staying the same, and no amount of whining is going to change it. DJ has more than his share of bad playcalling but the team did do some nice things throughout the year. As far as you clowns who are already making predictions for the upcoming season, take that garbage somewhere else. It's blatant self -pity and embarassing. Buffalo has a NFL team and many larger markets don't, so start there if you need something to be proud of. Some of you act like we are the Pittsburgh Pirates and have no shot before the season starts. I know the record of the team over the past ten years and obviously it's poor. The bills have been in the playoff hunt a few times over that span and weren't quite the doormat some believe. Everyone's entitled to have an opinion but some don't know when to quit crying. The ones who do nothing but bash the team now will be the ones who mourn the loudest when they are gone. Go have your Bill's memorial somewhere else or let's talk football.


    oh please have pity on us pathetic fans who wish to be better and are still smarting from the way this past season was handled oh merciful one

  2. I totally agree. I do not think Jauron is a great coach by any stretch, but our QB play has been mediocre to poor for years. Are the Cardinals and Steelers in the Super Bowl because of their great coaching? NOT AT ALL!!! They have gotten at least very good quarterbacking from Warner and Big Ben, if not great quarterbacking a lot of the time. Both guys are leaders, play with confidence and win games. They also have a lot of very good receivers around them to throw to. Hopefully, the talent level on our team at all positions other than RB will improve substantially. That is the only way we will compete in our division and in our conference for that matter.


    Edwards needs to step up bigtime. He needs to start acting like a leader, stop missing so many games with injuries, and start throwing darts all over the field like an NFL Quarterback should do. A little bit of swagger out of Mr. Stanford would not hurt either. Jay Cutler is no better throwing the ball than TE, but he has that swagger that says I am "The Man". Trent needs that in a hurry.


    But isn't this the same old crap we have to spoon feed ourselves every year to keep us going next year? I mean no disrespect with this, but every team is one or two plays away from a playoff record usually. Yet Buffalo consistently doesn't make those plays. As for Trent, he's proven more that he's injury prone than anything else. And the fact that even RW and DJ are starting to believe that they need to do the exact same thing and hope the coin falls a different way is upsetting. Isn't the the definition of insanity?

  3. I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but I just cannot get into all of these conversations about who we should draft. I didn't even care to watch the Senior Bowl. And usually at this time, I'm already planning what couch cushion i'll be planted on during Draft Day. In previous years, it was so obvious what position we needed and I always thought that, if we got them, that we could be a contender next year. Then, I'd either be really stoked or really pissed. Last year, I was stoked.


    However, I still don't think that there is any one position that is really going to make a difference. There are logical choices of what the Bills should do, but after the retention of DJ, I just have absolutely no faith in the Bills Front Office. Many of you say draft a DE, but I just don't see it happening considering the amount of money already being spent at that position, unless someone gets cut.


    Others are talking about a DT, some Raji guy, but is that really a need? Stroud got double teamed all last year and just did a great job. I mean, what's better than 1 beast at DT, is 2 Beasts at DT, but still


    Lastly, the TE that most people are talking about from Oklahoma. Has anyone read the line on this guy? He is a headcase with no speed. He's just a great blocker with good hands. Hello, we've had that for years. We need someone who can get downfield and open up the middle of the field.


    The linebackers from USC? Sure I guess. We definitely need another playmaker on D.


    I don't know. Maybe Free Agency will change my mind. But I just still think that anyone we bring in will be turned into a cupcake by our coaching staff. They be more happy to be loved by their coach than upset at a losing 7-9 season.

  4. you are totally brain dead regarding schobel. did you not notice that our front seven tanked when he went down. what we better pray is that we have a healthy schobel next year.


    great logic we need pass rush help so we get rid of our best pro bowl DE give me a freaking break.


    by the way the crop of DE's coming out this year are nothing to get excited about,dont believe me just ask Pat Kirwin.


    what an idiotic statement get rid of our best defensive lineman.


    Show me anything that proves Shobel is the difference maker the team makes him out to be. The man is the king of coverage sacks and that's about it. I have nothing against the guy, but he is not worthy of the hype, nor pro-bowl status he gets.

  5. I admit, i'm not a big Kelsay fan. The man gets paid a ton of money and has never really done anything. He is a back-up at best and generates no pass rush. However, I have to wonder, does he, if not others get cut this off-season.


    Everything you hear from our staff, including Kelsay himself, is how one of our biggest offseason needs is to generate a pass-rush. Sure, Shobel was out for a while, but what about the rest of our 4 starters on the O-Line? In Strouds defense, that man got double teamed on every single play. Even with that happening and our other D-Linemen getting obviously matched up man to man, still no pass rush. And honestly, we didn't really have a pass rush with Shobel in there.


