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Posts posted by Virgil

  1. While it won't happen, I would have to agree. Maybe not on Wells, but on Lynch. Runningbacks are becoming more a dime a dozen these days. Fred Jackson could easily start for us, with us drafting someone in the later rounds.

  2. Sign Coles, don't sign Coles. Leonhard sucks, I can't believe the Jets signed Leonhard and we didn't. Extend Peters, or don't. Jauron needs to go, he deserves another year. Trent is our savior, Trent is just as bad as JP. Sign a backup QB, oh no - we signed Fitzpatrick. Bills better get moving and sign some FAs, I can't believe the bums we're signing.


    I am baffled - the overall tone of TSW these days seems to be, no matter what the Bills front office does, basically we are destined to still suck.


    True or False?


    No, there were plenty of things that could have been done the minute the season ended. But, they made the uphill climb even harder the minute Ralph decided to stick with the same Front Office and HC. And now, as the Bills appear to be holding on to their 30 million dollars to buy up every dvd season copy of Matlock, it just gets worse.


    I mean, if you can honestly tell me that you see us signficantly better with more great things still to come, then I wish I could have whatever you're having.

  3. Tim,


    Like everyone else has said, thank you for doing this.


    My question is, Ralph has gone on record saying that he knows the product on the field needs to improve for the fans to keep supporting the team. After today, the majority of the high-priced Free Agents have signed and we still have almost all of our 30 million of the cap left. I know that the team wants to extend Peters, but that isn't an upgrade over what we already have. Is there some plan in place that we don't know about, because it's starting to look like there isn't much left to create an inspiration product on the field.

  4. Florence Replaces Greer = Loss of Talent

    Nobody to replace Dockery = Loss of Talent

    Fitzpatrick replaces Losman = Equal

    Hangartner replaces Fowler+Preston = Equal

    Nobody replaces Royal = Loss of Talent

    Nobody to replace Lynch who will be suspended for one to five games. If he is drug tested he will most likely come up positive for marijuana which equals an automative four game suspension along with his gun issues.

    nobody to replace Hardy who will basically be rehabbing all of next year.


    So far we have less talent than last year.


    We have downgraded our talent level on a team that needs to improve drastically on talent level. At this point in time, we have more needs than we did after last year. What the hell is this front office doing?


    We have no replacement at Guard or TE, we need to improve WR, C, DE, DT, LB and we may be out a RB for several weeks. There are not enough quality FA left to truly improve this team going into the draft. Our track record with draft picks is they don't make a true contribution until their second or third year unless they bust before.


    The only silver lining is if we suck again, we get rid of Jauron and perhaps we can get Cowher as coach next year. But I won't hold my breath.


    I'm sorry, but this makes us instant Superbowl Contenders

  5. This a list of wide receivers drafted BEFORE Laveranues Coles in the 2000 NFL Draft:

    1. Peter Warrick (CIN)
    2. Plaxico Burress (PIT)
    3. Travis Taylor (BAL)

    4. Sylvester Morris (KC)
    5. R. Jay Soward (JAX)
    6. Dennis Northcutt (CLE)
    7. Todd Pinkston (PHI)
    8. Jerry Porter (OAK)
    9. Ron Dugan (CIN)
    10. Dez White (CHI)
    11. Chris Cole (DEN)
    12. Ron Dixon (NYG)


    Besides Coles, only one other receiver drafted that year has yet to make it to the Pro Bowl: Dante Hall! :thumbsup:


    I thought it was a nice tidbit given the orgy of draft coverage we're in for over the next two months and how completely irrelevant it all proves to be!


    Go Bills!


    I really felt bad for that kid. He had all kinds of potential. He had some great games and, if he could have stayed healthy, you'd be referring to him in the same sentences as Moss, Fitzgerald, and Steve Smith.

  6. "This will throw a wrench into San Diego's Antonio Cromartie trade plan. Florence was a huge bust in Jacksonville last year, losing his starting job to Brian Williams. The Bills, if they're smart, will not be starting Florence."


    This is from Rotoworld. Good to see we went with a guy who shouldn't start over Greer just to save a few bucks.

  7. Here's what needs to happen:


    Free Agency/offseason moves


    1. Coles is signed and can produce his 2008 numbers.

    2. We sign or trade for a competent LG that is at least a marginal upgrade over Douchebag Dockery.

    3. Peters is extended and gets his fat, lazy ass to OTAs and camp




    1. we draft an impact pass rusher(s) at DE, preferably not a white, high-motor guy.