    We made a play for the Canadian guy, the team said we need a better pass rush, many people have us drafting a DE, and it's one of our highest paid positions on the team. With that being the case, doesn't that basically say that our guys aren't doing their job?


    End result? Do we really plan to pay Kelsay, if not possibly Schobel this much money to be a back-up? Cause in all fairness, if we lost both of them, would we really notice a drop off? I mean, how many less sacks could we get without them. Our leading players with sacks was 4?!!?


    Tear it down, throw it out, start again.

  6. As people talk more and more about the draft and all the historic busts and the opposite awesomeness of what Joe Flacco and Matt Ryan have done, I had a quick thought. Does anyone know what the success rate of QB's, or any position for that matter, who started for more than 2 seasons in college vs. those who don't. It seems to me that this would make complete sense, but not mentioned much. Maybe because it makes no difference.


    I also think about this as people are talking about all the stats of Tebow and Bradford, yet they play in a college system that wouldn't work in the NFL. Maybe this is why people like Flacco work out, because they play in a NFL style offense in college, and started for 2 or more years. Common sense?


    On a side note, I am beginning to like what Mike Ditka did for Ricky Williams all those years back. I don't like it for the player, but the idea is not bad. Think about it, if you could trade our entire last draft and the first round pick in this year's draft for a rookie Peyton Manning, wouldn't you do it. People talk about the value of draft picks, especially first rounders, but after 2 years, who cares when people were taken. I'm just saying, I doubt you would find many, if any, entire teams draft class who you wouldn't trade for someone who could become the face of your franchise.


    Oh yeah, and let's get that WR our of Florida who isn't really a halfback or wide receiver. A nice combination of Reggie Bush and Roscoe Parrish. Someone who has great talent, but can't contribute solidly to any one single position.


    Sorry, that was like three things, but it's been a while

  7. BTW, here's the only list of free-agent QB's I could find. I don't know how accurate it is.



    Pos Player Name FA Status Previous Team Current Team


    QB Charlie Batch UFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

    QB Brock Berlin RFA St. Louis Rams Free Agent

    QB Kyle Boller UFA Baltimore Ravens Free Agent

    QB Brooks Bollinger UFA Dallas Cowboys Free Agent

    QB Todd Bouman UFA Baltimore Ravens Free Agent

    QB David Carr UFA New York Giants Free Agent

    QB Matt Cassel UFA New England Patriots Free Agent (Will be Franchised)

    QB Kerry Collins UFA Tennessee Titans Free Agent

    QB Bruce Eugene RFA Tampa Bay Buccaneers Free Agent

    QB Ryan Fitzpatrick UFA Cincinnati Bengals Free Agent

    QB Charlie Frye UFA Seattle Seahawks Free Agent

    QB Jeff Garcia UFA Tampa Bay Buccaneers Free Agent (Expected to be Re-Signed)

    QB Rex Grossman UFA Chicago Bears Free Agent

    QB Joey Harrington UFA New Orleans Saints Free Agent

    QB Drew Henson RFA Detroit Lions Free Agent

    QB Byron Leftwich UFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

    QB J.P. Losman UFA Buffalo Bills Free Agent (Absolutely No Way)

    QB Jamie Martin UFA San Francisco 49ers Free Agent

    QB Luke McCown UFA Tampa Bay Buccaneers Free Agent

    QB J.T. O'Sullivan UFA San Francisco 49ers Free Agent

    QB Dan Orlovsky UFA Detroit Lions Free Agent

    QB Patrick Ramsey UFA Denver Broncos Free Agent

    QB Chris Simms UFA Tennessee Titans Free Agent

    QB Brian St. Pierre UFA Arizona Cardinals Free Agent

    QB Marques Tuiasosopo UFA Oakland Raiders Free Agent

    QB Kurt Warner UFA Arizona Cardinals Free Agent (Expected to be Re-Signed)

    QB Anthony Wright UFA New York Giants Free Agent


    There really isn't anyone on that list I would want. That's why I see what it would take to get McNabb or draft a QB high. Based off our the last two season's, whoever is ourback is going to start a quarter of the season and needs to be someone we can count on.

  8. It's been almost a week and I'm still crushed by Ralph's decision to keep DJ and his whole staff. I hear what's he saying about his reasoning, but completely disagree. And while the masses should never be allowed to dictate reason, I can't help but get more upset by the fact that I have not read a single article, or seen a single sportscast, that agrees with what Ralph did. I mean, NOT A SINGLE THING! Anyways, what's done is done. So, I was thinking about what could happen in the offseason for Ralph to prove me and everyone else wrong.


    I saw the list of Free Agents and the amount of money we have, and must say, while I know that Ralph will not do any of the following things, I can put off hating him for a litttle while thinking about the possibilities.


    There are stud o-linemen out there in free-agency. Actually, there are 4 of the 5 starting linemen positions out there who have been to the Pro-Bowl atleast once in the past 3 years. Along with that, Suggs is available as well as Peppers and possibly Hainsworth. So, Ralph, you want to prove to me that you are committed to winning and that the retention of DJ wasn't just out of cheapness, open the wallet. This is one of the better offseason's we've seen in a while for positions we need upgrades at.


    In Summary, this is how you shut me, and hopefully some of you all, up.


    QB - Draft one in round 3-5 that can either be the future is Trent proves to breakable or be a great back-up


    RB - Re-Sign Jackson, and leave everything else alone


    FB - Lorenzo Neal is available. If you plan on using a FB, there you go.


    WR - I'm personally okay here. I think Johnson deserves more looks, but I blame the system and QB play more here


    TE - There are two solid Free Agents out there, two Pro-Bowlers requesting Trades, and a few good rookies out there. Pick one, keep Derek Fine, and kick Robert Royal's ass out of here


    O-Line - Open up the wallet and introduce yourself to the Free Agency Market. Re-Sign Jason Peters. Just suck it up. I don't care if he made the Pro-Bowl on reputation and came off like a whiny girl, he's still the best option available.


    DL - Keep Stroud as he got double-teamed all year and still held his own. Cut Kelsay, he is overpaid and just plain pisses me off. Depending on the cap hit, you could cut Schobel too. I'm sorry, but i've just never seen it. All his sacks are coverage sacks. Go get Peppers, other Free Agents, or Draft someone. If you get Haynesworth, although I doubt he'll even be available, I will personally write you an apology letter. Seriously, Stroud and Haynesworth. I would love to see DJ mess that up (which I do believe he can).


    LB - Depending on what Crowell wants money wise, I'd consider it. Once again, in the honor of forgive and forget, the man helped us out a lot and is an upgrade. Sign Suggs. I don't care how, just find a way. In either case, still draft another LB in April.


    DB - I'm good here.


    S - I could see this being our first pick depending on quality. I would love to see a ball-hawk Free safety that will allow us to let Donte roam around.


    K/P - Lindell was perfect for a while there. I still have faith regardless of the misses. Who else you gonna get?


    End result, it's rare that all the holes you have are available to be filled with the appropriate Free Agents. The only thing they need is the money, which we have. So Poney Up Ralph.


    Also, I would love to see us go 3-4 on D. I know it won't happen, but I think it needs to be done. The Tampa 2 "contain" style blows.


    Lastly, you know what the scary thing is. When I see so many of our "cast-offs" starting on teams and being part of dominant schemes, I wonder if we realy are just a team with horrible schemes that kill souls. Seriously, who would have thought that Bannan and Leonard would start on a team like the Ravens who are second in the league in D?

  9. I've been working my way through our team, position by position, to see where the big opportunities are. At this point with the Bills, I'm just hoping to put a good core group together and wait for new ownership to do something with them.


    In any case, in regards to our QB situation, I believe us to have 2 major issues. Durability and Consistency. If we find that Trent can play the way he did the first 4 weeks and against the Chargers on a regular basis, and the other games were due to the concussion, then I think we are good at QB for a long, long time. However, with the jury being still out on that one, we still need to see another full season of Trent to know.


    For durability, let's face it, the man hasn't finished a full season in a long time and, no matter how great he may end up being, you need to be able to rely on the guy playing the majority, if not all the season. I'm not saying he can't ever get hurt, but we can't go into the season expecting him to miss atleast 4 games.


    With this being said, I think we have one of three options:


    1) Bring in a journeyman qb as a backup. This gives Trent 1 year to prove himself capable of being both consistent and durable. If neither, we have someone who can come in and atleast not lose any games for us.


    Possible Outcomes: Either Trent proves he is our guy and that's that. Or we have to start from scratch at QB and Trent is our back-up


    2) Draft QB fairly high in this years draft. This would be the same thing we did with JP. This gives Trent time to prove his consistency and durability, while letting the rookie learn from the sidelines as the Bills take the overall chance that most teams take with a rookie qb.


    Possible Outcomes: a) Trent proves his worth and we have a back-up who continues to learn our system. b) Trent goes down and the rookie qb proves just as ineffective. c) we find our Tom Brady (minus the part about him that makes me want to kick him in the balls)


    3) Get an established QB in the offseason. If we can get someone who we know is more of an upgrade now via Trade or Free Agency and relinquish Trent to back-up status, do we do it?