    2. We draft a solid receiving threat at TE. He is ready to play on day one.

    3. We draft a LB that's an upgrade over Ellison




    1. Trent takes another step. Plays at least 14 games.

    2. ML's suspension is short and/or Fred Jackson can carry the load while he's out. Jackson plays like the end of last year.

    3. Evans becomes a 10-15 TD guy with Coles in the lineup.

    4. Josh Reed stays healthy.

    5. Peters returns to 2007 form and stays healthy. Butler stays healthy.

    6. Schobel returns healthy, gets double-digit sacks with help on the other side.

    7. Whitner is embarrassed by his 08 performance and takes a step forward.

    8. Youboty picks up where he left off and contributes to nickel blitz again.

    9. Leodis takes a step forward at CB.

    10. Poz disrupts the backfield more.

    11. Stroud stays healthy

    12. Trent/Evans or ML steal a couple games with big performances to offset coaching blunders.




    1. Dick really does improve game management.

    2. Dick gets team ready to play in the 1st quarter. Not the second half.

    3. Dick ends infatuation with deferring and gets the offense on the field first.

    4. Kugler gets his head out of his a** and gets these guys physical. Or else fans throw him in Erie canal and float him back to Lockport and we beg Mouse to come back for a season.

    5. Turk remains committed to the run like the last 3 games. Only asks Trent to make 2-3 big plays in the passing game a game.

    6. Bobby April doesn't get run over by bus (or by Marshawn)




    1. Some opponents not as strong as they appear. God knows we won't outcoach them.

    2. Pats D fails them, we steal a game. Because there's no way Golden Boy and Moss don't come back strong.

    3. Jets don't get an answer at QB.

    4. Miami takes a step back. Especially Pennington.

    5. 10 games gets a wild card, not 11+


    We hit 80% of these, we got a shot at the wild card. IMHO, of course.


    This is, by far, the best plan I've heard out of anyone.


    I'm still not sold on Coles and I don't know if there is an impact TE in the draft. However, I think Fine can be that guy. But still, overall I like it.

  8. We can't changed what's already happened. It's done. We know that a good majority of the fans out there are unhappy with our coaching situation, how the season ended, and what how our current offseason is going.


    Now, Ralph know's that he has to have the confidence of the fans to sell tickets next year and, due to last years collapse, the normal optimism really isn't going to cut it. When you blow a 5-1 lead, you really have to do something to earn the faith of your fanbase.


    So, the question is, what would the Bills have to do going forward to make you believe in their ability to contend next season? I'm not asking what it would take for you to support the team. (I'm not opening that one). I'm asking what would it take in the offseason, and maybe even into the season to make you believe the Bills will have a shot at the playoffs.


    Right now, I believe that a team lives and dies by their QB, unless you have an amazing D like the Ravens and Titans last year. Case and point, look at the games when Trent played scared and JP played....well whenever JP played. I don't know which Trent Edwards is going to show up next year and Fitzpatrick, I believe, would have to compete to be a back-up on most other teams. I would love to see the team trade for Cutler, even if it's a first because I don't think that there is a player out there at 11 who would bring a better value to us. But, I don't see this happening. (While in the realm of not happening, I would also trade for Owen Daniels from the Texans. Once again, I don't really see anyone outside the top 5 bringing more value to the team than this guy.)


    What do I really think they can do, nothing. There isn't enough talent in this year's draft to make that much of a difference and while I believe that many of the Free Agents so far have gotten overpaid, that was what needed to be done to bring talnet to the team, and it's money we had. Plus, Brady being back puts the Pats back on top and there is rumor of Peppers going there which...well, you know. The Jets appear to be building a solid D, but their offense is still a mystery and who knows if the Phins can repeat last years success. No matter what, the Pats still have us beat and the Jet's pry do too.


    Unfortunately, due to how the team collapsed last year, the normal pre-season marketing of having a great group of young guys with great potential isn't going to cut it. I don't say this out of spite, because there is nothing more that I want than to see this team succeed. Unfortunately, I just see us slipping more and more down the ranks of respectability with the Lions.


    And for all the fans out there saying, "it's only been a few days, calm down", please let us know what it is that has you excited about next season, or what you are hoping to see happen. I'm hoping it's not just blind faith.

  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the games that JP didn't start and Trent didn't look like a deer in headlights, we had no problems passing the ball. In fact, if the running game could have done anything, then we would have won some of those games by even more of a margin. In any case, it definitely seemed like we had the guys who could get open and make some catches, even Steve Johnson showed some flashed here and there. But the QB situation really never gave them a chance when they Trent/JP weren't on their game.


    Personally, I like our WR's. Reed is great as safety blanket slot/3rd receiver. Which leaves either Roscoe or Johnson to run around in any 3 receiver sets. I just don't see this as a need.

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