    Possible Outcomes: Abandoning the Trent Experiment and the team goes entirely in new direction


    Overall, I don't think there is a QB out there we could get that would be a major improvement. Personally, and I know it's been discussed with much disagreement, I would love to see us get McNabb and let Trent be the back-up until McNabb retires.


    While Trent scared me with his play in our slide, I mean the man just looked lost, I am more concerned about his durability. I like the kid, but I wonder if we've seen his peak performance. In any case, there is no one that can be 100% sold that Trent is the answer.


    I think the best option is to draft a QB in rounds 3-5 and hope for the best. The college system has proved to mimic the style of the NFL more recently and we've seen rookie QB's adapt much quicker in recent years.

  10. You totally beat me to the punch on posting this. However, I was going to name my thread "I want to punch Kelsay in the face."


    I am totally sick of this guy. He is the most overpaid man on the team. The man has no pass rush, get's paid like a pro-bowler, and get's single teamed all the time. Cut his ass.


    Yeah, I bet he loves DJ, cause any other coach would bench him

  11. You are correct. The last 2 off-seasons there was hope and excitement. I don't see how they can repeat that this year.


    And that's the other thing. If we start next season 4-0 or 5-1, no one will enjoy it. I can see myself being pessimistic as all hell next year unless they actually lock down a playoff berth. They set the bar so high for what good could look like, and then made us lose faith in that.


    The only thing to bring a smile to my face to start the season would be opening in Foxboro and walking out with a win. That would atleast make me smile for a little while before DJ blew it all up

  12. First off, don't give me this crap about being a true Bills fan. I will still watch the games next year. However, will I care about going to any of them, no. Will I watch the NFL draft with as much anticipation as last year, no. Will I even make sure i'm off every sunday or die trying, no.


    I am still a Bills fan and am just going to wait until the team changes ownership or DJ is gone. I don't think there is a single FA or Draft move that could be made to make me excited about this next season. No matter who they bring it, the Bills just drain them of their ability to play aggressive, confidently, or with heart.


    Honestly, I'm curious to know what could change to get you optimistic about next year's team.

  13. I haven't put a ton of thought into this, but what about signing Kurt Warner if he becomes available in Free Agency. I think Trent could still use some time, but there would atleast be no debate as to who the long term guy is.


    My only concern would be how he handles the cold weather. Overall, I would be okay with this.

  14. It doesn't help that Bills fans also shy away from that game because they want to protest the games played there. If you want to make sure the place is full of Bills fans, buy the tickets and fill the place with Bills fans, you can't just sit back and hope that others do it for you cause you are against them playing games there. What do you expect the people of Toronto to do when Bills fans just complain about them that they are just trying to take the team away? (and Virgil1528, I am not directing this towards you, I am directing ti towards anyone who has a problem with the games being played there, and then complaining cause the place isn't filled with bills fans)


    As for the TO game, theres no way to know until the dates of the games are released. It will have to be a team that will attract a crowd, it can't be a garbage game, Toronto is paying good money for more then garbage games. The agreement said that the games need to be played after the grey Cup at the end of November, so the choice will be between only a few games at the end of November/December


    How dare you direct this at me!!! I am outraged :lol:

  15. You missed a dirty spot on my floor, you'll have to come back to take care of it.


    you've completly changed my mind now. You are right. We should all feel blessed to have you waste your time with us lower class, common folk.


    All bow down to the man who won the Punt, Pass, and Catch at the age of 40 to get his picture taken with someone on the field.

  16. I think that if you've ever seen him in person, at either a game or training camp, you can see that age is affecting the man. I doubt he's senile I believe that would make him incapable of doing much of anything, let alone what he does do.


    Personally, I think he is set in his ways and doesn't really know how much time he has left. While I respect what he's done and gave us, it's hard not to resent him a little for not letting go now and atleast having some say as to where the franchise will be once he's gone, rather than leaving it up in the air.


    On a side note, a part of me believes that there is already a deal in place to turn the team over the Jim Kelly and his group, but he just doesn't want anything announced until he is gone. That way, there is nothing to overshadow his ownership.

  17. You just seem really agitated he posted the official gameday thread so early. Like he beat you to the punch or something. That's all. I don't believe anything on a message board.


    Honestly, it's not that. I could really care less who starts it. But there are just little traditions, or consistencies if you will, on this board that we have all gotten used to. I think it's BillfromNYC who normally does it, not sure. In any case, recently this guy just seems to be trying to spam this board with his posts, regardless of accuracy or merit. That's what bugs me, nothing more.

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